Manch talk new

The “Reeeeeing” is Proportional to the Corruption

This week Carla discusses the latest in NH’s hot real estate market, more on the USAID scandal, Trusk’s DOGE, and more! . Please like, follow, or subscribe to The ‘Grok on Rumble and YouTube and check for Replays of Granite State Live, GrokTALK! and Right Side Up, or follow these links to their podcast pages.

Vermont Tutors Illegal Aliens on How to Slip the Grip of ICE

Progressives create government task force to protect illegals and expose citizens to risks. President Donald Trump has not announced any plans to deport foreigners who are legally in the US. Rather, he’s focusing federal resources solely on protecting Americans from violent offenders. Still, progressive ideologues across the nation have rallied to “protect” people illegally in … Read more

So, Your Online Testimony … Doesn’t Really Count

A few days ago, we reported on what we thought was “an issue” with the New Hampshire legislature’s online reporting portal. The Granite State lets you “sign-in” to the legislature’s website to show support or opposition to a bill and even provide written testimony. This was adopted (presumably) because a lot of people can’t be … Read more

House Session 2-13-25

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/13/25)?

Today we began the day with a joint legislative session with the Senate to hear the Governor’s budget presentation. We learned that the Governor delivered to the House and Senate a budget that allocates more money to education and communities, contains no new tax increases, and focuses on the housing crisis and supports law enforcement. … Read more

Double Queen Sharon’s Pleasure

Remember that old 70s commercial for Wrigley’s Doublemint gum?  It would say “double your pleasure.”  Voting the wrong way on HB238 is one way to pleasure the old battle axe, and 25 Rs just voted to indefinitely postpone the Right to Work bill. Keeping in mind that Queen Sharon (Carson) is also an enemy of … Read more

NH State House - Free Images

Your State House 2/7/2025

This week, my committee continued public hearings. HB 180, on critical incident stress management teams, made some minor clarifying tweaks and deleted the requirement for a qualifying test by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. This national group gives standards for training, but the post-training test costs $400, which is too much for many of … Read more

GrokTALK Splash 2-12-25 Mike Rogers Kimberly Morin

Local Gun Laws And Government Grift

In the first half-hour, Mke Rogers joins me to talk through the legal challenges being erected to prevent Donald Trump from exposing the deep state; suits, courts, states, and more. In the second half-hour, I am joined by Kimberly Morin from the Women’s Defense League. We talk gun bills in the Granite State, from dopey … Read more

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End Out-Of-State Students Extra Constitutional Voting Rights

Newly Minted New Hampshire State Senator Victoria Sullivan has a bill before the Senate that would prohibit student ID as proof of residency for voting purposes. SB223 had its first hearing yesterday morning, and it did not lack for naysayers, especially since the bill had a hook. This bill provides for in-state tuition at any … Read more

education books apple ABC

Resolve the NH Education Crisis

Many people are giving up on public schools. Districts demand more and more money; student proficiency keeps dropping; and federal mandates keep stacking up, distracting students away from academics and towards social-emotional learning, behavior modification, and other federal agendas. Rather than fix the public schools, some prefer universal Education Freedom Accounts, really vouchers, without any … Read more

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Tackling Rising Taxes

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GSL Replay

Granite State Live – ICYMI

This Week we were unable to bring you a live program. Instead please enjoy this replay from previous episode. Granite State Live – Will be Live, again Next Tuesday from 7-9 pm EDT. Replay: Ketih and Terese dig into the travesty of DCYF and Family Court in the Granite State, from the sexual abuse scandals … Read more

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We’re Still Waiting For Those Campaign Finance Report Corrections

It has been a week and a day, give or take, since we reported on House leadership’s response to several Election Law (specifically campaign finance) complaints. The Committee to Elect House Republicans (CTEHR) appears numerically challenged, having somehow misplaced over 169,000 dollars between 2022 and 2024. To provide a bit of contrast, I could probably … Read more

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When Only Some of Us Win, All of Us Lose

Judy Aron’s regular posts about what is going on in the House are informative, insightful, well-written, and worth reading.  Near the beginning of a recent post, she started out with this comment: We knew the 23 bills we had before us were going to yield some very good wins. I don’t think that’s an unusual … Read more

education books apple ABC

Dan McGuire’s Adequate Education Legislation HB283

Dan McGuire’s Bill, that narrows down what an adequate education is in New Hampshire, has everyone in a tizzy. HB283 would reduce the list of subjects that define what an adequate education. You can see how an adequate education would be defined if this bill were to pass, and be signed into law. The state would … Read more

Right Side Up Splash lite

EV Fails, Methane, and Green Energy Mistakes

This week… epic losses by Ford Mo.Co. in the EV sector, the war on methane, and Green Energy mistakes in Ca. & N.Y.” Please like, follow, or subscribe to The ‘Grok on Rumble and YouTube and check for Replays of Granite State Live, GrokTALK! and Right Side Up, or follow these links to their podcast pages.

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Should Some Online “Testimony” Be Dismissed – Yes!

Not all that long ago, the Dover Dems outrage machine lost its hive mind (for a little bit) over Representative Ladd dismissing about 3500 online testimony oppositions to a Bill before the Education Committee. I saw it, thought he shouldn’t do that, and then ignored whatever happened after. Thankfully, it wasn’t just the Dover Dems; … Read more

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Eliminate Vehicle Inspections in NH

Please support an OTP motion on HB649 This is your chance to finally eliminate vehicle inspections once and for all. This is the year; I believe we have the state house numbers, but we still need your help.  When: Transportation Committee, Room 203, Tuesday, February 11th @ 1 PM @ the LOB (the building is … Read more


Maine Is Trying Desperately To Emulate California

Rather than stand on its own merits and create an identity of its own, Maine is working feverishly to be the California of the East Coast. The Progressives who are clustered in the big cities are spending money they don’t have and threatening to lose federal funds by defying Washington edicts. Maine does not have … Read more

JR Hoell Wins Hands Down on Hands Free Law

If you missed it, sometime contributor and friend of GraniteGrok, JR Hoell (see also NHFC, Rebuild, and so on), was ticketed for violating New Hampshire’s wholly useless and likely dangerous hands-free law. Anyone driving can attest to the accuracy of that last sentence. A lot of people ignore it. Many create more serious hazards by trying … Read more

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A House Divided – When Homeschoolers Turn on Each Other

I am a new voice to New Hampshire but not to homeschooling. Just a short time ago I chose to move my family from the Midwest to the East Coast because I choose to live empowered versus dictated by fear. As my family and I settle into the granite state, I am excited to become … Read more

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