
“[C]ompletely erase the existence of” suggests that Victoria Sullivan supports something on the magnitude of Auschwitz and Treblinka, which … needless to say … has no basis in reality but rather represents the ranting of a lunatic who sees people who do not agree with his political views as Hitlerian.
Lunacy like this from Ray Buckley is commonplace and to be expected.
But that does not excuse the press and the so-called “leaders” of the New Hampshire Democrats.
Imagine the press reaction if the GOP Chairman had said Andru Volinsky wants to “completely erase the existence of [Christians]” to describe Volinsky’s anti-Christian bigotry (e.g. his odious claim that Frank Edelblut’s religious views disqualified him from serving as Education Commissioner).
(And, to be clear … so that nobody draws a false parallel … the example of Volinsky’s anti-Christian bigotry is NOT … in any way, shape, manner or form … intended to say Victoria Sullivan is a bigot. As far as I know, she treats people as individuals, not based on identity politics, which is the antithesis of bigotry.)
There would be instant, prominent and recurring coverage along the lines of “GOP Chairman invokes Nazi Concentration-Camp imagery to attack Democrat Gubernatorial candidate.” And the press would be asking every leading GOP officeholder whether they “condemn, denounce” etc. etc. etc..
No Democrat running in Manchester has … to my knowledge … even distanced himself or herself from Buckley’s libel. Like their “Chairman,” they have no decency.