New York City - de Blasio wants to take private property

Where Democrat Rule Leads: Mayor de Blasio Seizing Private Property in New York

The Big CrApple has laws that give the city the power to rob people of their property, so this isn’t exactly new. And Democrat Socialists are not shy about thinking they know better. So, when Mayor de Blasio announces a new plan to seize private property (like a building, or maybe 40 of them) and hand … Read more

Benny Johnson Walls across america Soros wall

“Walls Across America” – A Series Exploring the Walls Around Democrat Homes

I started calling them hypocrats the first year I began blogging. Democrats are hypocrites ergo hypocrats. So this new ‘series’ by the Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson caught my eye. It’s called Walls Across America. So do America’s politicians, moguls and celebrities really live behind walls? The Daily Caller set out to find the truth in a series … Read more

admission tickets, ticket tax

Salem Considers Tax on Tickets at Entertainment Venues Because Taxes are Too High

The town of Salem, Massachusetts has a revenue problem (don’t we all?). The local government’s cost of living exceeds its income. They need a solution. Cut spending? No. Raise taxes? Taxes are too high. Hey, let’s tax tourism some more! How about a ticket tax?

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#Woke Tragedy at Harvard – Ban on Single-Sex Groups Hurting Women More Than Men

Fraternities and men’s only clubs are a thing of the past at Harvard. The impetus for this is the toxic masculinity narrative. (Like the one being pushed by Gillette.) Men in exclusive groups become misogynistic bastards who mistreat women. To put an end to this Harvard said no more.  So, beginning with the 2017 Freshman Class, anyone who joined … Read more

Gillette #MeToo Toxic Masculinity

Proctor and Gamble Take Gillette Down the #MeToo Rabbit Hole

P & G has gone#MeToo with Gillette’s latest ad campaign. The Best Men Can Be. It’s a virtue signaling sop to the beta-male messaging of the modern left. A sad departure for a product that has, for most of its history, kept apart from the political garbage. Those days are over. Men beat women, sexually harass … Read more

Sen David Watters

Sen. David ‘Rising’ Watters – Plans Bill to Salvage Seacoast From Poseidon’s Rage

The legislation is not written yet but Seacoast Democrat David ‘Rising’ Watters is prepared to propose some. It’s purpose? Who knows. But it has something to do with angry Sea Gods casting judgment on impudent mortals!

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Grok Voice of New England

Granite Grok Passes the Concord Monitor in Alexa Online Rankings

The last time we formally compared our Alexa Online ranking to other digital footprints in New Hampshire GraniteGrok was sixth on our list. That was last September, right after we launched Grok 3.0. Since then we’ve been caught up in the process of getting all the backend (and some front end) details squared away. I wasn’t really … Read more

Greening-Energy Wind power bird choppers

Why Wind Will NEVER be the Answer to Anyone’s Power Needs

If you look at the complete manifold of global energy needs Wind power’s contribution is too small to measure. In 2014 (the last year for which there is data) the nearest whole number for wind’s contribution is zero percent. From the International Energy Agency’s 2016 Key Renewables Trends, we can see that wind provided 0.46 … Read more

border wall

We Could Also Pay for The Wall If We Stopped Shoveling ‘Welfare’ at Illegal Aliens

On the odd chance that El Chapo’s billions don’t make an appearance at The Wall funding cotillion, there is another way. An unfortunate majority of illegal crossers end up milking US taxpayers for billions in services annually. Money that would be saved by the bushel if even a fraction of the invaders were deterred. Savings that would more than cover the cost of a border ‘wall.’

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New Hampshire Resident Thinks Raising Electric Rates is the Answer

In a recent Keene Sentinel letter to the editor, a resident suggests the new legislature stop giving any RGGI money back to ratepayers. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a broad-based tax on electricity consumers. It can rise or fall without any elected official ever casting a vote. And it makes electricity more expensive.

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Liz warren

Liz Warren Comes to NH – Says Ditch Columbus Day

Elizabeth Warren dropped in on New Hampshire to take the temperature. She needs to know if she has a reasonable chance of doing well in the first official primary. To do well, she needs to ingratiate herself to the left’s virtue signaling horde — no stretch for the Harvard professor and liberal Senator. So when the … Read more

Crazifornia - California

Democrat “Role Model” California Wants a New Tax on Drinking Water

If we’ve said it once we’ve said it a thousand times. When it comes to Democrats and your money there is “no enough.” No matter what you make they can find a way to take it and spend it. Just look at California. It’s a regulatory nightmare. Complete with the unsustainable spending that goes with long … Read more

Taliban profits from poppy-flower-opium

Trump’s Afghanistan: Wipe Out the Taliban’s Funding Mechanisms

The Trump administration has been working with the Afghan military to cripple a major funding source of the Taliban. Opium. The terrorist group generates an estimated 60% of its funding for weapons from the drug trade. But they’ve been forced to seek alternate revenue streams. US and Afghan forces keep bombing the poppy fields and drug labs. … Read more

Ted Cruz El Chapo Act

Ted Cruz: Make El Chapo Guzman Pay for the Wall

Ted Cruz has a plan to provide funding for the Wall. Make a Mexican Drug lord pay for it. Cruz has reintroduced the Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order Act, or EL CHAPO Act, to Congress. The bill would designate any money and assets seized from notorious gangster Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán and allocate … Read more

Menendez on puerto rican beach during shutdown

Optics: Democrats Party in Puerto Rico While Government Workers Miss First Check

Thirty-nine House Democrats are partying with 109 Lobbyists at a resort in Puerto Rico. On a day “government workers” furloughed by a shutdown missed their first paycheck. Talk about the optics. The Left has been milking that sad cow for days.

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Another Female Student Who Cried Rape Charged for False Accusation

A few years ago the Obama administration decided to make rape political. It issued guidance suggesting 1 in 5 women in college were being sexually assaulted. It had nothing to do with sexual assault. Democrats could care less about women, even the ones who vote for them.

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free speech - speech suppression

Making “Conservatives” Out of Perfectly Fine Liberals

Kira Davis has a great piece at She examines a trend brought on by the radicalization of the left. The growing number of perfectly fine liberals who are being pushed to the right. People who vote Democrat, from famous Hollywood types to your own friends and neighbors, who have become targets of the progressive-mob and the far-left agenda.

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Sunset-water-faucet-PFOA PFAS

While We’re Mitigating PFAS in Our Water – Dental Floss Raised PFAS in Humans

The latest bugbear in the environmental contamination business is PFOA’s. These are part of a family of chemicals called PFAS. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The EPA notes that, PFOA and PFOS have been the most extensively produced and studied of these chemicals. Both chemicals are very persistent in the environment and in the human body … Read more

Doors choices confision

Judge Orders Taxpayers to Pay for Sex-Reassignment Surgery of Convicted Child Sex-Offender

A judge has ruled that the State of Idaho must pay for the sexual resignment surgery of a convicted child sex abuser. In his ruling Judge B. Lynn Winmill writes that the Idaho Department of Correction’s (IDOC) refusal to fund the pedophile’s sex-change surgery puts him at risk of irreparable harm. A psychiatrist… diagnosed Edmo with “gender dysphoria” and … Read more

NBC 4 New York

NBC NY: Home Invaders Henceforth Shall Be Called “Unwanted House Visitors”

NBC New York posted a story on Thursday. A man described as an armed robber showed up at a home in Bound Brook, New Jersey. There was a scuffle. The intruder lost control of the firearm, was shot, and killed. In their tweet, NBC refers to the armed robber as an “unwanted house visitor.” This must be a … Read more

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