If I’m Not Entitled to My Opinion I am a Slave to Yours

There is no shortage of content regarding the sanctity of free speech. Liberty by any name is impossible without it, and we know that Free Speech includes the right to be wrong because the government, exercising its right to unbridled expression, is wrong proudly and often. So, when the government or its advocates insist your opinion should be … Read more

Breaking: Trump Classified Docs Case Dismissed

America’s Top Cop, Attorney General Merrick “Thank God He’s Not on the Supreme Court” Garland, made a significant error in his appointment of Jack Smith as Special prosecutor, according to Federal Judge Aileen Cannon. He violated the appointments clause, which has hence invalidated the case. Cannon accepted a Trump team motion to Dismiss. This is … Read more

Trump Rising Up after being shot at rally

The Character of a Man and an Iconic Campaign Image

by Skip

I spent most of last night, after hearing that Trump was almost assassinated at his PA rally last night, going through all of the Right side of the Blogosphere to gather information. After all, crowdsourcing is what got the ball REALLY rolling (e.g., Remember Dan Rather’s lies over Bush II’s military career only to be … Read more

sun sunrise sunset heat wave

June Wasn’t So Hot After All

I’m sure we can all sit back and relax, knowing they will announce how July 2024 was the hottest on record. I won’t be, but it is good to be prepared, and as a primer,  June 2024 was not the hottest June ‘on record’ either.

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The “Value Add” Rationale is Clobbering the Unions

by Skip

When a law is necessary to keep an organization’s membership from leaving (e.g., a closed union shop that demands membership before someone can work there), it is ripe for competition. In this case, it was the same SCOTUS decision that made it possible for me NOT to have to join a union Janus v. AFSCME … Read more

trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

Op-Ed: Who Is The Dictator

Barack Obama, having been ordered by George and Alex Soros, sent the memo to the leftist faithful through the mouth of David Axelrod (who looks like Hitler) to always call President Donald Trump a dictator. Any politically astute observer knows this is simply the most recent example of Demolitioncrat projection.

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Oliver Wolcott – Old World and New

One of the most illustrious signers as far as their personal influence was Oliver Wolcott. The Wolcott family had an impressive pedigree in the old world as well as the new. He descended from a distinguished line of political leaders, attorneys, landholders, judges, and medical doctors. Oliver Wolcott attended Yale University, graduating in 1747, and … Read more

mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Banfield: Teaching Violence Begins In Public Schools

Everyone keeps looking around wondering how someone can resort to violence in this political culture. Look no further than your local public schools. You may wonder how that can be since schools are focusing on nurturing a child’s social and emotional well being. You’d be lying to yourself. Public schools are breeding activism, and if … Read more

If I’m Not Entitled to My Opinion I am a Slave to Yours

There is no shortage of content regarding the sanctity of free speech. Liberty by any name is impossible without it, and we know that Free Speech includes the right to be wrong because the government, exercising its right to unbridled expression, is wrong proudly and often. So, when the government or its advocates insist your opinion should be … Read more

White House Photo by Michael Schofield on Unsplash

Cardello: The Blood Of Trump Is On You Joe

Joe Biden cranked up the rhetoric. He cannot touch Donald Trump on the policies or results. He has gone personal and is making Donald Trump out to be the greatest threat to Democracy in our history. You told your followers that Donald Trump was someone who needed to be stopped. Those people knew you were … Read more

Hakeem Jeffries via C-SPAN screenshot

Hakeem Jeffries Is A Hypocrite

I realize I wrote about Hakeem Jeffries yesterday, but what he did on Thursday afternoon deserves a rebuttal. How dare this little man from New York have the audacity to disparage half of the country that we are not Conservatives or Republicans, but that we are Extreme MAGA Republicans who presumably cannot think for ourselves.

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Hakeem Jeffries via C-SPAN screenshot

Hakeem Jeffries Is Reactionary And Hyperbolic

I heard the former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, give his opinion of the current House Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries, and it made a lot of sense, and I think it is spot-on. McCarthy said there are two types of people, and they can be classified as Thermostats and Thermometers.

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