Manch talk new

Will NH Ever Legalize Pot Like a Real Free State?

There is a new episode. After it was recorded, Carla had a death in the family and obviously had more important things to do than put it on YouTube. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her. I have updated the post with the latest Manch Talk! “My Magic 8-Ball says, Outlook Not So Good. … Read more

Derry NH sign

Derry’s Superintendent Mistake?

Last year several parents, including myself, began warning school administrators about a child sexual predator attending the high school girl’s soccer games. Several parents went to work to not only warn administrators, but to address the court system that allowed Marc Jacques to roam freely at these soccer games. FROM THE U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Marc … Read more

Manch talk new

The “Reeeeeing” is Proportional to the Corruption

This week Carla discusses the latest in NH’s hot real estate market, more on the USAID scandal, Trusk’s DOGE, and more! . Please like, follow, or subscribe to The ‘Grok on Rumble and YouTube and check for Replays of Granite State Live, GrokTALK! and Right Side Up, or follow these links to their podcast pages.

Manch talk new

The Dems Sneaky Surveillance Bill, DOGE, And Deep States

This week on Manch Talk: NH Dems are sneaking in a new surveillance bill (HB 305)—we break it down. Plus, what’s up with DOGE? The wailing and gnashing of teeth tell you all you need to know—corruption runs Deep State deep. Looks like USAID is just a slush fund for dirty politicians and their global … Read more

Manch talk new

Democrats Shill for Big Pharma

Were you as shocked as I was to see all these so-called anti-establishment Democrats, like Warren and Bernie, shilling for Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Bro? Hassan’s grandstanding comes off as embarrassingly confused–is she for bodily autonomy, or not? Or just sometimes, for abortions? RFK says he has prayed for 25 years to be … Read more

Manch talk new

Oversentencing, Right to Know, and the Po-Po

It’s not often that a nigh-impossible hurdle is overcome… but here we are! President Trump issued a full and unconditional pardon to Ross Ulbricht, thereby keeping his campaign promise made to Libertarians. Righting the wrong of Ross Ulbricht’s over-sentencing is the start of the Rise of Real Crypto, but we must now focus on the … Read more

Manchester School Board Takes Advantage of Vulnerable Families

In a time where we need to help parents become even better parents, the Manchester School Board is going in the opposite direction. Today, the New Hampshire Senate Education Committee heard a bill (SB34) to support parental consent for Medicaid billing. In many cases, parents will sign off on Medicaid services, but services can change, … Read more

Manch talk new

Health, Habits, Big Pharma, and New Years Eve

Health is wealth, and your habits create your reality. How are you taking care of yourself? In this last episode of the season, we talk about Tammy’s Ozempic weight-loss journey, Big Pharma, good habits, New Year’s resolutions, and more!

Manch talk new

Satanic Statues, School Choice, and Holiday Greetings

This week on Manch Talk, we cover several topics, from satanic statutes at the State House to school choice and the City of Manchester’s billion-dollar proposal for a new school (no thanks!). We delve into the controversy of American holiday greetings and salutations and rip off a few Band-Aids!

Manchester VA Whistleblower Part 4: “Duty to Speak up”

The “Duty to Speak Up” was the theme of this month’s Safety Forum at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center.  The people at the table seemed well-intentioned, but if you’ve read my previous series about what happens to whistleblowers at the VA, you know speaking up leads to an endless loop of broken promises, … Read more

Ballots Wheeler recount

Sec of State Should Have Accepted “Taping” Lessons

If you did not follow the story, there was an issue with completed ballot security and the “tamper-proof” tape used on boxes of completed ballots. It was easily circumvented. After a bit of convincing, the state acknowledged the need for a different tape. They did not accept an offer from the vendor to provide instruction … Read more

Manch talk new

Manch Talk – Election Predictions

Our predictions for next Tuesday, November 5th, when the next presidential election takes place? Tune in to hear! The biggest difference YOU can make on 11/5? VOTE DOWN TICKET for ALL the Republicans. There is typically a 30-40% drop-off between the president at the top of the ticket and lower offices. If YOU vote RED … Read more

Manch talk new

Manch Talk – Censorship

This week, we get a tad philosophical when discussing censorship, Democrats’ nonstop fundraising on nonstop abortion talk, and more.

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