“Yeah, right, in your wildest dreams,” a reasonable skeptic might think when reading this article’s title, but humor me and let’s play this out on our minds for a moment.  I will first credit Grokster Beth Scaer for inspiring the idea.  Beth needs no introduction to the regular readers and her locals, but library lewdness … Read more

buh bye

Adios, Nashua

I considered naming this article “The Bluest City,” after Kellerman’s book, The Bluest State.  For those unfamiliar with him, he had Adam Sexton’s job, but in Massachusetts.  However, I opted for another author, Ann Coulter, who has written several books that are in my parents’ bookcase. Papers were passed, and property tax balances were settled. I’m … Read more

Nashua City Hall

ENWRIGHT was Dead Wrong

Nashua’s Treasurer’s deception and omissions regarding Nashua’s trust fund money were on full display at a Special Board of Aldermen (BOA) held last week.  Dawn Enwright has 22 years of prior experience working as Nashua’s trust accountant from 2008 to 2012 and she has now returned as the City’s Treasurer and Tax Collector.  The BOA … Read more

Nashua’s $75M Trust Funds – The Penalty of Perjury 

The City’s Trust Funds continue to be an item of interest as accounting for this money is troublesome. City leaders are now acknowledging publicly one issue as they have organized a special meeting titled “Trustees of Trust Funds” on Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the Aldermanic Chamber. However, no additional information has been provided to … Read more

Will Our New Governor Do Right By HER CITY?

Please humor me for a moment, close your eyes, and picture the Mr Bean meme.  It’s a quartet of him standing with his hands on his hips, looking at his watch, sitting Indian style, and lying down.  The caption says, “Me waiting for (insert long-awaited item here).”  I’m starting with that exercise because, just like … Read more

Nashua center for the arts

Nashua’s Unlawful Management of $75M in City Trust Funds

It all began with a simple question. In October, I wanted to verify the balance in a special fund (Capital Reserve Fund) set up for the maintenance of the Performing Arts Center, which opened on April 1, 2023. The City’s Board of Aldermen (BOA) approved this fund in August 2023. It was meant to be … Read more

piles of books and babers Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash

Citizens Seeking Records Don’t Want To Make A Career Of This

Disputes over municipal records in Nashua are characterized by significant contention. City officials operate through a distorted political lens. To engage with the Nashua government, one needs to align with their political views in order to receive cooperation and timely access to governmental records as required by New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know (RTK) Law (RSA 91-A). Any … Read more

Nashua Taxes and Next Year’s Election

I opened this morning’s email to a group memo from former Alderman Teeboom, known locally as the author of the original cap.  There’s so much to say about the cap, its history (SB 52 of 2021 and HB 1342 of 2022), and city baggage (including litigation) associated with it, but I’ll cut to the chase … Read more

Scrabble tiles listen more

Watch, Listen And Participate Nashua

A RECENT op-ed published in the Union Leader by Nashua Aldermen Tim Sennott, Tom Lopez and Melbourne Moran highlighted the need for aldermen and city leaders to rein in spending. Board members should view spending as a nonpartisan issue, recognizing the financial limitations that our citizens funding government face. While the op-ed raised important points, … Read more

Melanie Leveque

Would Melanie Move to Maine? I’ll Help Her Pack.

Unless you’re a brand new Granite Stater outside of Wheeler’s district, you ought to be familiar with Ms Melanie Levesque.  While she’s not the only one who voted for an income tax, she’s the one who gets the most bent out of shape when her vote is mentioned.  For those who care to learn more … Read more

Nashua City Hall

Using Public Money To Conceal Personal Corruption

Nashua’s Mayor and the legal office have launched a full-scale attack on this citizen in response to my advocacy for transparency in the city. Their lack of transparency is evident in their attempts to shift 100% of the blame for the costs of Right-to-Know (RTK) cases and complaints onto the citizens, while denying any responsibility … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Paula Johnson and the BLC

Are you available at 10am this Monday 11/25?  If yes, please join Paula Johnson and her supporters at the archives as she challenges her recount.  Paula is a local fixture that needs no introduction in Nashua, but if you’re outside the city and need a refresher on who she is, click here.  There’s also non-Grok … Read more

More Nashua Mayoral Malfeasance?

Contracted legal fee agreements are approved by the Mayor and require no approval of the Board of Aldermen (BOA). The purchasing policy does not require the Finance Committee or Board of Aldermen to approve legal services above $25,000. The Mayor and Legal Office have unchecked control over the legal fee contracts and the terms and expenses associated with … Read more

A Pity Party for Ming

Rep Ming, aka “Melanie 2.0,” as I often call him, made a crybaby tweet today, one week after losing to my senator.  What sweetens his loss all the more is that he’s excluded from BOTH sides of the wall for the next 2 years. My high school basketball coach regularly said following each loss “losers … Read more

Nashua’s Mayor Must Change His Employee Standards To End Discrimination

Nashua’s assessing office underwent significant changes between 2019 and 2021. These changes occurred when the Mayor, aware of the problems, failed to keep the lid on a dysfunctional office operating in disarray.  The lack of management oversight created an unregulated environment, which eventually revealed itself and continues to reveal itself. The chief was at the heart … Read more


Stop Wasting Taxpayers Time and Money

Mayor Donchess likes to remind us that a few residents are costing the city thousands of dollars on Right To Know Requests. The problem is that Mayor Donchess does not want transparency and would like to keep the residents from knowing what he is doing with our tax dollars and how he is running the … Read more

Scales of justice gavel law court

The Abusive Costs of Right-to-Know Cases In Nashua

Why did the City spend $650,000 in attorney’s fees and City Costs in an RTK case? The First RTK Petition – My Costs – $225,000 I started seeking records in Nashua, the Welcoming City, in good faith, believing the City would comply. While New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know (RTK) law does not require employees to answer questions, … Read more

nashua jersey barriers

Nix the Jersey Barriers, an Action Item

Nashua is less than 2 months away from the 100th anniversary of the fire that destroyed the previous Main Street bridge.  If you’re a paid member, you can read the Telegraph article about the impact that its absence had on transit.  I won’t get into the weeds of comparing 100 years ago to today, but … Read more

Biden and Bolton

Washington And Nashua Have A Lot In Common Selecting people for critical leadership roles and monitoring their performance is paramount to an effective government. We all watched a bizarre public outing of our president’s diminished capacity and analysis of his fitness for duty. Those closest to him failed the nation by covering this up and … Read more

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