Mayor Craig scrambles, deflects, and plagiarizes to fix the problems she has ignored

by Op-Ed
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 4, 2019 |
Manchester, NH – With primary election day just 13 days away, Mayor Craig is in full panic mode. For months and months, she has been relying on incomplete crime data and talking points to claim that all is well in Manchester. She can’t hide from the facts any longer.
The constant stream of violent crimes in our city, combined with a downtown that has been plagued with violence, drugs, and people living and relieving themselves on our streets, has caused her to scramble to answer to the voters. In recent days, the Mayor’s tone has not only changed, but she has gone from doing her best to pretend that the issues plaguing our city are non-existent, to looking for scapegoats, to pushing the exact changes that others have been calling for for months. Her lack of leadership, denials, and scapegoating is only hurting the very constituents she promised as a candidate to be there for.
Victoria Sullivan, candidate for Mayor of Manchester, said:
“It’s unfortunate that it takes an election being only days away for Mayor Craig to acknowledge that the city has fallen into chaos under her leadership. For months Manchester’s Aldermen, like Tim Baines, Joseph Kelly Levasseur, Keith Hirschman, and other city officials have been all but begging Mayor Craig to do something. They have been fighting for solutions and offering ideas that unfortunately, the Mayor in a desperate attempt to downplay our city’s problems, has ignored and deflected.
“Now, knowing that she is in political trouble and that her talking points are not fooling Manchester residents, she is scrambling to blame others to save her political career. Candidate Craig had no problem pointing out the city’s problems and pointing fingers when she was an Alderman vying for the corner office. Now that she is Mayor, she has ignored and deflected our city into chaos.
“When I am elected Mayor, I will be hands on. I will convene weekly meetings with all department heads. I will work with the Aldermen, our Governor, and state leaders to ensure Manchester has the resources needed to tackle the problems we are facing. I will also do what I have done since the moment I entered public life: I will work across the aisle, I will listen to the ideas of others, and I will work with all the stakeholders and constituents that are affected by these problems.
“My slogan for this campaign is ‘Together, We Can Shine.’ For me, it’s not just a slogan, it’s a way of life. Too many elected officials feel threatened by others’ ideas because they are afraid that if they listen to others, they are hurting their chances for reelection. That’s not who I am, that’s not how I approach public service. I live in this city. I am running to fix it for my family and yours.”
Contact: Derek Dufresne; 202-809-6013; 603-860-7781


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