A Fake Veteran’s PAC

Has anyone else gotten a fundraising letter for the anti-Trump “veteran’s group” called the Common Defense PAC? Here is their most recent correspondence with the FEC. Seems they must have sent their fillings to Hillary Clinton’s private email server – cause they are lost. From the FEC August 1, 2016:

Politifact: The “Sheldon Cooper” of Main Stream Media

A charlatan makes obscure what is clear; a thinker makes clear what is obscure.” — Hugh Kingsmill The Big Bang Theory is a television sitcom featuring an obnoxious self-centered, scientist with poor social skills, suggestive of an Asperger’s identity. Actor Jim Parsons does a masterful job portraying Dr. Cooper who demands all social constructs be … Read more

So whom will stonewall whom?

Shot: Stonewall: State Dept may not finish review of Top Secret Clinton emails until after election One of the last issues to be resolved after all of Hillary Clinton’s emails are released is what to do about the Top Secret ones which the public will never see. The obvious question for the FBI to deal … Read more

It really is looking like The Law no longer applies to Federal Employees

VA to reinstate official who stole $130,000 from agency “The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.”  – President Obama, Inauguration (2009) So when … Read more

It used to be only dead girls and live boys…

I’ve pretty much stayed out of the “Trump is a conservative / no he’s not” mess that is raging in the part of the Right political blogosphere.  Sure, I’m watching it as it is part of the messy sausage making process of who we end up have representing us.  But I will say that the … Read more

“…there is no formal penalty if the individual involved has left the government.”

On Special Report this evening, Bret Baier reported that 900 new emails—many pertaining to Bengazi–have been recovered off of Hillary Clinton’s server, and are presently on their way to be reviewed by the House Select Committee on Bengazi. The New York Times also reports the sudden retrieval of the 900 emails, but adds a disturbing … Read more

Shaheen Ties Her Wagon to Clinton Death Spiral

The Clintons and Shaheens, to borrow a phrase, have always been thick as thieves in the night–so this comes as no surprise, ‘Hillary Clinton coming to Portsmouth to accept Shaheen  endorsement.’ This so called news report fawns over Clinton and Shaheen. Its embarrassing. So it would never ask the question: “If Shaheen were up for reelection … Read more

Rich Girard Finally Gets Contracts from Manchester Superintendent

Prying documents out of school districts in New Hampshire is not like pulling teeth. It’s worse. A recent example of this is the ongoing struggle for more transparency from Manchester city boards and committees. Contracts for the Superintendent, Asst. Super, and Business administrator for the Manchester School District were amended at the end of July but … Read more

An example of Establishment Republicans heaping coals on themselves – Kasich in his own words!

Great example from Instapundit (in its entirety, emphasis mine, reformatted): KASICH REVEALS HILLARY CAME TO HIS ENGAGEMENT PARTY: Sean Hannity, who interviewed Kasich after his announcement on Tuesday, asked the Ohio governor about comments he’s made downplaying the IRS and Benghazi scandals. “You said, ‘I’m more worried about how we’re going to fix America than Hillary’s … Read more

It’s Clinton Time!

As Hillary marches, falls, stumbles, and waddles towards the Presidency of the United States , an office that no longer holds much luster anyway, you have to remember one thing about the Clintons – time is always on their side. Back when Hillary hired Craig Livingstone to grab as many FBI files of Republican opponents … Read more

519 “Well Sourced” Examples of Barrack Obama’s Lying, Corruption, Law-Breaking, and Cronyism

Someone, bless their heart, has compiled a well-sourced (their words) list of 519 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, corruption, law-breaking and cronyism. I am posting it as is with the understanding that it may take me days or even weeks to go through it, if I ever do manage to get through it. I encourage … Read more

Campaign ’08– GraniteGrok Analysis- A View from Central NH. Part 1: Republicans

Given the crop of presidential wannabees all jumping into the fray in the past two weeks, I’m beginning to think that perhaps it’s time for me to throw my hat in the ring as well. The way things are going, if I don’t hurry, I may be the last guy in America that ISN’T running for … Read more