Disqus Doodlings – Biden’s DPA Invocation for Non-military Reasons – Green New Deal Part 1

by Skip

DPA standing for the Defense Production Act. This legislation was passed for national emergency reasons – specifically during times of war.  However, Biden has declared that the Green New Deal (which Congress failed to pass for many reasons) is such a crisis to have industry work on, not material for war, but for insulating houses and buildings, electrifying all buildings (to get rid of gas, propane, kerosene, heating oil usage) and switch us all to heat pumps.

I dunno about you, but I liked it when Civil Society told Government what to do instead of what we have now which is “our” new Elected Aristocracy style of Government, where upon being elected, we have kinglets and queenlets, dukes, lords, etc telling US how we are to live.  Dunno about you but I think another Revolution is building because this is NOT how we were founded.

But I digress – back to Treehugger and Lloyd’s missive of a couple of weeks ago where this Canadian (he lives in Toronto) is all great with this:

Biden Invokes Defense Production Act to Promote Oil Alternatives

Early in the Ukraine war, we made the case that we need to electrify, heatpumpify, and insulate our way out of the current crises suggesting that reducing demand for fossil fuels was the best way to deal with Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas and the high prices in North America. A few days later, author, activist, and energizer bunny Bill McKibben called for heat pumps for peace and freedom, saying, “We’re under attack from climate change—and our only hope is to mobilize like we did in WWII.”

Now U.S. President Joe Biden is mobilizing as they did for the Korean War with the Defense Production Act of 1950, which gives the president “a broad set of authorities to influence domestic industry in the interest of national defense.” McKibben is cheering, and actually taking some credit for the Memorandum on Electric Heat Pumps where the president says, “Ensuring a robust, resilient, and sustainable domestic industrial base to meet the requirements of the clean energy economy is essential to our national security, a resilient energy sector, and the preservation of domestic critical infrastructure.”

Note the quick movement from mobilizing for a military war to mobilizing for implementing the Green New Deal (think a couple of years ago where Alexandra Ocasio-Cortex’s Chief of Staff admitted the the GND was about destroying capitalism and not going green). Progressives have ONLY thought of Society, and the Individuals within that sphere, as an engine that they can control to get their agenda done (as opposed to Society being a HUMAN based entity and not the Industrial Revolution’s fast appearing mechanical devices). We are nothing but cogs in their “Social machine” to be ordered about as they believe necessary.

There’s more at the post which is worth a quick read to show you what we’re up against – not just about energy usage and their insistence on defining “only those sources allowed” but to the degree they are willing to impose their will upon the rest of us to make it happen.

Normally in these kinds of posts, it’s me against whomever the TreeHugger commenter (“THer”) happens to be (and I’ll take on all comers).  However, commenter Vindaloo Bugaboo carried the majority of the fight to them.  While the individual data facts (and on the case of commenter “freedomEV”, the THer in all this) are presented by VB, note the technique by freedomEV (and some others) use – mere assertions and handwaving with little facts of their own.  In fact, his best “technique” is just to use his feelz and DISQUS downvote people.

Anyways, here’s the discussion:

Vindaloo Bugaboo
Electric heat pumps are not going to have any influence on the price of oil or gas, Sleepy Joe.

The Name’s not important  Vindaloo Bugaboo
Stop using oil and it won’t bother you as much

Vindaloo Bugaboo  The Name’s not important • 10 days ago • edited

Stop using oil and it won’t bother you as much

Oh brilliant retort! Let’s analyze your knee-jerk, idiotic shrift, shall we?

Stopping oil will also stop:
• international trade
• manufacturing
• transportation
• petroleum derivatives
• fertilizers (and thus, food production—we’re seeing this play out currently with the Russia-Ukraine war)

Are you advocating we simply stop using oil so that all commerce and most manufacturing grinds to a complete and utter halt? Is that your ideological solution?

Again, show me how electric heat pumps are going to affect the price of oil or a gallon of gasoline?

NOTE: to all you losers who downvoted my original comment above, does it bother you that much that you must ignore the FACTS while patting yourselves on the back in smug self-congratulatory affirmation rather than providing even two words’ worth of useful, constructive criticism to demonstrate your competence in refutation of said FACTS?

And this is the nub of pointing this discussion – the other side rarely likes opposing facts to be brought up.  Too often, in fact, especially with me trying to reason logically.  But knowing that these folks are the true believers, I cannot help myself by bringing a bit of snark into the conversion.  Like in the second part here:

 GraniteGrok  Vindaloo Bugaboo
Second-order reasoning concerning cascading consequences seems to be in short supply with some of these folks, VB.

And remember, their downvoting comes from their feelings, “nothing more than FEELings”…

It’s that second line that seems to be their favorite line of “debating” – which is to say that everything is subjective at any and all times.  The problem for our side is how to get those “feelings” locked into a box canyon from where they are trapped and can’t get out. Thus they either HAVE to answer the question – or they leave the field of battle.

And make no mistake, we ARE in a battle that has real world ramifications so we HAVE to get better at what we do and how we go about it.

But that bolded line should help – while they are often concentrating on a given result, they either can’t or absolutely refuse to acknowledge that there are trade-offs and adverse results from their first order demands.  This can and should be used against them (but know that they WILL try to shut that down).

Vindaloo Bugaboo
There are others on transformers and electrical power grid components, and solar panels and components. The president has also waived duties on imported solar cells and modules from Asia

All this does is kill U.S. domestic solar production and allows unfettered importation of Chinese solar panels, especially since the tariffs imposed on them since 2018 are being removed. How is this a win for anyone in the industry here who makes solar panels?


GraniteGrok  Vindaloo Bugaboo
Democrats/Progressives/Eco-Socialists are lovin’ this.

Who needs Congress, which failed to pass the Democrat sponsored Green New Deal (so bad that even Democrats voted against it) legislation when you can “implement” it on the whim of the Executive Branch?

Not only that, the Defense Production Act was meant to handle the threat of an immediate and existential military war. This invocation is far from it.

So when do we go back to Presidents that simply execute the law instead of abusing them for ideological reasons (and Republicans have done similar things) to use regulations in lieu of actual Law?

And that last point was downvoted – the Progressives WANT an Unitary Presidency.  For all their talk about “the loss of our Democracy”, that is EXACTLY what they want.  Too often I’ve seen Democrat leaders (Congresstwits, Senatorial sillies, advocates) demand that their Democrat President “take action if Congress doesn’t do something”.

And they wonder why we keep saying that they hate the Constitution and it’s boundaries on what can and can’t be done? And “FF” stands for Fossil Fuels, the “deadliest” enemy to mankind that you could ever think of (at least to these Eco-Socialists!):

freedomev  GraniteGrok
Spoken like a Faux News nutjob. Biden wouldn’t have needed to if repubs had done their job getting us off the national economic and security risks on top of pollution, costs and the recession we are entering, all because Repubs want $600B/yr in FF subsidies to stay.
Why do you want us to pay more to get poisoned GG? Have recession after recession from oil instability?
GraniteGrok  freedomev • an hour ago
Your reasoning is lacking.

There is a reason why Congress exists – if you can’t get a majority to vote for an idea expressed in a bill, it’s most likely a bad bill. Even if YOU like a given bill or I like a given bill, Congress is specifically set up to pass bills by consensus.

If you can’t reach that, the bill dies. I dryly note that the Democrats did a lot of that “not going along” as well so it isn’t just an R problem.

But you’re ignoring that, aren’t you?

And VB piled on at him:

Vindaloo Bugaboo  freedomev • 10 days ago
Oh so now it’s the fault of Republicans for not jumping on the green bandwagon when literally two years ago we were a net energy exporter and were ENERGY INDEPENDENT?

And BTW, carbon dioxide is not poison. Grow up.

There’s a lot, LOT more to this thread but I’ll save it for another day. In fact, this is rather old (yup, distracted again) but this is rather timeless in illustrating those that see Government to be used to achieve an ideological goal that otherwise would be unobtainable (their “persuasion” skills being rather limited) and that EVERYTHING should be on a war footing because…well, I really don’t know WHY. Only think I can think of is that it’s the only way, it seems, that they can whip people into a frenzy over something and propagandize / channel them into an idea that best fits them.

There’s no war there – it’s one of those from Point A to Point Z, so YOU have to believe us that it makes sense (when there is no sense to it at all and the effort only ticks the rest of us off).

Any ways, there is a follow onto this for later (as Steve would hate on me for publishing a 3,200 word piece).


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