Red smoke red alert smoke flare

Red Town Voting Machine Breaks Down After Poll Opens

I’ve been collecting reports from folks who have ventured out early to vote. Belmont has already reported a machine down

Parents child home school homework

Warning to Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro and Ossipee voters

Voters should remember that Democrats voted overwhelmingly against parental rights this last legislative session. I’m not sure when our fundamental rights as parents became a partisan issue. Something happened that caused Democrats to stand squarely against parental rights. Democrats do not consider due process in this decision either. When it comes to your child going … Read more

Super Chooses Intimidation To Stop Parents From Wearing Wristbands to Support Biological Females on Sports Teams

I keep thinking that his missive below is just because of stupidity. Or it is purely ideological in nature, given his vociferous attempts on Policy JBAB to ensure suppression of the Free Speech of students and adults on school property concerning “preferred pronouns.” And that Staff can be forced by the School Board’s policy to … Read more

The Peter Principle Finally Claims Its Rightful Victim …Steve Tucker

The Peter Principle: …is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to “a level of respective incompetence” And it will claim who it will. Yes, I’m late with this news (I keep TRYING to come back…sigh). It happened at the end of last month: Laconia superintendent steps down Steve … Read more

football hasmarks sideline

Family Football Fun at Frog Rock

Much of the fun of watching NFL games involves more than just viewing terrific action. Venues and fan interactions are parts of the total gridiron experience—whether one watches the Patriots play at Gillette Stadium or on a big screen at the Frog Rock Tavern in Meredith. I’ve been to Gillette, and it can be exhilaratingly … Read more

Lionheart Receives $5 Million Endowment!

Dear Lionheart Community, The Board of Trustees is thrilled to announce that Lionheart Classical Academy Chartered Public School has been gifted a $5,000,000 endowment from a generous donor. With great joy, the Board voted to accept it at last night’s meeting. This is yet another testament to the incredible support the school continues to receive from people … Read more

Kearsage school district trans flag

Kearsarge School District is Breaking the Law

At the August 29th Kearsarge School District meeting, the school board members voted 6-1 to allow a junior boy to play on the Girl’s Soccer team.  This reversed their decision from two weeks prior to follow the new NH state law HB 1205 that prohibits biological boys from playing on a girl only team from … Read more

NH State Rep Travis O'Hara GraniteGrok

Mike Bordes Pimps Travis O’Hara’s “Attendance” as Reason to Vote for Him?

Neither Mike Bordes nor Travis O’Hara should be allowed to go back to Concord, and while they’d be better than most Democrats, you’d actually have to show up for that to work, which makes this rather amusing. Bordes wrote an Op-Ed for the Laconia Daily Sun, pimping O’Hara as prepared and present for County Delegation … Read more

Pittsfield Post Rejects Climate Rebuttle

By Kathy Holmes – Editor’s note: Kathy paid to place the following as a full-page paid ad/editorial in the Pittsfield Post. The paper refused and refunded her money. Her response to the paper’s refusal can be read below. Response to Rejection I’m sorry to hear that. It presents a serious problem in that Donna Keely … Read more

Mike Moffett

Response to The Hit-Piece On Me …

Folks who know me understand that when I get poked, I often poke back. Probably a Marine thing. So, when The Grok published a sad screed by a Granite State bomb thrower, I considered whether to respond. Friends advised against it. “Just ignore it.” The thing is that the truth is important, and I don’t … Read more

Mike Moffett

I Am Running again for NH State Representative.

Greetings from Loudon! I am indeed running again for NH State Representative. Here’s a BLOG link to a brief bio. I love being at the State House and am very proud of my work there. In my very purple district, re-election is a challenge. I’m 3-3 in House races, and while .500 is a great baseball batting average, … Read more

Mike Bordes

The Spec Bowers Rino Report -Mike Bordes

In his four years, Bordes has gone from poor to bad to terrible. In the last two years, he has been ranked second or third worst among Republicans. In 2023, Mike Bordes had the second-worst score of all 200 Republicans. He voted 37 times with Democrats against a supermajority of Republicans, in most cases 95%. … Read more

Dawn Johnson for State Rep

Running for NH State Representative from Laconia

My name is Dawn Johnson, and I am running to be your next NH House Republican State Representative. I am running to keep NH the Live-Free state. I will work for you, the Citizens of Laconia and NH.   I believe we need to live by God’s values. Our country was founded on these values: … Read more

Lily Tang Williams

Candidates Night in the Lakes Region

Every election year, Norm Sibler invites folks and Republican candidates to his home to meet and speak. (By the way, the views from his home are spectacular.) And there was pretty much a full house, including both gubernatorial candidates and those running for local, state, and federal office.

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Teacher’s Taking Students to Get an Abortion Day and Other Parental Rights Issues

Many Granite Staters have seen the recent report in the New Hampshire Journal regarding the investigation done by the Department of Education of the New Hampshire school teacher who took a student to have an abortion.

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Dr. Aida Cerundolo: Governor Can Protect Children by Signing HB 619

THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY once supported treating patients suffering from mental illness by hammering a sharp instrument through the eye socket into the brain’s prefrontal cortex. The inventor of this crude surgery even received a Nobel Prize.

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Trump mug shot

TDS Variants

For the last nine years, we have witnessed the evolution of the social pathology known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. Numerous memes have circulated on the web featuring TDS victims in various stages of the ailment, from the motor and verbal tics, more commonly associated with Tourette syndrome, to the violent behavior most widely associated with sociopathy.

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Rhino RINO Image Credit Pixaby

RINO Report Card for 2024

The New Hampshire General Court (i.e. our legislature) has finished its work for this year (except for a veto override session in the Fall).

I have crunched the numbers – i.e. the voting records of 2024 – to determine objectively which members are RINOs – Republicans In Name Only.

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Roger Anthony Mapes4 (Rev. Yolanda)

Alleged Pedophiles Grooming Children & You Can Help Us Stop It

I recently did an investigation into a Drag Queen performer who goes by the name Reverend Yolanda, and in this investigation, I found out that the group he was part of, the Radical Faeries, was actually a covert pedophile group.

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The Invasion is Deliberate and Democrats Own It

This is nothing new for Groksters, but we need to be reminded and go after the evil that is ruining our country, not just hold the line, but advance in every area of government we can so this never happens again.

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