Democrats Care More About Getting Trump Than They Do About The Country

The Democrats care more about getting Trump than they do about the country.  Why else would they have accomplished nearly zero in 2019? Shouldn’t they have had time to pass a budget? Speaker Nancy Pelosi was handing out souvenir pens after signing the House’s articles of impeachment.

Party time

We should contrast the solemn nature of impeachment proceedings from both a historical and constitutional perspective, with what took place in the House of Representatives upon the signing of articles of impeachment.  Is the party atmosphere exhibited by the House Democrats appropriate?

Whether the president is found guilty or innocent; what they did was to impeach the president. It was a step with potentially very grave consequences for the nation. Why the celebration? No concern for what is to come? No regret for feeling the need to have done it? What’s the difference between this and having the police celebrating as they arrest somebody?

The democrats had no concern, about anything, anyone. None. The Speaker gave out souvenir signing pens, $15,000 worth, if the reports are correct, after putting her signature on the House’s two articles of impeachment earlier this month. Jay Sekulow said, “Pens! Distributed to the impeachment managers… A celebratory moment:  Think about that … A poignant moment.”

Response to the party

Sekulow’s remarks echo criticism of the signing ceremony and its now-infamous souvenir pens. The celebration appears to undermine Pelosi’s own talking point.  She has been saying all along impeachment was a serious and somber process. Well…

Rep. Mark Meadows tweeted, “They claim it’s a somber, serious occasion they’re heartbroken over … and then they pass out impeachment-signing pens with special cases. Folks. You can’t make it up…”

Rep. Liz Cheney wrote, “Dems were giddy with excitement in Capitol hallway, asking, ‘Did you get your pen? … The American people will hold House Dems accountable for making a mockery of their duty to the Constitution.”

“Nothing says seriousness and sobriety like handing out souvenirs,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said days after the signing.

When your friends find your celebration unusual… no further comment…

Even CNN’s Dana Bash said, “We are used to seeing signing ceremonies, handing out pens at moments of celebration, when a president is signing legislation, when even sometimes…when the House sends over a piece of legislation… It was unusual to see that kind of ceremony and handing out the pens and smiling for a picture in this kind of situation where the House Speaker has bent over backward to say publicly and privately this is somber, this is not a time for celebration.”

Perception is reality, most especially in politics. The Democrats care more about getting Trump than they do about the country. Don’t believe that? Then why are there no American flags on the Democrat presidential candidate debate stage? Take the perception to the bank.

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