More Charter Schools?

The Sunday Telegraph is heralding their governors signing of HB 1495, a bill that authorizes more Charter Schools in New Hampshire. It’s a glowing report about a state executive committed to educational opportunities until you get to paragraph six where the governors true motivations are revealed. New Hampshire’s application for millions in new federal aid from … Read more

John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

(Note: This was originally posted on May 28th at NH Insider. It is being re-posted here as an encore presentation, by request.)


John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

The Ray and Kathy Show has this gag they do all the time where they complain about outside money or special interests on the right affecting local elections.  It’s a serious gas because everyone knows it’s actually a projection upon others of their own involvement with deep-pocketed outside interests with which they then exert pressure upon the local worker bees doing the Yeoman’s work at hiding their radical left wing agenda.  But they think it works so we try to play along.   Case in point: Governor John “Liar” Lynch was recently taken to task for saying one thing and doing another on the not uncontroversial subject of same sex marriage.  Lynch flip flopped and plenty of us asked if someone put the thumb screws on our diminutive chief executive. 

No, no.  Lynch is his own man concerned about equality and civil rights, Blah blah blah. 

Enter into the debate this article by Lou Chibbaro Jr. from The Washington Blade, which bills itself as "the lgbtq community resource."  The article is titled, “Rare Peek behind closed doors of secret gay donor confab.”  In the article Lou Chibbaro jr reveals for us the internal happenings at an event on May 15th to May 16th (just two weeks ago).  It’s was..

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The End Of The Road

Hat in hand, governor Lynch is looking for the feds to bail him out of the accumulated disaster of his administration. On the matter of extending federal unemployment benefits (from this morning’s Union Leader) the governor was emphatic.

Failure to do so (to extend federal benefits) will jeopardize the economic progress we’ve been making, Lynch said, warning that roughly 20,000 people in the state could run out of benefits in the next four months. Next week alone, 938 people will lose their benefits, he said.


You have so mismanaged your stewardship of the state budget, been so beholden to years of irresponsible legislative spending and grossly inaccurate revenue projections, that we are incapable of finding even a few million dollars anywhere in our own state of New Hampshire to resolve any problem without further flights of legislative fancy or begging an even more bankrupt federal government for another handout.

You put us here John Lynch. You created this monster.

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The Bikini Burqa Bloviators

Democrats think that a bikini hula-hoop contest as part of a political fundraiser is insulting and demeaning to women.  This after a private fundraiser being held for the Stephen campaign announced the addition–which the Stephen campaign refused to support, and which resulted in them refusing any money raised whether the bikinis were there or not. … Read more

Lynch Lied – “The Parental Notification Edition”

Prior to being against parental notification all together, John Lynch was happy to lie to his constituents about his stand and there’s proof.  I was recently sent the text of a letter* from Governor John Lynch to a New Hampshire resident who expressed some concerns about his position on Parental Notification prior to the passage … Read more

Chicago On The Merrimack

The democrat party line on BP is to close ranks and paint Republicans as protecting big oil.  This is necessary to distract America from Obama’s incompetence and the democrat’s cozy relationship with the British energy company.  Both Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes got the memo—they are on board—using tragedy for personal and political profit as each has sent out fundraising propaganda asking supporters to help them fend of the GOP and its defense of big oil.  These people are unbelievable. 

In a recent Hodes fundraising email staffer Valerie Martin claims that… 

"Republicans… are standing up for Big Oil, Big Insurance, and Big Banks. 

It’s just another example of a Republican defending the special interests, not your interests.

Other Republicans are even inexplicably criticizing President Obama’s efforts to make sure BP has money set aside to pay for the damages they caused.”” 

So let me see if I’ve go this right.  Paul Hodes (lawyer) sanctions the chief executive’s right to pry billions away from a private company without due process of law, when it is politically or ideologically convenient.  You can run on that and democrats will vote for you?

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Just Borrow Them From Washington DC

The rhetorical skirmishes over the replacement of retiring Supreme Court Justice John Broderick have produced some interesting contrasts. We are told by those wishing for prompt action that failing to appoint judges could have an adverse affect on the peoples rights which I have to admit makes sense, except when you consider that there are four superior court and nine district court vacancies (as reported in the Union Leader) languishing somewhere in the appointment/replacement process.

New Hampshire Needs To Go Into Rehab

“…state governments learn to rely to much on federal handouts as well. New Hampshire democrats just “balanced” the state budget with more debt and millions in federal money that’s not even there. So now they’ll have to get someone to put it back or their budget will not be “in balance,” like some crack whore begging for another hit.”

A Smudge On The “Teflon” John

Mr. Lynch also wants’ you to assure you that NOM’s out of state influence should not be taken seriously. He is just concerned about out of state money affecting local politics. But what he’d rather you not discuss is how much out of state money he’s been using for political speech to keep himself ensconced in the governor’s office up in Concord.

What Property Rights?

The necessity of law to protect property has… under democrat governance, reversed itself into using law to confiscate property. Under this kind of leadership any sum could find itself subject to the will of the “crown” to erase debts incurred as a result of being too “liberal” with the peoples purse.

John Lynch Goes Gay (Sort Of)

The Ray and Kathy Show has this gag they do all the time, where they complain about outside money, or special interests on the right affecting local elections.  It’s a serious gas because everyone knows it’s actually a projection of their own involvement with deep pocketed outside interests with which they exert pressure upon the local … Read more

Right To Ignorance

  The passage of the New and Improved New Hampshire Right To Know Law (as yet unsigned by Governor Lynch) redefines "public body" in a way that makes it more difficult for taxpayer to observe the inner workings of their government. An individual executive or administrative officer of a political subdivision shall not constitute a … Read more

Seth Marshall Discovers Property Taxes

  Hat tip out of the gate to fellow NHI front pager Richard Olsen Jr. for this fine bit or wordsmithing on Nashua Rep Seth Marshall’s brief letter to the Nashua Telegraph about a pamphlet on the burden of property taxes.  Mr. Marshall (it appears) feels blessed as if the contents of this pamphlet revealed the answer … Read more

Does Lynch Have A Primary Fight In 2010?

Rumor has it that John Lynch could have a primary challenger named Tim Robertson (D-Keene). Robertson has been kicking around the NH House for years warming a seat over at the Criminal Justice and Public Safety commission where his primary contribution has been making friends in the party and sponsoring bills that are inexpedient to legislate.  Robertson’s … Read more

Lynch Lied

The NHDP has it’s panties in a bunch about an ad campaign claiming governor Lynch is a liar on the issue of same sex marriage.  This is to be expected from a party that sold spendocrat Jeff Goley as a small government anti-tax champion. The analysis of this question is relatively simple.  John Lynch said he … Read more

Deficit Deceit

Liberalisms, like “this won’t increase the deficit,” or “this will reduce the deficit,” or “John Lynch will never leave a deficit” are misleading regurgitations whose success as a political tool rely entirely on the electorates inability to ask the follow-up question.  How?    Here’s an example.  John Lynch has 100 apples to use.  The left wing … Read more

J.U. Hey!

The JUA money grab is back in the news.  A group is blasting Kelly Ayotte and John Lynch for trying to balance the budget with 110 million from a fund created by the state but filled with money from the pockets of doctors who were forced by law to contribute to it.  The thinking goes … Read more

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