I voted sticker

End Out-Of-State Students Extra Constitutional Voting Rights

Newly Minted New Hampshire State Senator Victoria Sullivan has a bill before the Senate that would prohibit student ID as proof of residency for voting purposes. SB223 had its first hearing yesterday morning, and it did not lack for naysayers, especially since the bill had a hook. This bill provides for in-state tuition at any … Read more

Manchester city hall

Manchester: Seventh Person Shot in a Six Day Period

Enough is enough. We Must Stop Craig’s Chaos Now. Under failed Mayor Joyce Craig, Manchester continues to make headlines for all of the wrong reasons. Just last night, our city experienced its seventh person shot in a six-day period. That’s right, seven people shot in six days in our own city.

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victoria sullivan

Victoria Sullivan: “It’s Official… I am Running to be Manchester’s Next Mayor!”

On this special day, I’ll be busy on the campaign trail working hard to spread my message to all in the Queen City. I’m passionate about fighting for a Manchester with quality schools that serve all of our students, more well-paying jobs, a vibrant downtown with thriving small businesses, a busy airport, safer streets devoid of drugs, and a solution to the homeless crisis once-and-for-all.

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Election Night 2019 – A Recap

Victoria Sullivan arrived to her ‘Victory Party’ after a tough loss to incumbent Mayor Joyce Craig to a standing ovation and hugs from her closest friends and supporters, exclaiming “I’m crying because I love you guys so much.” “I wish that everyone could feel the love I feel right now,” she said to the crowd … Read more

LibertyBallot Endorses Sullivan in MHT Mayoral Race

LibertyBallot has weighed in on the Mayoral Race in Manchester, endorsing Victoria Sullivan in her race against incumbent Mayor Joyce Craig. An independent organization, LibertyBallot seeks to ‘do the research for you,’ as many people don’t have the time or resources to research the dozens of candidates that will appear on the ballot. With LibertyBallot, … Read more

Victoria Sullivan Rand Paul Manchester

Help Victoria Sullivan Win In New Hampshire

The socialist Democratic candidates for President are in New Hampshire campaigning to re-elect a far left mayor in the city of Manchester. They’re using this important race in the largest city north of Boston as a barometer for the 2020 cycle. We have a real opportunity to win this seat not just to set the tables … Read more

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