NH Executive Council Democrat votes on Ryan Terrell: Bigots and Racists - Granite Grok

NH Executive Council Democrat votes on Ryan Terrell: Bigots and Racists

Ryan Terrell

So much for your Collective Wailing About Oppressed Minorities, eh Executive Councilors Volinsky, Pignatelli, and Cryans? Your vote on Ryan Terrell yesterday was proof that the Civil War / Jim Crow Southern Democrat racists are alive today in NH. All we’ve heard since the death of George Floyd have been Democrats saying that this needs to be fixed and that Democrats can raise up black folks by “change” and “reform”.

So little history that these three racists admit to. Southern Democrats were the main proponents of slavery, they invoked the 10th Amendment as their “safe harbor” for continuing that racist entity as they fired upon Fort Sumter to start a war that righted that wrong (at the price of 600,000 dead Americans), the Southern Democrats using Government sponsored violence upon blacks via Jim Crow laws. It was Southern Democrats that started the KKK as a terrorist organization whose wholesale targeting was against Black Lives – who Mattered not a whit to the Democrats; they were simply to be “kept down” and away from Power even having been set free by Republican Abraham Lincoln.

After all, if you actually read your history, it was Christians who were the most adamantly against the practice of slavery, and the Republican Party was founded, in no small measure, to end that practice.

FDR discriminated against blacks with his New Deal policies that turned out to be a raw deal for blacks. Discrimination continued, mostly by Democrats, through the end of the century. While LBJ’s Civil Rights Act was supportive of blacks, it was clear that it was also a political ploy (“…voting for us for the next 200 years”). Yet, it was the Dixiecrats that filibustered that bill – it was Republicans that passed the bill.

Sidenote: Oh, nice going Volinsky – yesterday was the 56th anniversary of the end of the Democrat filibuster against the Civil Rights Act and you, Debora Pignatelli, and Michael Cryans celebrated by voting down a black man for an important appointment????  So, tell me you aren’t ignorant and racists at the same time? For shame!

I watched WMUR’s interview of Volinsky as he stammered his defense of his vote (Hey, WMUR, why not Pignatelli and Cryans? Adam Sexton, why didn’t you get them on the record, too?). It is clear, from his previous actions and this interview, that he has no problem in being two-faced when there is a political advancement of his Socialist agenda at hand.

It is CLEAR that anyone, especially a black man, that presents a threat to his “Government over People” attitude when it comes to the primacy of the monopoly of Government / public schools, it is up to pipsqueak to shut them down.

Do I really need to throw in the demeaning soft bigotry of low expectations Volinsky had of Ryan Terrell. How was Volinsky’s actions any different, using any pretext possible, than the worst of the most racist Southern Dixiecrat during the height of Jim Crow? All the while he’s been railing about how Black Lives DO Matter. Reform? Change? Only when it is convenient. For him. Pivoting away when it isn’t. Like in this. Such a Profile in Courage, eh?

I was pointed to this by Rogers Johnson (President of the NH Seacoast NAACP) on Facebook by Grokster Ann Marie:

This morning the New Hampshire Executive Council voted down Ryan Terrell on a 3-2 party line vote. The charge against him was that he lacked “experience”. There is no criteria that accounts for “experience” in choosing a state school board member, and in fact not having extensive experience in education may be considered an advantage.

What is most troubling is the fact that Ryan had a particular set of work skills that the Board could have used to its advantage. His relative youth would bring the prospect of a fresh look at old scenarios and his African-American heritage would bring needed diversity to a sorely needed School Board. What is most disturbing is in this day and time the events of the most recent weeks should have made one thing apparent, that we should all come together as one people. There are no Republicans, no Democrats, no liberals, no conservatives. Only people from New Hampshire with the best interest for the people in mind.

So now what are Black people in New Hampshire supposed to think ? The Concord School District hires a woman to be their Superintendent with an obvious racial animus against people of color and the Executive Council turns away a Black man who is more than qualified for the position. Where do we go from here ?

Well, I for one, am tired of fighting, but I am not going to give up. There are too many people depending upon what we do. I will keep on doing it until there is no longer a need to do so. I hope I can count on you for your help.

Rogers Johnson
Seacoast NAACP

One thing is clear – Democrat run institutions (just look at these large cities that are convulsing in racial violence right now – they’ve had NO Republican leadership for DECADES!!!) are still little better than the Jim Crow days. Oh, they SAY the right things but when it comes to actual Power and Ideology, these three Democrats told Ryan Terrell:

Know your place. And that place you want is OURS, not your’s.

Know your place. Nice to know, Andru Volinsky – you’ve made it abundantly clear, even without saying the actual words, to all through your actions. You’re the one practicing tokenism here…
