Both Facebook and Twitter do have us in their sights – and our traffic has taken hits because of that as they have throttled us. No matter, I’ve always maintained that I don’t write for the hits (although I’m happy to see them). I write about what either amuses or concerns me.
“The Trump-Biden Heavyweight Fight Round 1 Is Finally Here.”
Well, one of them will be a heavyweight – the other will be suffering from sleeping in his basement these many months. Either way, I’ll be tweeting my way through the lambasting. Yeah, I don’t think Biden can keep up with Trump but that’s why the game is played – to find out.
Twitter Doodlings – Failure to Understand the “Live Free or Die” Ethos
I suppose I’ve now triggered her and she’ll start screaming “Harassment!” just like the sponsors of the now down in flames HB1159 (the “shut the ‘Grok down” bill). All because a loyal reader pointed me to a few of Gracie Gato’s tweets – and this one tells us where she’s at as far as NH is concerned.
“Now do Jeff Woodburn”
Bob Forsythe is a Republican NH State Rep that has a number of charges against him including domestic violence. For the last few days, the political establishment on both sides of the aisle has been calling for him to resign even as he was running for re-election. Yesterday, he did.
Tyranny Looms If We Do Not Respond
We should understand tyranny looms if we do not respond. Ms. Bari says editors live in fear of offending this orthodoxy. Writers are careful lest they ruin their careers. The Times plays it so safe in accepting op-eds Twitter has become the “ultimate editor.”
No, I refuse to pay money to Twitter if they go to a subscription model
It was bad enough that they put GraniteGrok into a year’s long Catch-22 Twitter Jail for whatever reason some SJW there thought. I couldn’t get a straight answer out of them at all.
Twitter Trolls, Hackers, and Snowflakes, Oh My!
Last week was exciting. Someone created a Twitter account to point out how pathetic ‘Grok’s Twitter engagement was. We were in jail for a year so it’s not great. Theirs was worse, which I pointed out, but they insisted on claiming that GraniteGrok had no reach so I shared this and ruined their day.
Trump Turns the Heat up on Twitter
Facebook, Twitter, and others have been hiding behind section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act. It protects them from liability based on the content others publish on their platforms that they have been “editing” by their deliberate actions to suppress it. Mr. Trump says that makes them a publisher.
Instead of Answering the Question Dartmouth Democrat Follows Andru Volinsky’s Lead
In a race for a seat he has almost no hope of losing (except if there is a primary), Dartmouth College Democrat Riley Gordon has followed Democrat Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky’s lead. He has blocked an opposing political voice on Twitter.
Should the ‘T’ in ANTIFA Stand for ‘Twitter”?
A quick tale for your AM consideration. ANTIFA. It’s been around for over 70 years, originally formed by Marxists, it continues to behave like them to this very day. And Twitter’s community standards need not apply to its antics.
Everything NH Needs to Know About Councilor Andru Volinsky In One “Tweet”
New Hampshire Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky wants to be governor of New Hampshire. If you had any doubts about his qualifications, he has done us the favor of showing you who he really is.
WashPo’s Andrew Feinberg Needs to Take Something for His Trump Derangement Syndrome
I’ve lost track of how many times the media has “owned” itself in their partisan obsession with trying to destroy President Trump. The easiest catalog to reference would be nearly everything they’ve said and done for three years. And they keep adding to it.
In Other Pandemic News: Stephen King’s Self-Inflicted Identity Politics Twitter Beat-Down
The Boomer’s king of horror, old white wealthy Stephen King, has been an annoying puke of a liberal for decades. Weighing in on matters of public interest from left-of-center; and that’s his right, especially when you say dumb things and Twitter makes you pay.
Twitter Search Reveals the Majority of “unbiased” Journalists are Further Left than Bernie Sanders
Some of you suspected. Most of you, at least among our regular readers, already knew. But we’ve got more confirmation. America’s so-called watch-dog media is a mass of partisan liberal swill.
Another Trump- Hating Leftist and Another Guillotine…
Twitter is a hot mess but then that’s the appeal. An endless rubberneckers multi-car pile-up of thoughts, ideas, articles, pictures, video, and quite often stupid. I recently started using it again after a few years away and the freak show hasn’t changed.
Man Allegedly Plows into Trump Voter Registration Tent
A 27 year old Florida Man has been arrested and charged for allegedly driving his van through a Trump volunteer voter registration tent. No one was injured in the event. Gregory “Timm was charged with aggravated assault, criminal mischief, and driving with a suspended license, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. He was jailed without … Read more
High School Teacher Celebrates Rush Limbaugh’s Impending Death
Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer. He’s got the resources for the best possible care but its advanced lung cancer. Liberals are predictably giddy. Teacher Travis Sarandos (Milwaukee High School of the Arts) let his “joy” spill over onto Twitter and that has not gone well for him.
Why Did Steve Duprey Scrub His Twitter …
So I saw this today on twitter: That’s not right, I thought … knowing that that Steve Duprey’s long-time twitter account has been @SecretaryofFun. So I checked out @SecretaryofFun: What I found is that every tweet, save one nonpolitical tweet from December, 2018 had been scrubbed! Then I checked out @SDupreyNH: As you can see, … Read more
Note to Elected NH Democrats Who Have Blocked People on Facebook and Twitter
This applies to any elected official, but most of the information I receive is about Democrats. Alderman, members of the Legislature, and any state or local official who has blocked someone on social media, I’m here to help you out. Unblock them before you get sued.