“Green” Energy Policy Punishes Those on Home Heating Assistance

The Equity Advisory Group (EAG) to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) heard testimony on July 9th from Richard Giddings of the Department of Children and Families about how the Clean Heat Standard law would impact low-income Vermonters who receive home heating assistance in the winter. The news was not good for LIHEAP (Low Income Heating Assistance … Read more

Another Lousy Deal For America, Brought To You By John Kerry

It seems that any meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping inevitably presents another opportunity to render the U.S. increasingly reliant on China for its energy security. This week’s meetings at the APEC conference in a suddenly cleaned-up San Francisco were no exception. (RELATED: DAVID BLACKMON: What Does China Know That The Biden Admin Doesn’t?) … Read more

UN United Nations Logo

Masters of Deceit have Turned from Red to Green

Yesteryear’s gold fever has a lot in common with today’s environmental fever: each promises a better future. Finding gold, however, gives you the freedom to live the way you want. Moving towards an environmental way of life restricts freedom.

Africa, globe

Another Look at the Human Cost of Net Zero and The Green Agenda

In 2016, the human rights violations in Africa fueling the technology future were well known and documented by none other than Amnesty International, which released a report on “the hazardous conditions in which artisanal miners, including thousands of children, mine cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.”

Open pit mining

(Not So) ‘Green’ Full-Spectrum Dominance

This is as good a time as any to discuss the unholy alliance to advance the Green New Deal between “capitalist titans” and green Marxists  — an incredibly anti-free-market anti-business agenda that is using what appears to be military dominance tactics to achieve escape velocity.