“Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” —Bo Bennett  In a letter to French Scientist Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in November of 1789, Benjamin Franklin quipped those ever long-enduring and famous words, “[B]ut in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes … ” It would appear Franklin had not contemplated … Read more

Is John Lynch In Trouble With Democrats?

The progressive socialists who pull the big red levers at party headquarters invest a good deal of political capitol on bashing big business and the men and women who run them so how do they reconcile their figurehead democrat pimping the potential for 1500 new manufacturing jobs in the state, created by some evil, free market, fortune 100 company?

Abusive Union supporting John Lynch

CSS is funded by the SEIU, with additional money from other major unions, a few pro-government health care groups, and yes, the Democrat Governors association. It’s policy focus claims are Energy, Economy, Health Care, and Seniors. It’s Policy page reads like Jeanne Shaheen For Senate 2008, or anything you might find at OFA then or now. It’s thin on details, high on rhetoric, and we’ve heard it before, and just recently watched it fail as applied by the left under Obama.

John Lynch Must Go!

New Hampshire Democrats, and John Lynch have seen their own policy goals mirrored on the big screen in Washington DC and they could not be happier.  Every time the feds have a handout, no matter what the strings, Lynch grabs it with both hands, pimping out the Granite State for one time Federal dollars with … Read more

John Lynch – Job Destroyer

Governor Lynch and the left-o-crats are guilty of false advertising.  He (and they) have framed John Lynch as a man who is good for the state, and a shining example of how best to ride out a recession.  To support this claim they point to the states better than average unemployment rate, which while lower … Read more

John Lynch Gets What’s Been Coming

Blogging can be a weird hobby.  You never know when something you’ve planted will grow and bear fruit.  But back on May 28th of 2010 I planted this seed. It was about Mr. Lynch going to the Political OutGiving conference. In the intervening months I planted a few more, here, and here, and here. There … Read more

What John Lynch IS Good At

William F. Klessons has stretched credibility to the breaking point. Who is Klessons you ask? He is Salem’s self-styled print equivalent of Keith Olbermann. A Kool-Aid stained liberal apologist and basher of all things to the right of Mussolini in the pages of the Salem Patriot, and the Observer. Klessons came to my attention when … Read more

John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

(Note: This was originally posted on May 28th at NH Insider. It is being re-posted here as an encore presentation, by request.)   John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of) The Ray and Kathy Show has this gag they do all the time where they complain about outside money or special interests on the right affecting … Read more

John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

The Ray and Kathy Show has this gag they do all the time, where they complain about outside money, or special interests on the right affecting local elections.  It’s a serious gas because everyone knows it’s actually a projection of their own involvement with deep pocketed outside interests with which they exert pressure upon the local … Read more

John Lynch, the Movie

  This video captures the essence of the sentiment shown by our friend Ed and his sign: