Lily Tang Williams

Candidates Night in the Lakes Region

Every election year, Norm Sibler invites folks and Republican candidates to his home to meet and speak. (By the way, the views from his home are spectacular.) And there was pretty much a full house, including both gubernatorial candidates and those running for local, state, and federal office.

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Joe Biden youtube pistol brace rule

A Coward and a Braggart Leads America

Mr. Biden is a braggart and a coward.  He brags about negotiating a ceasefire in the war in the Middle East.  He did no such thing.  Nobody talked seriously with him.  He says it only took him 11 days to stop the fighting between Israel and Hamas.  That they stopped fighting does not imply it was the result of his efforts.

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Mr. Toyoda’s “I Told You So”

The chairman of Toyota Motor Company is having an “I told you so” moment.  Mr. Akio Toyoda was gloating Wednesday, October 25,  in Japan at an automakers conference.  About a year ago, Mr. Toyoda warned the world’s governments and auto companies were rushing into the adoption of Electric Vehicles when doing so just wasn’t smart, … Read more

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

When Hamas terrorists attacked and killed thousands of Jewish citizens, our current President Biden eventually did the right thing and supported Israel while condemning Hamas. That good thing isn’t lasting very long, though, as now he wants to send $2 billion of taxpayer relief money to Gaza.

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Joe Biden front page NYT original Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

American’s Have Different Priorities Than Joe Biden

Mr. Biden speaking from the Oval Office, addressed the nation about the Wars in Israel and Ukraine. He spoke in lofty terms about America’s role in the world, saying in part, “… We’re facing an inflection point in history…” and told us he will spend our money taking on Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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China, Chinese Flag

The Communist China Party

Gordon G. Chang is the pre-eminent authority on the Communist China Party (CCP) in the world. Mr. Chang opines that the CCP is at WAR with the USA, currently economically but preparing for a tactical war. Let’s see why he thinks this:

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culture-war-culture-war-cultural-wars-concept-usa-heritage-divided-american-politics-as-different-philosophy-as-DreamsTime 189508406

Load 16 Tons and What Do You Get?

by Skip

If you’re a Middle-Class American who feels like life is getting harder. You are correct. Middle-class Americans are worse off today than they were 20 years ago. That is the finding of a new study.  What does this mean for the future of this country? We want to thank Marc Abear for this Op-Ed. If … Read more

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Response and Clarification to Chairman Ager About Our Closed Primary Resolution

First and foremost… there is A LOT of misinformation concerning this “closed primary” issue. The Resolution that passed by the membership at the NHGOP Annual Meeting on January 28, 2023 (Resolution #2, found on this page: has nothing to do with the 90-day deadline to change your party affiliation before voting in the 2024 Presidential … Read more

money cash hundred dollar bills original Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

How Much Is Too Much for Ukraine?

Funding for Ukraine is causing a lot of political drama – did you notice how I did not use the word “war”?  Some politicians want additional funding for Ukraine, some do not, and there is a report suggesting we might want to rethink foreign aid.

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Upsidedown GOP logo

The GOP Establishment Failed Again

The GOP lost another special election. It wasn’t just the candidate, it wasn’t Trump. It was the GOP establishment that lost the election. The Committee to Elect House Republicans (GOP in NH) created the candidate’s web page. The Issues section is so bland it could have been written about a Democrat.

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Entitled MA Driver Plate 187-D30 Skip

Cloud and Sun – Great and Calming. On the Other Hand: Entitled Massachusetts Driver. MA Plate 187-D30

by Skip

Yeah, not a fan at all. If you are in or familiar with the Lakes Region, this car was parked in the Shaw’s parking lot across from Lowe’s in Gilford/Laconia. I had driven over from Lowe’s to pick up a couple of items and found this selfish Flatlander believing they could inconvenience people with their Bright, New, Shiny Subaru Forester with Massachusetts plate 187-D30.

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What Is Congress Doing on the Budget?

When Congress comes back from recess, it will talk about money.  DC is going to take up funding the federal government before the October 1st deadline.  Let’s be clear: there is no spending fight that’s going to happen.  Both sides want as much spending as they think will play well on the campaign trail.

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