Everything NH Needs to Know About Councilor Andru Volinsky In One “Tweet”

New Hampshire Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky wants to be governor of New Hampshire. If you had any doubts about his qualifications, he has done us the favor of showing you who he really is.

Related:  Note to Elected NH Democrats Who Have Blocked People on Facebook and Twitter

Andru Volinsky Blocked You ON Twitter

Comrade Volinsky has given us the rope with which to hang his ambitions. This screengrab is about as perfect a piece of opposition material you could want, courtesy of, Andru Volinsky.

The person he blocked is a New Hampshire resident who has a difference of political opinion with the man who would be Governor. To distance himself from that citizen’s reactions and responses to his Tweets (free speech) he has blocked him.

That in itself is damning, but hardly the limit of the damage done to what little credibility Volinsky had. The Second Circuit Court recently ruled

“that the First Amendment does not permit a public official who utilizes a social media account for all manner of official purposes to exclude persons from an otherwise-open online dialogue because they expressed views with which the official disagrees.”

The header to the account says, Volinsky “Governor.” Does that mean it is for all manner of official purpose? Well, it’s the only Twitter Account Andru Volinsky has so he’s probably using it while he continues to fill the role of Executive Councilor. If we were talking about a Republican who had blocked a Democrat, I feel certain that activist Lawyer Volinsky would agree. The precedent is clear. Doing so violates that individuals first amendment rights.

Elected Official/Candidate Volinsky can’t block people on Twitter. But that was his first instinct. One we can also assume would apply to his role were we ever unfortunate enough to allow him to take up residence in the Governor’s office.

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