Rep. Liz Cheney Asks Green New Deal ‘Experts’: How Did You Travel to Washington?

Ending Transportation as we know it is a feature of the Green New Deal. What we’ve come to consider modern vehicles like planes, trains, and automobiles would be mothballed. So, when four “experts” arrived in Washington to speak to Congress on the plan Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney had a question. How’d you get here?

She prefaces her question from the perspective of her constituents who, “are obviously very concerned about this notion that we are somehow going to transition over the course of 10 years here to an economy that is entirely run on green energy,”

Cheney asked the expert panel, comprised of four Democrat and two Republican witnesses, to state how they each arrived in Washington D.C., for the hearing. Four of the six witnesses stated that they traveled by airplane, the very means of transportation they hope to diminish.

Rep. Cheney then asked how, in our quest for zero net emissions, we would prioritize who would fly and who would not.

The answer was that the FAA or some government agency would decide. Cheney uses the example of vacation travel to expand on that idea.

“It would seem to me we would then have a situation where the FAA could say, for example, you know what, vacation travel, that’s not essential. We have to make sure that we can do the air travel for the people that really need it, so no vacation travel.”

She called this minister of travel the vacation commissar.

The entire exchange is a very mature, patient, walk through just one of the many absurdities embraced by Democrats in their quest to seize control of energy and how you get to use it.



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