The Houthis Are Winning …

I am old enough to remember when … Jimmy Carter’s attempt to rescue the American hostages being held in Iran ended in abject failure, and added to the perception of an impotent President and weak, declining nation, and which helped elect Ronald Reagan.

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The World Refuses to End and Other Misc. Business

On the 2018 Summer Solstice, a climate witch predicted humanity’s doom if “we” did not stop using fossil fuels in the next five years. June 21st, 2024, has come and gone, and while we may still be doomed six years later, it is not because of fossil fuels. The people trying to force us off them are more likely to end us.

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Northern border crossing illegal trafficking - screen grab twitter

Mexican National Illegally Enters New Hampshire from Canada, Gets Arrested

According to a Homeland Security Investigations press release, two men were observed by Customs and Border Protection in Northern NH after illegally crossing into Pittsburg, New Hampshire, from Canada at the beginning of June 2024. One of those people was arrested by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) for child sexual abuse-related criminal allegations.

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