No one expected New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu to run for the US Senate. Not until polling, released earlier this year, showed him tied with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. So, I guess he considered it then decided what he thought was best for New Hampshire.
Steve MacDonald
Heather Raymond Needs To Step Down As President of the Nashua Board of Education
Heather Raymond, El President of the Nashua Board of Education, is convinced she’s done no wrong. A damning self-indictment that in my opinion suggests that she is no longer capable of leading that body.
Left-Coast Utopian Paradise Fail – California Rated Lowest Quality of Life in America
Democrats ruin everything they touch. They can’t help it. These people actually believe that government can do a better job at anything.
Nashua BOE Meeting Follow-Up As Promised – Corrections and Additions
Due to a miscommunication entirely of my own creation, my earlier post about the Nashua BOE meeting was woefully incomplete. Let’s see if we can remedy that.
Another Democrat Announces Run for President – Promises to Suppress Free and Open Speech
A few days after insiders said Mayor de Blasio “was in,” he wasn’t. Maybe we scared him off? Not to worry, the governor of Montana has decided he needs national attention. Steve Bullock has formally announced his candidacy for President.
AG Barr Appoints US Attorney to Investigate The Genesis of the Russia Collusion Probe
Attorney General Bill Barr has assigned US attorney John Durham to conduct an inquiry. He is tasked with examining whether the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign was justified and legal.
Debate or Physical Violence?
On April 2 there was a very lightly reported incident about a student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill who physically attacked a member of pro-life group Created Equal. The only places I could find the story were Fox News, The College Fix, DailyCaller.Com and Western Journal. The attack was caught on video. … Read more
Nashua Board of Education Obsessed with JROTC [Updated]
The Nashua Board of Education met last night. The primary topic of discussion was a previous board decision to allow JROTC air rifle marksmanship practice behind Nashua North High School.
Power-lifting Federation Revokes Records Broken by Trans-Woman Competitor
Remember Mary Gregory? “She” broke four ‘women’s’ world records for powerlifting. It made quite the stir, and it’s about to make another one. Mary is a man transitioning to a woman and has just had those world records stripped.
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) to ICE Enforcement Official – What Do You Mean by ‘Illegal?’
I’m going to give Democrat Senator Hirono the benefit of the doubt. For today’s exercise, at least initially, we will gift her (deserved or not) a presumption that she’s one of those people. The ones who are so smart that simple concepts are often difficult to grasp.
Was This Racist, Inclusive Excellence, Or Cultural Appropriation?
I took my lovely wife out to eat for Mother’s Day. At the restaurant of her choice, I selected a dish that included African Salmon. It was quite delicious, but now I have a question.
Nashua Democrat Deb Stevens’ Voting Record Tells Us She Doesn’t Trust Her Own Constituents
Deb Stevens has a low opinion of her constituents. She’s comfortable calling them ignorant. You are too stupid to know what’s best. And what is best according to Deb Stevens is for her to decide how your money gets spent.
School Teacher Tries to Transgender 8 Year Old Without Parents Knowledge
This is an interesting case. We have parents who buy-in to the gender spectrum, suing a school district because a teacher deliberately targeted a student for transgender indoctrination.
A Monday Morning Reminder – 97.8% of Mass Public Shootings Happen in Gun Free Zones
This is not news to most of our readers, but it may be to those with whom they share. Gun-free zones are magnets for criminals looking to kill.
Why Isn’t the Media Obsessing Over the Shooting in Denver?
Notice anything different about the recent ‘School Shooting’ in Denver? It’s not all anyone on the left is talking about, for starters.
#SexStrike – Are Democrats Trying to Put Planned Parenthood Out of Business?
The universe is filled with mysteries but these two things I know for sure. If people do not have sex, there can be neither future generations nor abortions that prevent them.
Mueller Search Warrant May Have Been Based On DNC Narrative and Not Actual Evidence
Mueller’s investigation was a joke. And if it that were not funny enough, new information has come to light. Evidence for Warrants leading to at least one pre-dawn raid may not actually exist.
In Her Mad Rush to Judgement Did Nashua BOE President Heather Raymond Break the Law?
Nashua Board of Education President Heather Raymond has admitted to holding an unofficial and unposted meeting and conversing secretly with board members before issuing a public letter calling for BOE member Doris Hohensee to resign.
Democrat’s “Equality Act” Could Force Physicians to ‘Do Harm’
HR 5 is sold as an equality act. If by equality you mean suppress or compel speech, sure. How about destroying girls sports by forcing schools to let boys compete against them? Then, yes! Ending religious liberty? Alrighty, then! And now there’s this.
Pras Michel Indicted for Moving Millions in Foreign Money to Obama Presidential Campaign
Foreign influence in elections is not new just Democrats caring about it. Which, is to say, being Democrats about it. We’ve had stories going back to at least Bill Clinton of foreign nations funneling political donations to Democrats.