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Green Beret PAC – We Choose, among Others, One of Us – Don Bolduc

by Skip

I am constantly surfing the ‘Net. FAR too much for me to put up and, I must admit, I spend too much time surfing. Yes, it is part of this hobby/obsession that I’d be on top of a LOT of things but it does take time. But it does payoff and I think this time, given we are now seeing the intensification of the political campaigns, it did. From a story at MSN (who was reporting what Fox News had first) (reformatted, emphasis mine): Green Beret PAC and an announcement concerning Don Bolduc.

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Democrat’s “Drop-Out” Chickens Coming Home To Roost?

Schoolhouse(This was written on April 1st, 2013 and left in the drafts folder.  I thought I ‘d dust it off. )

Former New Hampshire Governor John Lynch liked to talk about how his administration had overseen a historic decrease in the number of kids who dropped out of public school with a mission to get that number down to zero.  Not such an absurd idea when you consider how it is that he managed the ‘reported’ decrease it in the first place.

Lynch and the Democrats simply changed the name and the definition of a “drop out” and stopped counting anyone who dropped out by any other name.

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I’m not crazy…my mother had me tested.

But Representative Abrami thinks I am paranoid because I oppose SB 11; however, I may be just crazy enough to believe I own the water on my property. Sadly, it seems that the NH Department of Environmental Services says “No”.  If that doesn’t give you pause, then go to the former Governor John Lynch’s website and read the final report of the Water … Read more

Democrat Contradictions – Out Of State Influence in Local Elections

Democrats in New Hampshire take a lot of money from outside the state.  Don’t take my word for it, just go look it up.  Millions and Millions.  They use candidates, campaign committees, so-called non-profits, and even have super wealthy out of state special interest donors making personal donations here and there to move money around the campaign finance camp fire, often right into the state Democrat party coffer, then back out to your local races.

No one should be surprised or even taken aback at this because it is all part of the business of politics, every party does some of this, it is all perfectly legal, and everything was fine up until the point when the New Hampshire Democrat party decided to make it a recurring campaign issue against Republicans.   It wasn’t Democrats who were affected by objects of out of state money and influence, just the Republicans.

Democrats are clearly guilty of hypocrisy on the  issue (no surprise there), but whenever they start a narrative like this it is usually because they are doing something else that might be worse, that they need you to be distracted from.  And guess what?   They were.

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“Carefully considered and narrowly tailored…?”

Governor John Lynch pretends he cares about free speechNew Hampshire Governor John Lynch Vetoed SB175 this week, a bill that would allow heirs to control the commercial use of a celebrities identity.  But I’m not all that interested in the Veto or the bill, I am more…amused…by the hypocrisy in his explanation for it.

The Union Leader reports Governor Lynch as suggesting that this particular bill could have “a chilling effect on legitimate journalistic and expressive works.” That “legislation that could have the impact of restricting free speech must be carefully considered and narrowly tailored?”

Had I been drinking coffee when I read this I would have spit it all over my laptop because this is the same man who two years ago said he was willing to sign HB1459 which would have bureaucratized paid political speech by any business out of existence for fear of failing to properly meet all the requirements before “speaking.”

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Governor Martin O’Malley Rallies NH Democrats…

Remember when New Hampshire Governor John Lynch slithered off in secret to  Tim Gill’s secret Gay-millionaire-democrat-donor confab known as Political OutGiving?  He wasn’t fundraising, so he said, but ended up with around $100,000.00 in contributions from the attendees (He got the rest of his 2010 campaign cash from Unions and his own bank account).  Well the only other Governor at that same event was Maryland’s Martin O’Malley.

Governor O’Malley probably wasn’t there to “fund-raise” either but given that he was reportedly on the fence about Gay Marriage, and the Gay lobby was pushing hard for a Gay Marriage bill in Maryland, and Governor John Lynch–who was against Gay Marriage before he was bought off by outside money and intimidated by the state party to be for it–the presence of this Democrat couple at the secret Chicago Millionaire Gay donor-confab seemed hardly serendipitous.

Nor does this seem coincidental–the choice of Governor Martin O’Malley to speak to the New Hampshire State Democrat Party convention last Saturday.

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The Little Governor Who Couldn’t

Those were some funny tating browniesGovernor Lynch, in a fit of impotence and self contradiction, has confused his role as the states chief executive, as reported in a Union Leader column today by Tom Fahey. 

In regard to the passage into law of New Hampshire HB 601 and SB 148, Governor Lynch remarked on one hand that…

He allowed the bill (HB 601) to become law, he said, “because I did not want New Hampshire to default into federal oversight.”

and then claimed that…

…SB 148 has no practical effect on New Hampshire residents because there is no way to enforce it.

“ The assessments for not obtaining health insurance will not be administered through the state but through the Internal Revenue Service. Legislators and the public should understand that this legislation would have no impact on the capacity of the state of New Hampshire to block the individual health insurance mandate or the federal assessments for not obtaining insurance,” he said.


HB 601 (in short-hand) prohibits accepting pump-priming federal dollars for Obama Care–which must be returned to lower the federal deficit) and gives the NH legislature oversight of all state agencies on the matter before any part of it can be implemented.   SB 148 simply states that we will not enforce any purchase mandate fine or imprisonment related to the Health Care law.

As a matter of semantics Lynch is not wrong to suggest that if the IRS barges in and arrests us for failing to comply that no state agency is interposed to prevent that.  But that is exactly the point of SB 148.  It deems to interpose the law enforcing branch of the New Hampshire government–the executive and his Attorney General–between (in this case) the IRS and the people on the matter of  the Patient affordable care act.  SB 148 draws a line over which our chief executive is meant to stand in defense of his state and it’s people.  The same line, by the way, that he draws (at least rhetorically) with regard to HB601.

So according to Lynch, while he does not want to default to federal oversight, the IRS can just reach over the Governors office and snatch whomever they please. 

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Right To Work – “Dear State Legislator”

I realize most of the (Merrimack) town delegation supports right to work but as we approach the override vote I wanted to impart these remarks. If any business but a union demanded $50.00 every month from every employee, for benefits and used some of that money to finance its mostly one-party political action funding, there would be hell to pay. No one of any political party would support that. Now imagine if they had to do it or they could not work there?

Is John Lynch In Trouble With Democrats?

The progressive socialists who pull the big red levers at party headquarters invest a good deal of political capitol on bashing big business and the men and women who run them so how do they reconcile their figurehead democrat pimping the potential for 1500 new manufacturing jobs in the state, created by some evil, free market, fortune 100 company?

New Hampshire Got Jobs!?

How about some jobs? New Hampshire is reporting an April unemployment rate of 4.9%. … This is unlike last year when the initial “improvement” we saw was actually the result of workforce decline–people had stopped looking or receiving benefits and dropped out of the equation.

The Shower Muse Asks An Important Question About the Left Wing

Shower HeadInspiration comes in strange places.  Dots connect, ideas coalesce, thoughts combine.  These kinds of events are most common for me in circumstances where it is almost impossible to write them down.  I often get revelations driving and have to pull over to write them down.  But the other morning it was in the shower.

I was getting ready to head up to the Nullify Now Tour event at SNHU in Manchester, on Saturday, when I had a thought.  It wasn’t a new thought, but somewhere between rinse, lather, and repeat what had previously been random musings got together to form a new way to present the idea and I was soaking wet with neither paper nor pencil anywhere nearby–not that I could use them in the present circumstances.

So I figured the thought was doomed.   Thousands of other things would crowd my mind, mug the thought, and leave it to die in an ally.  There it would lay slowly bleeding to death, unable to survive on the insubstantial life support of short term memory, unless I found it and resuscitated it.  

Writing it down usually allows me to preserve the thought so hours or days later, when I find it in my pants pocket while folding laundry fresh from the dryer, I can look at the pulpy looking turd with a furrowed brow and try to recall what the hieroglyphs meant when I committed them to writing.

(Sometimes the pulpy pocket turds are yellow; shout out to 3M for inventing Post-It notes.)

Well this thought must have been made of sturdy stuff.  Days later it was still alive.

So what was it?

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Union Leader Hit’s It Out Of The Park

This Union Leader Editorial in today’s paper does exactly what we should all be doing.  Pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of democrats who ignore actions by their Democrat governor.  It used to be that the “essential” level of funding for state health and social services was whatever the commissioner of Health and Human Services said … Read more

Maryland Can’t Pass Same Sex Marriage

Tim Gill won’t be happy. He and Political Outgiving have been pouring money into Maryland and the pockets of its governor, Martin O’Malley, O’Malley was one of Tim Gill’s special guests at last years secret gathering along with our own governor John Lynch. The goal was, as it was in New Hampshire, to buy up local politicians at the state house level and ensure the governor of finanaical support to pass same sex marriage.

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