White Flag - Surrender, give up resign

The GOP … All Bark, No Bite

The GOP in a position to actually fight the Police State are sitting it out. All we get from them are tweets pointing out the “hypocrisy of the Democrats,” or appearances on Hannity pointing out the “Left’s double standard,” etc., etc. etc. But not a single impeachment. Not one.

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Another Trip Down the Left’s Hypocrisy Highway

It’s time for another trip down the Left’s Hypocrisy Highway. With so many topics, it’s difficult to stay current. In no particular order: Per Jen Psaki, President Joe Biden said that protesting outside Supreme Court justices’ homes is understandable because the protesters are “hurt, angry, and passionate”. Why didn’t the people who protested on Jan. … Read more

confused-anxious-young-woman-shrugging-shoulders-spread-hands-sideways-looking-puzzled-know-nothing-standing-white-wall FreePik

Healthcare Hypocrisy at Holy Family Hospital?

by Skip

Certainly in this Age of Masking & Social Distancing, when all we’re hearing from hospital staff that they are tired, wear your masks, get Vaxxed, and do the Social Distancing Dance, who was the one at Holy Family Hospital Marketing Department that approved this:

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COVID hypocrisy Powerline

Quick Thought: Yeah, There’s a Little COVID Hypocrisy in There …

by Skip

For all the times that the Left calls something “Apartheid” because they either see something attacking their “Narrative” and have nothing better to say, or using it themselves to promote their Narrative, most of the time, their usage just sucks and is really as lame as the cripple that Jesus healed (Matthew 9:1-8).

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Those on the Left Should Enjoy the Illusion While It Lasts

Now that Joe Biden is the president we need to “all come together,” said the voices from the left. Sure, but don’t forget for more than just the last four years those same voices preached hate, lies, smears, slanders, excused assaults, rioting, looting, burning, and murders, but we on the right, the targets of all this, must forgive and forget?

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