Blame Mayor Donchess and his Board of Aldermen

Every Nashua resident better start saving some extra money to pay for the 7.2% increase in property taxes. Mayor Donchess is stating that they only went up 3.7% when in fact that is a bold-faced lie. Property taxes will be going up 7.29% in December 2024. Residents do not have to believe me, just look at the current budget and compare it to FY2024 Budget.

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Dr. William Glasser and the Training of Pedophiles

New Hampshire Attorneys General, past and present, have actual knowledge of the link between William Glasser’s Theory and the abuse of children. New Hampshire paid pedophiles working as state employees to conduct William Glasser’s Theory Experiments.

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Bill Shaheen’s Hyperbolic Fearmongering

The last time I looked at myself in the mirror, I did not see a rabid, clueless, insane, brainless Trump worshipper, as the sheeple of Biden’s flock love to call me – and call 81 million other supporters of Donald Trump.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Night Cap: Inflection Point for America

If you’ve been alive and sentient for the past three-plus years, you’ve probably heard the statement, “We are at an inflection point in history” a time or two.
Anytime something is said so often in such a short period of time, it tends to lose impact. But slogans aside, does America’s present condition warrant the kind of urgency associated with invoking a moment as “an inflection point”?

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