Pride flag

Capitalism Versus Free Speech

In the make-believe, fairy-tale world that people like Joe Sweeney, Ross Berry, Mikey Graham, Drew Cline, the Koch-bots, and the libertarians (an incomplete list) espouse, Big Business ALWAYS acts in their financial self-interest, which ultimately benefits everyone. EXCEPT Big Business does NOT act in such a manner.

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The Houthis Are Winning …

I am old enough to remember when … Jimmy Carter’s attempt to rescue the American hostages being held in Iran ended in abject failure, and added to the perception of an impotent President and weak, declining nation, and which helped elect Ronald Reagan.

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So You Want (More) Proof Of Voter Fraud

How many ILLEGALS will be voting in 2024? I cannot give you an exact number, but I’m certain that we are talking about MILLIONS. Where’s the proof … where’s the proof … where’s the proof … bleat the rank-and-file Commy-bots, the useful idiots like Mikey Graham … the corporate media, etc., etc., etc.

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US Supreme Court

Corporate-Media Attempting To “Souter-ize” Amy Coney Barrett

The lesson that should have been learned from the transformation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts from a constitutional-conservative to a buffet-constitutional-conservative … a lesson that should have been learned from the debacle that was David Souter … is that one of the essential attributes of a Supreme Court Justice is toughness.

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FBI logo

Your Tax Dollars At Work … The FBI Holds A Parade In Nashville

A public service announcement. The FBI … aka “Patriot Front” … recently (7/6) held a parade in downtown Nashville. Notice all the beer-bellies, the tattoos, the cross-section of ages … . OH WAIT! There is none of that. Could it be … a bunch of FBI agents, assets, etc., with six-packs and their faces covered to prevent identification?

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Biden Just Won Wisconsin’s Ten Electoral Votes

The most important election in 2022 was in Wisconsin. The Left went all out, pouring millions into the race, while the Right, as usual, sat on its hands. The liberal, activist, Democrat candidate won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which flipped the court from majority Republican to majority Democrat.

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State Rep “Celebrates” July 4th By Mocking George Washington

“Diversity is our strength.” Really? How are we stronger by having a condescending, sneering, potty-mouth elitist, born-with-a-silver-spoon from Bedford “representing” Manchester in the House?  See below for how Jessica Where-All-The-DILFs-At Grill commemorates American independence … by mocking those “old, white males” who created the greatest system of government ever.

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Kamala Harris

White Males Need Not Apply

California delegate Areva Martin says, “If you pick a white man over Kamala Harris, black women … walk away.” I’m not sure. The Woke-Communists may decide “stop Trump,” “anyone but Trump,” etc. is more important than “diversity,” that lovely euphemism for a racial/sexual/etc. spoils system where America is a bunch of competing tribes and NOT a sovereign nation of individuals.

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Barack Obama middle finger

Obama Wants Biden To Drop Out

From Tucker Carlson … Black Jesus wants BidenX to drop out. I would add that virtually everything Black Jesus says is disingenuous. He’s today’s Lenin … he has no connection to the working man he claims to champion and, in fact, despises the working man. He is all about power – HIS power. He sees … Read more

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