HB159 Wrestlin

How Did Speech-Chilling HB1159’s Democrat Sponsors Vote This Past Week?

Last year we told you about HB1159 which we labeled “Shut the ‘Grok Down” bill. That was because it was meant to shut down the ‘Grok (per the admission of the bill’s sponsor). Without rehashing all of the sordid details, it wanted to create a new protected class of citizens made up of solely elected … Read more


HB1159 – like a Zombie from the Crypt, it’s alive at 10am this morning. UPDATE: It’s now dead forever more

UPDATE and BUMPED: Hmm, I had edited this earlier but WordPress seems to have lost it. The Criminal and Justice Committee voted, 11-0, to “not recommend further legislation”. To my surprise, the motion was by Rep David Meuse who said it had First Amendment problems and implications for the Press. He also said that there … Read more

free speech - speech suppression

HB1159 – The Speech Suppression Bill (to Shut down the ‘Grok!) is Alive in the NH House…ALIVE!

HB1159, the bill (“relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant”) that puts Legislators above the general public’s Right to Free Speech is back in play again after being tabled back (re: interim study) in March of the year.

What Happened to HB1159 – The Democrats Speech Suppression Bill?

The effort to punish constituents online for saying things legislators decide they don’t like (HB1159) had its executive session yesterday. 

HB1159 Cyberbullying Bill Update: “Let’s Do Lunch”

I just wanted to let you all know that since my testimony objecting to the Public Gag Bill, HB1159, was sent to the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee I was contacted via email by Vice Chair Rep. Beth Rodd.  She thought I needed to be told to “have compassion” and to “be kind”… … Read more

George Washington Freeedom of speech

My Written Testimony on HB1159 – AN ACT relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant

I am deeply honored to be the target of Democrat Sponsored speech suppressing legislation. The effort confirms what I have long claimed. A point that Noah Rothman just made in Commentary Magazine. Free Speech is a threat to the authoritarian tick.

free speech - speech suppression

HB1159 Testimony – making Public Servants into a new “Protected Class” above citizens

TO: House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee DATE: January 29, 2020 RE: HB 1159-FN – AN ACT relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant. FROM: Kathleen LaBonte, <redacted> Dear Chairman Cushing and Committee Members: I begin my public testimony AGAINST HB 1159 by quoting Thomas Jefferson: “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action … Read more


This should give NH State Rep Jan Schmidt and the other HB1159 Sponsors the Sads.

Bring in the Psych guys with meds as nothing will never be as soul-crushing to a Bernie-Bro Socialist as being told you are second rate – behind Trump Supporters. After all, according to the Left, we’re nothing but redneck, illiterate, rube knuckledraggers (Southern accent not essential but preferred).


HB1159 – The Democrat “Shut the ‘Grok DOWN” bill – Hearing Report

Well, we’ve certainly had a number of posts leading up to this hearing asking that if you could, it would be wonderful if folks could come out to support us. We’ve made it clear that this bill was aimed directly at GraniteGrok and I am glad to say that NH State Rep Jan Schmidt made … Read more


HB1159 – The Public Gag Bill

The NH House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee is hearing HB 1159 – AN ACT relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant. SPONSORS: Rep. Diggs, Graf. 16; Rep. J. Schmidt, Hills. 28; Rep. W. Thomas, Hills. 21; Rep. Frost, Straf. 16; Rep. Altschiller, Rock. 19; Rep. Grossman, Rock. 18   This … Read more

Gun Control in NH

HB1159 – Hearing for the “Shut the ‘Grok DOWN” bill created by Democrats

BUMPED and UPDATED: The hearing is still set for tomorrow at the time below. The Executive Session (when the Committee will be voting on the bill). Remember, this is retribution for the coverage we’ve been doing the last couple of years, especially on some of the sponsors of the bill. BUMPED: Again, I’m hoping that … Read more

Wyoming’s Secretary of State Asks New Hampshire to Leave Trump on the Ballot!

Two weeks ago, news broke that the New Hampshire Secretary of State was investigating whether Donald Trump should be removed from the NH primary Ballot next year.

BLM Fist Socialism

Director of BLM Manchester “Allegedly” Doxxed a Manchester High School Kid

I’m looking for some help on this story. A student at Trinity High School did something stupid and was punished for it, but that wasn’t enough. The guy leading BLM Manchester is alleged to have published personal information about the student to their army of Marxist haters.

Rung and Murphy Yard sign people over politics

Rung and Murphy Campaign Signs Should Say “We Block” People over Politics

Merrimack Democrats Rosemarie Rung and Nancy Murphy are sharing namespace on campaign signs for 2022. These things popped up like weeds this past week. They’ve got a tagline that’s just a friggin riot.

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Elon Musk Exposes Democrat’s Other “Other” Left-Flank

Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans got Democrats not just to defend allowing adults to talk to other people’s little kids about sex but to demand it publicly. They made such a row that even the disinterested started paying attention.

woman tape redhead silence free speech

Germany Has it, The American Left Wants It – And This is What it Looks Like …

The American Left has been spit polishing its jackboots for years for a moment like this and if we didn’t have the First Amendment AND a Supreme Court committed to defending it (9-0 in most cases), this would be happening to many of us right now.

George Washington Freeedom of speech

Biden’s DHS Secretary Escalates the Cyber War on Free Speech

If you’ve said anything The State can’t abide on platforms like Facebook or Twitter they’ve been Johnny on the spot about letting you know. Even the UN is in on the game, telling hosting companies to shut down websites they have decided “promote” hate speech.

Rep Debra Altschiller Lied – Let Her Prove That SB154 Does What She Says It Does

If I did it to an R, you can be sure I’m going to a D as well – especially Rep. Debra Altschiller (D-Stratham) for spouting complete nonsense about the bill. I guess she’s with NH State Rep. Sandra Keans (R, now D).

Neither Wendy Thomas Nor Nancy Murphy is Fit to Hold Public Office

If you’d like to know whether you can trust people with political power, you may have to hand them a little to see what they do with it. In 2018 the town of Merrimack tried that with Nancy Murphy and Wendy Thomas. They both failed that test miserably.

First Amendment

It’s About Freaking Time: Court Rules “Individuals Can’t Be Coerced to Use ‘Preferred Pronouns'”

This is a topic like Critical Race Theory except its for the gender-confused. Its aim is the same. Establish and enforce coerced speech rules with violations to punish people as “haters and discriminators.”