Underwood: Announcing Education Options Inc. and Our First Expo!

We are kicking off a new effort to provide information, support, and connections to families who want to explore education options outside of the traditional public school. Our main population is conservative families who are not happy with public schools but who aren’t aware of all their options. Our non-profit organization and website have just … Read more

MacDonald: So, About that New Web Site of Yours …

The latest iteration of The ‘Grok went live when the Trump assassination attempt story broke, so there was a lot going on while we were working on getting this thing up and running. I was updating both the old and new sites with the Trump story because we’d already moved the data for the live … Read more

Murphy: The “Value Add” Rationale is Clobbering the Unions

by Skip

When a law is necessary to keep an organization’s membership from leaving (e.g., a closed union shop that demands membership before someone can work there), it is ripe for competition. In this case, it was the same SCOTUS decision that made it possible for me NOT to have to join a union Janus v. AFSCME … Read more

Police car lights

Support Your Local Police And Keep them Independent

One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.

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A Lot of RTK Tax Supporters Support Kelly Ayotte

As endorsements are coming in for all candidates for all offices, like last night’s floodwaters, I want to call attention to some of Kelly Ayotte’s “problem endorsers.” No, I’m not talking big-time Deep State people, businesses, and organizations, but people that any respectable Nashua homegrown candidate for any office should shun.

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The War on Children

In American society today, we are seeing a “War on our Children.”   This is an orchestrated attempt by “Big Tech” to gain control of our children’s minds and hearts, and they have been doing an excellent job so far. Smartphones are their weapon.

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Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster

Kuster and Pappas Protect Non-Citizen Voting “Rights”

Chip Roy’s Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (HR8281) does this crazy thing. It says what the federal law already says: Non-citizens cannot vote in US elections. They can’t. It’s illegal. But there’s no mechanism to ensure that. HR8281 says you must prove you are a citizen to register and vote. Provide proof. Neither of New Hampshire’s Dem House Critters voted for it.

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Executive Council Funds Unethical Mental Health Practices in NH’s Public Schools

Many people contacted the Executive Council to ask them to turn down a half million dollar grant that would be used to further support the Multi Tiered System of Support for Behavior in our public schools. The MTSS-B is a framework focused on a child’s behavior and mental health. Now that the MTSS-B has been implemented in New Hampshire Schools, we are discovering all kinds of problems.

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Night Cap: No Elected Official Is Above the Law

All elected officials, from the President of the United States down to those who serve their towns as public library trustees, take an oath of office. While the wording of these oaths might differ, they have one thing in common: they require the oath-taker to support the United States Constitution.

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Fixing What’s Wrong With the New Hampshire Senate

Suppose for a moment that you, the reader, live in the most corrupt and bluest city, and there are a handful of tireless truth seekers who keep getting knocked down by city hall, its agencies, activists, and even the courts.  How fortunate you are if you have such people willing to use their time, money, skills, and peace of mind to keep on trying!

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