They Purposely Misrepresent Your Point, and Fact-Check Their Misrepresentation

by Skip

Both Facebook and Twitter do have us in their sights – and our traffic has taken hits because of that as they have throttled us. No matter, I’ve always maintained that I don’t write for the hits (although I’m happy to see them). I write about what either amuses or concerns me.

Related: Facebook Might as Well Have Empaneled the Ladies From The View for all the “Diversity” We’ll Get

I’ve told that to all the Groksters as well (even as Steve, as Editor, is always requesting to up our game formats in doing so; certainly SOMEBODY has to keep me in line!). But I just ran across this over at Instapundit (emphasis mine):

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “‘Fact-checkers’ assume your point, then fact-check their assumption of your point. That is the most generous way to see what they do. The least generous (and at least as often true) is that they purposely misrepresent your point, and fact-check their misrepresentation.”

This is how Big Tech wages asymmetric warfare against those that don’t assimilate into their GroupThink. I do believe that they are using their “power” to manipulate not just what you think but how you think in a new high tech version of Orwellian Newspeak.

And in case you missed them, here’s a few (here, here, here, here, here, here, and hereTHIS one is especially cute.) of Steve’s missives (here and here) on what Facebook “fact-checkers” actually checked (here and here). And of course, y’all know about our year-long stint in Twitter Jail as well.

In addition to being the Editor, Steve also manages our Social Media so we’re up on Gab, MeWe, Codias, and Parler.

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