MacDonald: So, About that New Web Site of Yours …

The latest iteration of The ‘Grok went live when the Trump assassination attempt story broke, so there was a lot going on while we were working on getting this thing up and running. I was updating both the old and new sites with the Trump story because we’d already moved the data for the live … Read more

Time is Running Out for the Gulf of Maine!Urgent!

Who will stand up for the people and the oceans? Who will show up for us? There is not enough data on what will become of our fragile Gulf of Maine if this is allowed. From the lobsters to the endangered Right Whales, it must be addressed, and it is not. All reps and senate members should be attending or send a rep for them. Our gulf is too important.

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Maine Light House screen grab Visit Maine

The Facts Show The Impact Of Progressives On Maine

Progressive politicians have taken over Maine and are making the most of their time in power. These people, who live on the extreme left of society, know that the clock is ticking, and they must initiate as much change as they can before the people realize they were wrong, giving these people the wheel and taking it away.

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Unhinged Democrats

Wake Up Maine Democrats, This Is Not Your Parent’s Party

It is not easy, and it may be very uncomfortable, to change your political affiliation because you finally realize that it is not you who is leaving the Party, but the Party has left you. I grew up in Massachusetts, where everyone joined the Democrat Party at birth. Those many years ago, John Kennedy personified the Democrat Party.

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Marijuana Cannabis

Night Cap: Two More Pieces Of Maine Pot Puzzle

I want to write an article about the Chinese Cartel Pot Farm situation in Maine and report the steps taken to rectify the matter. I want to say the State and Federal Governments were working in unison to get these 200 illegal operations that have popped up in Central Maine shut down.

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Marijuana Cannabis

AG Garland Ignores Maine’s Cry For Help

Merrick Garland is the United States Attorney General and heads up our Justice Department, which includes 115,000 employees. Garland is obviously a very busy man working with Joe Biden and Christopher Wray to find ways to target and harass people with a Conservative ideology.

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Maine Light House screen grab Visit Maine

Maine Is Growing Up And It’s Not Pretty

Maine is like the quiet kid that nobody notices. He sits alone, has no friends, doesn’t excel at anything, and flies under the radar until he does something horrific, and everyone is shocked. How could this monster have been among us, and nobody took notice? Well, that is now what we are saying about Maine.

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Marijuana Cannabis

China Owns Illegal Marijuana Grows All Across Maine

Maine legalized recreational marijuana in 2020. In response, Chinese nationals have bought properties all across Maine to grow marijuana. China has been using Tik Tok to brainwash America’s youth and now literally, not figuratively, are also using “recreational drugs” to also help turn them into zombies.

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