Very angry indeed! I can’t wait till Tea Time…

Pondering the Obama presidency, I cannot help but recall the immortal words of Marvin the Martian: “Oh! That wasn’t a bit nice! You have made me very angry! Very angry indeed!” Try as I may, there is little I can find to like about the new Administration to this point. It seems that almost every … Read more

Dragon Soup Blog: Get yourself connected

Major Kirk Luedeke [Ed. note: It’s been a while, but we are pleased to welcome our milblogger, Major Kirk, back to the pages of GraniteGrok. See his prior dispatches from Iraq here…] I just reached a small personal milestone- my 180th day home since the 4th Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division- Task Force Dragon- redeployed to Fort … Read more

John McCain rips the bark off of Romney!

… . Wow! As many of you might have figured out, I’m the kind of guy that LOVES the heat of political battle. I can’t get enough of those able to deliver the conservative message in such a way that it becomes for all intents and purposes indisputable to all those who hear it. Additionally, … Read more

Update on Right to Know lawsuits

. . Today’s Citizen (Laconia, NH) has a nice synopsis of where the ongoing Right to Know lawsuits we are involved with stand right now. Click here to read Cutter Mitchell’s reporting of our contention that the Belknap County Convention violated the Right to Know law in the process by which they appointed a replacement for … Read more

Radio at the speed of live! Saturday morning at 11…

    . Once again, it’s the weekend, which is a great thing. It’s Memorial Day, so we will of course pay proper respect, unlike John Edwards. The other really great thing about the weekend is that it means it’s time for another two hours of Meet the New Press . People tell me that … Read more

Bush details four main goals of the so-called “surge”

In his radio address this week, President Bush provided more detail on the plans for Iraq he discussed in his prime-time speech this week. THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Wednesday night, I addressed the Nation from the White House to lay out a new strategy that will help Iraq’s democratic government succeed. . America’s new … Read more