I’m using “Lock Her Up” in the sense used when it is chanted at Trump rallies: Hold her legally accountable; hold her to the same standard as anyone else would be.
It has been reported … not by the “mainstream” media, of course … that Mayor Joycie Craig … apparently triggered by the Trump Rally … ordered the Highway Department to remove Victoria Sullivan for Mayor signs AND ONLY VICTORIA SULLIVAN FOR MAYOR SIGNS. From Steve:
That is a blatant violation of the First Amendment. Government can only legally remove all the political signs, or none of the signs. Government cannot selectively remove some political signs because the Mayor happens to not want voters to see their message.
Mayor Joycie’s commandeering of the Highway Department to act as an arm of her reelection campaign is also an illegal in-kind campaign contribution to her reelection campaign.
Attorney General Gordon MacDonald should have already formally demanded that Mayor Joycie reimburse the taxpayers for the cost … and if she refuses to reimburse the taxpayers, MacDonald should pursue legal action to force Mayor Joycie to do so.