How is Islam different? In Islam there is no humanity. There is no unitary ethic. There is no Golden Rule. Instead, there is the duality of the believer and the unbeliever. When we look at the ethical statements from the Hadith we see the illustration of duality.
Percy Blakeney
It’s Called Blacklisting
Research from the Center for the Study of Partnership and Ideology suggests One in three Conservatives in Academia has been threatened with disciplinary action for expressing their beliefs.
If You Like the Founding Fathers You’re a “Dead Ender.”
The media are calling those who like the founding fathers “Dead Enders.” There is power in political name-calling. About 70 years ago America went through the Red Scare. People lost their careers for joining the wrong group.
Look at Who Is Helping to Fund a Terror-Aligned Hate Group
ActBlue is an online donation portal. It primarily services leftist and Democrat-aligned organizations and it works with the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). PACBI is a hate group under the control of a coalition of organizations with ties to terrorism.
Speak Truth Firmly to Evil
America has been the anchor of western civilization for the last century. Today we no longer articulate our values and principles. We listen constantly to leftist crap. This is the reason we have drifted so far off our moorings. It is time to stand for something.
“Critical Race Theory (CRT) Is a Hateful, Divisive, Manipulative Fraud”
Marxist critical race theory (CRT) and The New York Times‘“1619 Project” attempt to indoctrinate Americans into thinking their society is fundamentally or “structurally” racist. Not everyone accepts this. The Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York (CACAGNY) are speaking out.
Carry a Cellphone? … Pay Government to Track You
If you carry a cellphone in your pocket you may as well be wearing an ankle bracelet. Think about it. Cell phones are convenient devices. They are handy for connecting us with loved ones, paying bills and accessing information. They are also silently and continuously reporting on our every move.
The $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill Is About 9% Related to COVID-19
The $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill is about 9% related to COVID-19. CNBC reports that the COVID relief bill likely will trigger a $36 billion cut to Medicare. It will also likely cause higher fees with student loans. Can you say, Hi, I’m from the government… I’m here to help?
Well Guess What, Capitalism Is Blameless
CHINA has taunted the United States over the Texas winter storm blackout as a “failure of capitalism” that is affecting “desperate” Americans. An opinion piece in the English-language Chinese newspaper Global Times says a large number of Americans feel that the “current capitalist system” has “serious flaws” and “cannot help them with their concerns.”
Digital Book Burning: Hey Amazon, What Is Hate Speech?
Amazon has been under fire for pulling a conservative book from its online store. Its new policy is banning books that promote “hate speech.” What is Amazon doing? But where do hate speech rules come from?
Government Regulation of the Press Will Not Produce a Better Product, It Will Produce an “Official Product.”
During the “Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media” hearing, lawmakers and witnesses argued. Some were in support of a need for restrictions on the media. Some were in support of the need for freer, more open market to allow more voices to be heard across America’s news landscape.
Will Decent People Have the Guts to Call a Halt to This Before It’s Too Late?
Redlining is a little understood term with a sorry history. It involves “the systematic denial of various goods or services, either directly or through the selective raising of prices.” Traditional redlining was keeping blacks out of certain neighborhoods by denying them access to financial services.
Media Hack – “Every Perspective Does Not Deserve a Platform”
In the “Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media hearing” in the House Wednesday, there was some interesting testimony. Soledad Obrien told the sub-committee; ‘Don’t book liars’ on news programs.
We Are All Socialists Now … Military Purge in Progress
America is now a socialist nation. We are all socialists now. So let me suggest, perhaps we should think about some of the socialist regimes that came before. Let’s limit ourselves to say the last, what say 75 years more or less.
Lux et Veritas … Revelation and Truth
The motto of Yale is “Lux et Veritas.” It means roughly “revelation and truth”; great goals for a university. The Yale Law Journal (YLJ) is releasing admissions data in the face of a pressure campaign. Activists allege blacks have under-representation at YLJ.
Biden’s Nominee for AG Says, It’s Not Domestic Terrorism If It Happens at Night
The more we see of Judge Garland, the less there is to like. Blocking his SCOTUS nomination was a very good thing because he claims that Antifa and Black Lives Matter attacks on federal courthouses are not domestic terrorism.
Is Biden’s Energy Agenda Suicide or Murder?
The Biden administration is preventing the development of multitrillion-dollar domestic resources. There are differing views on this but look at the difference between the Trump economy and the Obama economy.
Masking: If One Is Good … How Many Is Too Many?
The CDC claims that the better a mask fits, the fewer aerosols and particulates escape past it. But viruses are not aerosols or particulates. In the trial person one is coughing or breathing. Person two from whom aerosols were measured wore two masks. They wore a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask.