Tucker Carlson - Twitter news update screen grab

The Media’s Pathetic Attempt To Discredit Tucker Carlson

The latest coordinated hit piece against Tucker Carlson, from a combination of self-serving individuals and the usual corporate media outlets, is nothing short of desperately sniffing parmesan cheese to get the next news cycle high.

Biden Biden and Obama

Obama State Department Knew About the Biden-Burisma Connection

Judicial Watch has engaged in a rabid-pursuit of the truth. From Hillary’s illegal email server to the Biden-Burisma coverup. It just won an 11-month Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) fight to obtain emails proving the Obama Administration knew about the Biden’s and Burisma.

Voting for Corruption

How Much Corruption Will Democrat Voters Stomach Just To Defeat Trump?

Looking at the primal rage and anti-Trump hysteria burdening Democrats these days, it’s hard to remember that just a few short years ago, they were alive, happy, and filled with boundless love.  Yet there they were, metaphorically basking on the deck of some luxury ocean liner, with Barack Obama at the helm and the wind … Read more

pencil eraser

Tom Brady “Erases” His Phone, Chaos! – Mueller Team Earses 30 Phones, Meh!

In the midst of the deflate-gate scandal, then-Patriots quarterback Tom Brady switched phones. You’d think the world had ended. He must have destroyed vital data pertinent to the investigation! Boil him in oil, or something. It was ugly. But the entire Mueller team erases their phones and its, meh.

BLM protester punhces black trump supporter

A Snapshot of Your Benevolent Overlords – “Peaceful” BLM Protester Punches Black Man who Disagrees With Him

This is a charming little vignette. A black man (Trump supporter, according to the report) is confronted by a BLM protester (in what is now called BLM plaza). The black man drifts back toward some officers. The “Peaceful BLM protester™” then punches the black man in front of DC Police.

America with chinese characteristics Flag

Democrat Bucket List: An America with Chinese Characteristics

China is a communist country. Making people disappear is a thing you don’t ask about unless you want to disappear. Rights are not a thing; you don’t have any. But the CCP discovered something important. Markets. Communism needs money, but communism is a disincentive to create wealth.

Handcuffs due process

House Republicans Prepare Criminal Referrals on Team Mueller

The Mueller investigation was not an investigation. It was a taxpayer-funded anti-Trump media headline factory. Which, in the course of its duties, said or made up a lot of stuff that is now being challenged as illegal behavior. In other words, Team Mueller and the FBI lied, and someone thinks they should pay.

William Barr - twitter image

Protecting Democracy by Trolling for Trump-haters?

If there’s one thing Democrats understand, it’s the science of propaganda.  They’ve been using one of the basic propaganda tools for three years.  Joseph Goebbels explained it like this: “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it…”

Cyber Strike Malicious Code

Maggie “Biggest Network Breach in Senate History” Hassan Sponsors Cybersecurity Bill

What is it with Democrats and network security issues? The Awan brothers. The DNC Hack. Podesta’s emails. Hillary and her unsecured server. And New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan, who had her Senate Office hacked. Not by Russians, but by Doxxing Democrat staffers. 

What Attorney General Barr Has Told Us

24 Important Takeaways from Attorney General Barr on the FBI and FISA Abuse

Attorney General Barr had plenty to say about misconduct at the FBI. What they didn’t do, what they did (and shouldn’t), and what they should have done. Here are the highlights from a recent interview with the Epoch Times

“You’ve got no business regarding Obama with anything but disgust”

This post is more of a public service than anything else. I ran across an article by a “True Progressive” (who hates both Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton). They’ve got some fascinating insight about the left from within the left, and I think it is worth your time no matter your ideological lean.

Horowitz Report on Surveillance is Close

Horowitz Report on Surveillance is Close

Department of Justice (DoJ) Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s report on surveillance of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign is close to release. Best guess is the second week of December. The timing will be somewhere around an expected House vote on impeachment.

America’s Two Tier Justice System

America Has a Two Tier Justice System

Today America has a two-tier justice system. Most of us understand it. Many accept it. We all know it is not rich versus poor, or on racial. Those divisions are the old paradigm. Today if you’re a Leftist, a favorite of government bureaucrats, you receive favorable treatment. If you’re a conservative, support the original values … Read more

Politics and Truth Make Strange Bedfellows

Politics and Truth Make Strange Bedfellows

Let’s pretend that we have friends on the Left. Now let’s pretend our friends on the Left like America. Okay, now let’s pretend our friends on the left love our country as much as we do. Pretend that they really want a strong economy.

Joe Biden Says Russian Interference in Elections Wouldn’t have Happened on His Watch.

Lunchbox for brains Joe Biden has some news for us. Russian interference wouldn’t stand a chance under his watch. So, there was no Russian Interference in the 2016 election, Joe?

Mueller Search Warrant May Have Been Based On DNC Narrative and Not Actual Evidence

Mueller’s investigation was a joke. And if it that were not funny enough, new information has come to light. Evidence for Warrants leading to at least one pre-dawn raid may not actually exist.

Democrats Are Black Lives Matter.

Mueller Plus Nadler Equals Zero

BS by any other name smells just the same The charge that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election was a lie. The president’s description of it as a “witch hunt” was accurate. Despite the fact the Mueller Special Counsel Report found no actionable evidence; … Read more

Venezuela Poverty Protest-Image credit The Daily Signal

Trump Takes on Russia and China Over Venezuela

The Chinese have accomplished a lot. They stole all of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s emails from her illegal server in real-time. They planted a spy next to Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein for decades. Some Chinese citizens sued Terry McAuliffe and Hillary’s brother Tony for fraud. And since Mr. Trump got elected, they’ve started to come … Read more

James Comey

Comey Doth Protest Too Much… Methinks (Part 1 of 2)

Sometimes the story reported does not discuss the more important matter illustrated by it. The testimony of fired former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before Congress is such a story. Comey has been at the center of every major scandal involving the 2016 election. He asserts his moral compass to anyone who will listen yet … Read more

smirking trump

MI6 Pleads with Trump: Don’t Declassify “Collusion” Docs

British Intelligence was in on the plot to spy on Trump (and cover it up with the Collusion narrative). That’s been clear for some time. The one thing that might disprove that is declassification of the documents relating to the FISA warrants. The interviews that lead to the spying. But MI6 doesn’t want them declassified. Related: Bob … Read more