Victoria Sullivan for Manchester Mayor – Campaign Office opening

by Op-Ed

The momentum continues as our team grows and we amplify our efforts to reach out to voters throughout the city. This upcoming Saturday is an exciting day for our campaign as we officially open our campaign office. I truly hope you can join us for some light refreshments and then an afternoon of door-knocking as we take to the streets of Manchester to discuss the important issues impacting Queen City families.

When: Saturday, August 3rd at 10 AM
Where: 62 Lowell Street, Suite 5, Manchester, NH

Please either respond to this email if you are able to attend or you can RSVP via our Facebook event page by clicking HERE.

Remember, if you would like to sign up to volunteer or for a yard sign, please click HERE today!


P.S. Remember, if you would be willing to volunteer or to have a Sullivan for Mayor sign put up in your yard, please click here!

NOTE: GraniteGrok has endorsed Victoria Sullivan for Manchester Mayor

Victoria Sullivan Campaign Office Opening


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