Want to See Systemic Racism? Volinsky All But Calls Board of Education Nominee an Uncle Tom.

Ed Mosca

Earlier today, the Executive Council on a party-line vote of three-to-two rejected the nomination of Ryan Terrell, who is Black, to the State Board of Education:

Notice that Volisky did not say that Terrell had the wrong opinions … he said that Terrell was uniformed. This is a variation on Joe Biden’s “you ain’t Black” to Blacks who are even so much as considering voting for Donald Trump.

For Volinsky to have said that Terrell had the wrong opinions about education would have at least acknowledged that Blacks can legitimately hold different views on public policy. To say instead … as Volinsky did … that Terrell is uninformed about education is to say that Blacks are incapable of thinking for themselves and that Terrell holds dangerous policy views that Blacks should not be exposed to, let alone hold.

In other words, what Volinsky is saying is that there is a Black way of thinking … that rich, white limousine liberals like Volinsky are the ones who get to determine what that way of thinking is … and that Blacks who don’t think that way aren’t exercising free choice – no, they’re just uniformed, ignorant, and incapable of grasping the complexities of public policy the same way that Volinsky and his rich, white progressive friends can.

In a word, Volinsky is a racist.

Not also how Volinsky, like all Leftists, accuses others of doing exactly what he is doing. It’s Volinsky who is “demeaning” Terrell in particular, and Blacks in general, by saying that Blacks who hold different views on education policy than his are “uninformed.”

It was Volinsky who is engaging in “tokenism” by saying that only Blacks who think the way he thinks Blacks should think can sit on the State Board of Education.

So if you want to see “systemic racism,” take a look at the current Executive Council, with its three-member Democrat majority. And if you want to see “systemic racism,” take a look at the New Hampshire Democrat Party, which is not condemning Volinsky, let alone demanding his resignation.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an abolitionist novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852). Uncle Tom, in the novel, was a martyr not a sell-out. But the term “Uncle Tom” became an insult in the following century and now means a sell-out or a race-traitor. That was what Joe Biden meant by his “you ain’t Black” comment.

It’s what Volinsky meant by his “nice guy” but “no informed opinions.”

Of course, for Biden and Volinsky to believe that they get to decide what is legitimate for Blacks to think means that they believe that Blacks aren’t capable of thinking for themselves, which is the essence of racism.


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