
Censorship And Worse On The Horizon

It didn’t take long for the Leftist-elitist class to make their first post-election move, banning President Trump from their online platforms then trying to put a bullet into independent options (like Parler). Unfortunately, it’s a safe bet that they are going after the First Amendment in order to then go after the Second. At that … Read more

NH Wood Flag

The Horrible Legacy of NH Democrats

If you spent only 5 minutes looking at the recent voting record of New Hampshire Democrats, you would be appalled. Presuming you are a sensible person with a healthy level of common sense. Today’s Democrat Party has become the party of big, intrusive government, open borders and fraudulent elections – not to mention their tacit … Read more

No Facemask? NH Teacher Hopes You “Die Quicker”

Recently, the Concord Monitor published a story about New Hampshire businesses “implementing their own mask mandates”. It was your typical Monitor story – where they push the COVID narrative of submission and “listening to the experts” when it comes to mask-wearing in a state with an extremely low case volume and mortality rate, where nearly … Read more

COVID Fear Monsters and panic

I Think We Flattened That Curve

Looking at the CDC’s provisional weekly COVID death statistics (through July 4, 2020), what part of this graph tells you that we need to still be 1) wearing masks, 2) worried about sending kids back to school, 3) shutting down ANY part of ANY business or 4) listening to the media (ratings) and politicians (control, … Read more

2020 Taglines

When this COVID-19 circus finally rolls out of town (if it ever does), there will be a number of taglines for this awkward period in US history. One of them will be “weaponized hypocrisy”.  We’ve seen ridiculous levels of hypocrisy from the Left over the past 10 years, especially since Donald Trump got elected.  They … Read more

Virtue Signal Received

Some companies just can’t help themselves, can they? In these times of civil turmoil (insanity), some of them feel the need to “do something”, being social justice warriors – and letting the whole world know about it.  They are, after all, morally gracious and superior, no? They have a microphone and they have money – … Read more

Memorial Day 2020

As we approach Memorial Day, I am once again compelled to remind myself (and others) of the purpose and meaning of this sacred holiday. After the Civil War ended, friends and family would visit the graves of those killed in the war and would decorate them, as a means of remembering and honoring their sacrifice.  … Read more

WDLNH Hold the Line Constitution

6th Annual New Hampshire Second Amendment Rally

This Saturday, March 14th, 2020, the 6th annual Second Amendment rally will be held on the State House plaza in Concord from 12pm-2pm (facebook event link). The Women’s Defense League of NH is once again hosting this event and, given the political climate, it promises to be another big one. For the second year in … Read more

Virginia Capitol Fence

The Virginia Lesson

Now that the Virginia Gun rally is over, we have to acknowledge that it was indeed a noble, valiant effort. But it was also wasted – too little, too late. They gathered in force, but they were shackled, restricted from carrying firearms on their own State Capitol plaza.  They were fenced-off and caged into a … Read more

Democrat Greed reaches a new level in NH

The audacity of NH Democrats has no limit. There is a hearing this week (Thursday, Jan 23, 1pm) for a Democrat-sponsored bill HB1268, seeking student loan “forgiveness” for people who “serve” in the NH legislature. NH has a pretty great system, where Legislators make $100 per year in a 2-year session.  This arrangement generally guarantees … Read more

On this day…Christmas 1776

My buddy Matt published this on Facebook today and, after seeing Steve’s earlier post, I thought it fitting to put up. Christmas Eve / Christmas Day History! George Washington led his troops across a 300-yard stretch of the Delaware River in the dead of night between December 25 and 26, 1776.  The surprise move would … Read more

Wanna See a Leftist Backpedal?

Yesterday, Merrimack State Rep Rosemarie Rung (contact info) called Trump supporters traitors (here) because the President visited North Korea. Now, wouldn’t you think that after the past 20+ years of war and conflict, this sort of diplomacy would be applauded over saber-rattling and war-mongering? But if Trump had instead decided to call an airstrike on … Read more

Democrats Finally Protest a Border Crossing

As a follow-up to the “treason” (according to unhinged State Rep. Rosemarie Rung) we all committed the other day, supporting Trump’s North Korea visit, I’d like to publicize that Democrats (Leftists) have finally opposed a border-crossing.  And don’t forget, “Treason Day” is almost upon us….we will all be thinking of you this Thursday, Rosemarie…

How Tone Deaf is Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig?

Tomorrow is June 14th – Flag Day.  The one day we set aside each year to honor and celebrate the symbol of our nation.  The very symbol people have fought and died for.  The symbol of freedom from tyranny and oppression. So, what does Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig do?  She hosts an official event at … Read more

The night Westeros became a Republic (and allowed secession)

If you watched the Game of Thrones finale last night, did you make the same critical observations I did? If you never succumbed to the Game of Thrones mania, please stick with me – I guarantee my point applies to everyone, regardless. In one of the final scenes, the condemned Tyrion Lannister was brought out … Read more

The Tree of Libertad

Thomas Jefferson wrote these famous lines in a letter to William Stephens Smith: “What country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?  Let them take arms…the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of … Read more

Thanks for the memories, Joe…

If you are old enough to remember 1987, you probably forgot all about this. If not, then it’s no surprise you had no idea that Joe Biden dropped out of the 1987 Presidential Race, in disgrace, thanks to allegations of plagiarism in his Presidential stump speeches (he stole lines from Margaret Thatcher’s challenger Neil Kinnock). … Read more

Biden Biden

Joe Biden Inappropriately Touches Himself

Yesterday, President Trump tweeted a video of nascent Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, fondling and groping himself – and the mainstream media went wild. Of course, the spoof was funny as hell.  I mean, it’s been a running topic of conversation among Conservatives for years, as photos and videos of him inappropriately groping women and children … Read more

Cuban Reminder

In the late 1950’s, Cuba experienced a revolution, led by Fidel and Raul Castro, which put that country on the path to a Socialist Dictatorship (redundant terms, I know).  During and after this revolution, many people we executed as enemies of the cause – as we know, Socialism cannot be implemented without government force or … Read more

Beto – Born To Be Mocked

This week, 46 year old Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke announced his candidacy for President.  Leaving his skateboard aside, he did it from his grown-up living room couch, his adoring wife clasped at his side. I can’t believe I get to heckle this Kennedy-wannabe, as he swings repeatedly into New Hampshire over the coming year.  If … Read more

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