Paging Senator Feltes! Better Call Your Office!

Whoops! Senator Dan Feltes’ campaign has been running ads with blatant lies…. and NHPR caught him in the act!

NHPR: Feltes Says He’s Not Taking ‘Corporate Contributions,’ But Records Show Otherwise

Senator Dan Feltes, a gubernatorial hopeful, has been running ads railing against PAC and LLC donations. The trouble is, he’s been taking them himself — despite his ads claiming otherwise.

Hypocrisy is nothing new for Democrats, especially Senator Feltes, but this is so blatant it’s actually quite funny.

Good job to Josh Rogers & Casey McDermott reporting on this:

Gubernatorial candidate Dan Feltes is running ads on Facebook that claim “he’s not taking corporate PAC or LLC contributions, so the public can be sure their governor is working for them — not himself.”

But a review of Feltes’ campaign filings show that in his run for governor, he’s collected thousands of dollars from political action committees tied to industries like banking, real estate, car dealers, trial attorneys, doctors, and dentists. Gambling interests, several Concord lobbying firms, and corporate entities like Federal Express and Liberty Utilities also show up as campaign donors in his filings.

NHPR: Feltes Says He’s Not Taking ‘Corporate Contributions,’ But Records Show Otherwise

So, who would the Governor of New Hampshire be working for? By his own logic, Dan Feltes would be working for the LLCs and PACs that have contributed to him.

That is ridiculous of course. He knows that, we know that, everyone knows that. Governor Sununu has steadfastly stood for the people of New Hampshire and has an increasing approval rating to show for it. Taking donations from LLCs and PACs does not mean a politician is bought and paid for, usually.

This couldn’t have happened to a better candidate. Great job Dan, and thanks for the ‘transparency’ we should be demanding.

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