NH Democrat Hypocrisy, But I Repeat Myself

Being more than 3 weeks old, I’m old enough to remember when John DiStaso from WMUR called me about a fake NH Dems Twitter account.  Apparently, someone exercising their free speech rights ticked them off, and it became an ‘MUR news story about how “someone” from the Hillsborough County Republican Committee had set up this fake Twitter.

It wasn’t me, and it wasn’t the HCRC, but that’s besides the point.

Twitter pulled down the account, and this story was written at the bidding of the New Hampshire Democrats.

Do they live up to their own rules? No. Of course not. But they should!

They have created a website for “No Plan Sullivan” – meaning Victoria Sullivan, the Manchester Mayoral Candidate who is facing off against Joyce Craig.  They criticize and personally attack Victoria on this page, just like they accused the @DemsNH (now defunct) account of doing on Twitter.  Hypocrisy at it’s finest, but what do you expect from the New Hampshire Democrats?

The NHDP provided screenshots of the account’s profile page and three tweets criticizing and personally attacking state party chair Raymond Buckley.


Now, as Ian Underwood put it on Facebook, a candidate without a thorough “Government” plan for every single problem would be a breath of fresh air.  The campaign slogan on the website “Manchester Deserves Better,” is also quite accurate, and would get better with Victoria Sullivan as their Mayor.

The Manchester City Elections are coming up on November 5.  If you have time, or money, or just love to send to Victoria, you can do so at https://www.victoriasullivanformayor.com/
At the very least, make sure you vote if you live in Manchester, and bring a few friends with you.  Manchester Deserves Better.

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