Unhinged Democrats

Great Job, You Have Hit 31%, The 20s Are Coming

It is beyond amazing how out of touch the Democratic Party leadership is with mainstream America. The party’s approval rating has fallen to 31%, the lowest in history. The trajectory indicates it has not reached its low point and will continue to decline. This party is on a suicide mission to destroy itself, and nobody … Read more

Carbon Upfront!

Boomers Are Clueless Because They Won’t Live Where He Tells Them To?

Monomaniacal socialist 15-minute-city kind of guy, Lloyd, has little empathy for conservative folks who just want to be left alone and make their own decisions in their own “pursuit of Happiness,” be it in suburbia or rural areas. To give his rant a bit more context (something he generally shrugs off as of no account), … Read more

IT Cloud Internet

Democrats Put Your ‘Data’ and ‘Privacy’ At Risk – Not Trump or Musk

Democrats fear Elon having access to sensitive information. Too many people combine the terms hack, breach, and leak as synonyms. A data “hack” is intentionally done by an outside source breaking into computer systems with malice intent. Breach is the term being used to make people fear Elon. A data “leak” is the accidental release of information, often due … Read more

The Most Beautiful Picture Tells An Incredible Story

We have all seen the picture. It was not posed or even planned. It happened organically and was the perfect moment to climax a monumental event for every girl and woman in America. When Donald Trump signed the Executive Order protecting women in sports, it was far more than a Promises Made, Promises Kept event; … Read more

Dartmouth College Original Photo by Wei Zeng on Unsplash

Messing With White Tower Politics

Or, at least the taxpayer funding of them Colleges and universities, with few exceptions, are Marxist education camps run by credentialed commies. Big Government, the deep state, and nearly every federal department, in addition to USAID, pump money into them—obscene, absurd sums of your taxdollars. Some portion of this stimulates practical, productive science. Still, if … Read more

Making Public School Meals Safer?

As the MAHA movement of the Trump-Kennedy alliance takes shape post-election, one area for potential bipartisan progress is improving the healthfulness of school lunches that feed 30 million US children each school day. As with many complex challenges, the Safe School Meals Act awaiting consideration in 2025 elicits broad agreement on desired ends but confronts … Read more

JD Vance GOP Candidate Ohio

Left Tells JD Vance He Is Not Catholic Enough

I challenge you to give me the name of one person on the Left who has the credentials to judge someone’s level of commitment to religion. The Left is a Godless group that has done all it can to remove God from our everyday life. They find the Ten Commandments offensive and not worthy of … Read more

Pam Bondi2

Trump DOJ Is Already Suing Sanctuary Cities

Newly Confirmed US Attorney General Pam Bondi isn’t wasting any time enforcing existing immigration law. Her DOJ has paused all funding for 60 days to any sanctuary city or county, pending review. In other words, if Congress passed the law and your plucky berg isn’t following it – especially immigration law – the DOJ will … Read more

Why the Mainstream Media Is in Trouble

As most everyone knows, the mainstream media is hurting, big time. For many years, subscriptions and advertising revenue have been plummeting. Some of the big papers have been able to survive only by having some multimillionaire bail them out with his own money and be willing to absorb the ongoing financial losses. Why is this? … Read more

Jimmy Carter

Misplaced Honor

Flying the American flag at half mast, as some local residents were respectfully doing to salute President Carter, is an act of which his Presidency was not worthy.  Rather,  President Carter’s recent passing should be confined to one’s individual remorse and remembrance of his selfless contributions outside of politics.  The call for a thirty-day show … Read more


Friday Meme Thing

On the Eve of the Strong End (there’s nothing weak about Saturday or Sunday), we arrive once again to meme you up. It’s Friday. Celebrate with sarcasm and silliness. Note: We are not responsible if you are offended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … Read more

USAID logo with cash

Did USAID Buy Beyonce Her Country Music Album of the Year Grammy?

Democrats up and down the political food chain have prostrated themselves in defense of a triumvirate of secular gods—Waste, Fraud, and Abuse. Oh, mighty laundromat of taxpayer dollars, fueler of the deep state gravy train, we are forever your servants and benefactors of your grace. They’ve been protesting, first at USAID and then at the … Read more

Boston Tea Party BostonTeaPartyShip

Before Boston: The Tea Revolt That Began in Philadelphia

The Boston Tea Party is arguably the best-known event leading up to the war for independence, but a number of leading Revolutionaries, including Benjamin Rush and John Adams, held that it actually started in Philadelphia. Resolutions adopted during a Philadelphia town meeting on Oct. 16, 1773, set the stage for the Boston Tea Party in … Read more

Harrison Thorpe

Dear Harrison Thorp Editor of The Rochester Voice

President Trump’s victory has tossed our nation’s Ship of State a life-preserver. Living up to the MAGA expectations will be a difficult task to turn the ship around, and it promises to be equivalent to threading a needle without an eye. So how do we get to shore?   As the war against globalism gets hotter, … Read more

Accuvote OS ballot counter votng machine

On Election Integrity

I want to be sure that only RESIDENTS (not students who live out of state) and REAL US citizens (not illegal aliens) voting and only ONCE. I want any votes to be counted with both parties watching (not having one side show up to count absentee ballots and hear the other side did it already). … Read more

Unhinged Democrats

It Is So Much Fun To Poke The Democrats

This is no longer a challenge. The Democrats are so easy to excite to paranoia that we may have to find another group to play with. The vision of Chuck Schumer with his eyeglasses on the tip of his nose, is he not aware that Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals a couple of hundred years ago … Read more

“Every Movement Needs a Scrappy Little Dyke, And I Am That Person!”

Can You Say, Insurrection? Democrats have been rudderless for weeks, lost political minorities who had their agenda flushed down the proverbial toilet. Sure, they elected a straight white guy to head the DNC, but that’s a figurehead position with about as much actual authority as Joe Biden had the last four years. You show your … Read more

Shut Down the US Department of Education? Rep. Thomas Massie has a Bill to Do That.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced a bill on Friday that would implement the repeatedly expressed desire of President Donald Trump to shut down the United States Department of Education. Shutting down the Department of Education and moving education decisions out of the control of the US government were actions Trump proposed on multiple occasions through his presidential … Read more

USAID logo with cash

Audit USAID…Then Shut it Down!

As of this writing, when you attempt to access the US Agency for International Development (USAID) website or social media pages you are informed that, “This site can’t be reached.” The media reports that the new Trump Administration has not only frozen USAID activities but may be planning on bringing it back under control of … Read more

Skip Murphy Joins Me To Talk About…Everything!

This week my guest is the co-founder and co-owner of GraniteGrok.com, Skip Murphy. We talk about Trump’s first two weeks to what’s happening in New Hampshire and around the world. USAID, buyouts, EOs, Tariffs, South and Central America, DEI, Media, Kelly Ayotte, NH Republican majorities, the mid-terms, and more. Please like, follow, or subscribe to … Read more

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