NH Democrat Hypocrisy, But I Repeat Myself

Being more than 3 weeks old, I’m old enough to remember when John DiStaso from WMUR called me about a fake NH Dems Twitter account.  Apparently, someone exercising their free speech rights ticked them off, and it became an ‘MUR news story about how “someone” from the Hillsborough County Republican Committee had set up this … Read more

Sullivan and Craig Advance to November Ballot for Manchester Mayor

Manchester voters in their municipal mayoral primary have chosen Victoria Sullivan and incumbent Joyce Craig to advance to November’s general election ballot. In her first citywide election, former State Rep. Sullivan earned 39% of the vote to Craig’s 57%. Candidate Glenn Ouellette was eliminated in the primary, with 4% of the vote. Speaking to supporters … Read more

Nashua GOP SteakOut – more MicroInterviews

As always, only a couple of question for each that is willing for me to drag them off to a more quiet area to get their responses.  Most are always happy (ok, perhaps “not glum” – heh!) to oblige.  So here are three NH State Reps that I crept up on and they knew immediately … Read more

A Bleg from the Victoria Sullivan for Manchester Mayor campaign

UPDATED and BUMPED: The time to meet is at 10AM, not 5PM as originally sent out. ************* Fellow Victoria Sullivan supporters! The Sullivan campaign was wondering if you would be available to volunteer at 5:00PM 10AM, August 15th, before President Trump’s Manchester Rally. The rally will commence at 7:00PM and Team Sullivan will ensure that … Read more

victoria sullivan

Ride along opens eyes, forges pledge to safer city

I RECENTLY HAD the opportunity to go on a ride-along with the Manchester Police Department to gain first-hand insight into what our men and women in blue face each and every day. As a mother raising two young boys in our city, to say it was an eye-opening experience is an understatement. I spent an … Read more

Victoria Sullivan for Manchester Mayor – Campaign Office opening

The momentum continues as our team grows and we amplify our efforts to reach out to voters throughout the city. This upcoming Saturday is an exciting day for our campaign as we officially open our campaign office. I truly hope you can join us for some light refreshments and then an afternoon of door-knocking as … Read more

Chairman of New Hampshire Democrats Says Stay-at-Home Moms Do Nothing

This: So the esteemed -by his sycophants in the New Hampshire “press” and the New Hampshire Democrats who unanimously reelect him every year- Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrats thinks that stay-at-home moms don’t do anything. Herr Buckley (#HitlerShouldHaveBombedIt) is a misogynist moron. But neither #SkinnyPompousAndBiased (Adam Sexton) nor any of his #FakeReporter colleagues consider … Read more

Grok MicroInterview: NH State Reps for Victoria Sullivan

When I covered the official filing of paperwork for Victoria Sullivan, I also ran into NH State Reps Kimberly Rice and Jeanine Notter.  Being that we had a bit of time, I asked – why are you supporting Victoria for Manchester Mayor? Thank you, ladies!

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