Climate Fear, Rewilding, the Green New Deal, and Other Absurdities

One of the most prescient, intelligent, passionate voices defending rural lands and rural agriculture has been lifelong Democrat Wendell Berry (though Wendell will tell you that he has no allegiance to any one party). The current Democratic Party appears to have no use for the considered wisdom of this Kentucky farmer, just as it has … Read more

Democrat Leadership?

Hypocrite Alarm! Green New Deal Backers! Hypocrite Alarm!

Warning, Hypocrite Alarm! Green New Deal Backers! Hypocrite alarm! If those running for president really believe what they say, and that’s a big if, it is time to practice what you preach. Most of the Democratic Socialists running for president are pushing to implement the Green New Deal. They tell us it is supposed to … Read more

Green New Deal - Socialism wrapped up in Environmentalism

The Green New Deal – cartoon style (Part 2 of 6)

Well, the Green New Deal is a big hopping deal over at TreeHugger – have been spending a lot of time there creating content to bring back here but that will be tomorrow.  In the mean time, here’s the second Part of the series: (H/T: Clear Energy Alliance) Part 1 here.

Green New Deal - Socialism wrapped up in Environmentalism

The Green New Deal – cartoon style (Part 1 of 6)

Just found this over at Powerline – quite cute and quite to the point.  The Green New Deal is nothing more than a Eco-Socialists nocturnal emission.  It has nothing to do with “greenness”, nothing about “saving the Earth”. Instead, it is all about money and all about control.  Here’s a series that even Democrats should … Read more

Green New Deal Protesters

Green New Deal Protester: I want Universal Basic Income Like They Have In Alaska

with Beth Scaer: Yesterday I reported on how Jeanne Shaheen was taking a little “heat” from her environmental left. The Senator had not fired up the press-release mill to gush over the Green New Deal. This lack of public embrace disenfranchised climate cultists who, along with some national partners, targeted Democrats to pressure them into climbing aboard. … Read more

Jeanne shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen: Caught Between Re-election and the Green New Deal

I can’t count how many articles we’ve published on the topic of Greene Jeanne Shaheen. She’s been at the forefront of regurgitating climate-cult junk-science for most of her political career. But what have you done for them lately? Not enough. Left-Wing Climate cultists are protesting outside her Nashua office on Monday.

The New Green Deal

I recently saw an article that asked this question:  What if students were able to invest their student loan payments towards retirement, instead of paying off the loans with that money? But a college loan is supposed to be an investment.