Joe Biden wink

Biden is a Hypocrite

Joe Biden is a hypocrite, he’s a Democrat and a nominal Catholic. The man touts his Catholic faith out of one side of his mouth. Out of the other side, he vows to crack down on nuns. The man can’t keep his story straight. But then again these days it probably isn’t his story anymore.

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2020 Taglines

by Tom

When this COVID-19 circus finally rolls out of town (if it ever does), there will be a number of taglines for this awkward period in US history. One of them will be “weaponized hypocrisy”.  We’ve seen ridiculous levels of hypocrisy from the Left over the past 10 years, especially since Donald Trump got elected.  They … Read more

Paging Senator Feltes

Paging Senator Feltes! Better Call Your Office!

Whoops! Senator Dan Feltes’ campaign has been running ads with blatant lies…. and NHPR caught him in the act! NHPR: Feltes Says He’s Not Taking ‘Corporate Contributions,’ But Records Show Otherwise Senator Dan Feltes, a gubernatorial hopeful, has been running ads railing against PAC and LLC donations. The trouble is, he’s been taking them himself … Read more

Stupidity is not hypocrisy

I don’t know why it bugs me so much, but it does bug me when people try to make a big deal about the fact that Elizabeth Warren sent one of her children to private schools, claiming that this somehow makes her a hypocrite.

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Ah, the hypocrisy of the Left. But they’ll blame Trump for it!

by Skip

After drone striking Iranian Quds Force leader General Qasem Soleimani who has been killing Americans for years, either directly through Iranian forces/resources or via proxies in the Middle East when Iranian backed militias attacked an Iraqi based American embassy (and thereby crossing a red line that Trump had laid down).

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So now even Mrs. Doubtfire is in trouble??

by Skip

Kill everything AND expose their own hypocrisy on everything. And this time they have gone to far (if I was to put this to TMEW as Mrs. Doubtfire is one of her top 3 movies): The Seattle Times and humorless Seattle activists believe the new 5th Avenue Theater production of “Mrs. Doubtfire” is “problematic” because a male character … Read more

Is Dan Feltes New Hampshire’s Most Brazen Political Hypocrite?

If Dan Feltes (whom I often refer to as #FlatulentFeltes for all the gassy political air he discharges) is not New Hampshire’s most brazen political hypocrite, he has to be in the top five. Consider this: Just a few days later, we learned about Rep. Tamara Le’s “F*ck private and religious schools” Facebook post: And … Read more

scale justice Blue Injustice

Speaker Removes John Burt – Only Suspends Tamara Le

You’ll remember just last week Representative Tamara Le, D-North Hampton, went on a Facebook tirade that ended with “F*** private and religious schools.” After the story was brought to you by GraniteGrok and NH Journal (who first broke the story,) over 600 petitions demanding Le’s removal from the Education Committee were delivered to Speaker Shurtleff … Read more

Biden's Latin Lesson

There’s quid pro quo, and then there’s political corruption

As Democrats continue to push for open borders while obsessing about multiculturalism, they seem to have discovered a new appreciation for multilingualism as well.  Ever since that controversial phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, Democrats across the country have been endlessly repeating one Latin phrase they believe will lead to President Trump’s … Read more

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