Volinsky, Cryans, and Pignatelli – Great optics, guys, with your racist NO vote on Ryan Terrell

by Skip

Ed Mosca and I concentrated on L’il Andru Volinsky because, well, he’s made himself a big target with his pandering at the Black Lives Matter rally and now voting down Ryan Terrell for the NH Board of Education.

Related:  Want to See Systemic Racism? Volinsky All But Calls Board of Education Nominee an Uncle Tom.

Imagine that, hyping up black people and making more opportunities for them on one hand and then turning around to deny a black man an opportunity at his first opportunity!

But there were two other Democrats that voted against Terrell – and Bob Clegg reminds us a bit more on the female Democrat on the Executive Council. Yes, Bob is running for her seat but the overall Principle still stands – when it comes to race relations, Democrats make all kinds of grandiose gestures but when it gets down to brass tacks, it is Democrat Power Ideology all the time.

It’s almost obvious that they believe Terrell is a sell-out because he isn’t toeing the Progressive Plantation line (e.g., “how DEAH he be a conservative Republican! We’ll have none of that heah!”).

Including Debora Pignatelli (emphasis mine):

Bob Clegg Executive Council

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              June 10, 2020
Contact: Periklis Karoutas
(603) 799-6563

Bob Clegg Statement on the Executive Council’s rejection of Ryan Terrell, an African-American nominee for New Hampshire’s State Board of Education

Hudson, NH – Today, District 5 Executive Council Candidate Bob Clegg issued the following statement after Debora Pignatelli and the other Democrats on the Executive Council voted to reject Ryan Terrell, an African-American nominee for New Hampshire’s State Board of Education:

New Hampshire Democrats like to preach about diversity and putting more African-Americans into leadership roles in New Hampshire, but when push-comes-to-shove Debora Pignatelli rejected the nomination of an eminently qualified African-American nominee to the State Board of Education.

As recently as the February 5th meeting, Pignatelli even suggested to the Governor that we need more diversity on the State Board of Education. This was her chance, but she chose partisanship over diversity.

This is another example of Pignatelli saying one thing and doing another. This is the type of behavior that has lost her the trust of her constituents time after time and the reason that the District 5 Executive Council seat keeps bouncing back and forth between the same two failed candidates. Debora Pignatelli dismissed Mr. Terrell based on his party affiliation, now it’s time for the voters to dismiss her. It’s time for a change.


Note: I am getting inundated with mail these days so if you sent me something and I haven’t responded, just resend please? Yes, you may pull out your virtual 2X4 and whack me with it – sometimes that’s what’s needed (10 lb bag and 30 lbs of stuff deal). 

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