More Lies From Clintonistas on Emails and Servers

Former IG says Secretary of State Rice did not have nor did she use private email. “Certainly to my knowledge at least, Secretary [Condoleezza] Rice did not have a personal server. I certainly never either sent an email to one or received an email from one,” said Krongard, who served during Rice’s tenure. Further, he … Read more

Not Hillary’s “First Rodeo” with Missing Emails

Who among us is surprised? (NYP) As first lady, Hillary was embroiled in another scheme to bury sensitive White House e-mails, known internally as “Project X.” In 1999, as investigators looked into Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and other scandals involving the then-first lady, it was discovered that more than 1 million subpoenaed e-mails were mysteriously “lost” … Read more

Jake Tapper fact checks Hillary Clinton

Hot Air A reminder to all the politicians out there. You’re perfectly entitled to your own opinions. Not to your own facts. – Jake Tapper  

IG – FOIA Violations by Hillary Clinton and Obama State Department

Judicial Watch | Statement on IG Report Confirming FOIA Violations… The Clinton email scandal is worsening. Today’s State OIG report confirms what we’ve been saying all along – that Hillary Clinton and the Obama State Department thwarted specific Judicial Watch FOIA requests by lying about her email system with “inaccurate” and “incomplete” responses. The State Department … Read more

What Is Jeanne Shaheen Helping Hillary Hide?

Jeanne Shaheen has come out in favor of ending the investigation into Benghazi (and family friend Hillary Clinton), but her timing might not be the best. Stephen Hayes is reporting that Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal is up to his eyes in this. That a large sum of emails on her server involved correspondence with him. … Read more

Hillary calls Ad Using her Own Words a ‘Vicious Attack Ad that Spreads Lies’

Well at least Hillary Clinton is finally admitting she’s a liar. That’s the claim she’s making about an ad by American Crossroads that uses HER OWN WORDS regarding her email server scandal.

So if the emails aren’t classified….Why Was It All Redacted?

So if the emails aren’t classified…. In this July 2010 e-mail, for example, the entirety of Hillary Clinton’s message was redacted prior to its public release under the federal FOIA law. The redactions of the material were provided pursuant to a provision of law protecting national security information. The printed redaction code“1.4(D),” cited next to … Read more

David Axelrod Emailed Hillary at Address “He Knew Nothing About”

From Twitchy – Remember when David Axelrod said he knew nothing about Hillary’s private server..? “…Tuesday night’s massive dump of State Department emails shows that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was exchanging emails with another man also named David Axelrod. It must be a different guy, because the one warning about the “email trap” didn’t … Read more

Betsy McCaughey: Hillary is no glass-ceiling shattering pioneer

Betsy McCaughey was on our show recently and mentioned that she had this column coming on Hillary Clinton and give us permission to host it here: HILLARY CLINTON’S expected presidential run is being hailed as a chance to shatter the glass ceiling. That’s nonsense. Hillary rose to power solely on her husband’s sleazy coattails. She’s … Read more

Obama and Hillary. Jay and Jeanne. Soap and Dirt…

….                                  Jeanne Shaheen                "Billy"               Dr. Jay Buckey . As I watched this weekend’s roundtable discussion on Fox News Sunday, I had to chuckle when Juan Williams mentioned Billy Shaheen as they talked about the ongoing nastiness being unleashed against Barack Obama by the Clinton campaign. Ah yes, Billy Shaheen, gone, but not forgotten. And just … Read more

airliner jet airplane sunset Photo by Etienne Jong on Unsplash

The Biden Admin’s Air Marshalls Have Been (And Still Are) Stalking Anyone Who Flew into DC on J6, 2021

You know what Trump Derangement Syndrome is – it’s hard not to know. And then there’s the TDS variant known as J6. One afflicts those obsessed with hating Donald Trump, the latter with hating his supporters, and news just broke that elevates the J6 variant to a whole new level.

Zuckerberg Facebook

Zuck Bucks in 2024 – Modernized Voting or Election Tampering?

One of the companies alleged to have influenced the 2020 national election using money contributed by Mark Zuckerberg (aka “Zuck Bucks”) has announced another round of grants for 2024. The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) claims its mission is to “increase civic participation,” yet critics claim the organization is partisan and should not … Read more

Hunter biden screen grab Fox News on YouTube

Reminder: The Hunter Biden Laptop Cover Up Was a Classic American Disinformation Campaign

Discussing Hillary’s illegal email server was election interference, but indicting Donald Trump is not. The Hunter Biden Laptop story was also election interference quickly “debunked” by scores of experts whose commentary had all the hallmarks of an American Disinformation campaign.

Sununu Goofball

Is Chris Sununu Stupid, Ignorant, or Just Lying? – Trump Docs Edition

Governor Sununu had some things to say about the Republican primary candidates challenging Donald Trump for the nomination. Specifically, their response to indictments regarding “classified documents.” Is Sununu stupid, ignorant, or just lying?

We recycle - recycling bin

What’s the Carbon Footprint Of Maine’s 19-Page Container Redemption Modernization Law?

The internet machine coughed up a letter to the editor of the Bangor daily news. The law would update how the state pretends recycling is good for Maine or the planet. My first thought? How much carbon will they emit before it’s over?

Barack Obama middle finger

Barack Obama Reminds Us How Much He Hates the First Amendment

Barry Obama is concerned about America’s divided conversation. “I’m much older than you… when I was coming up, you had three TV stations, and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.”  Translation: We had message control, and now we don’t.

EXCLUSIVE: Marco Polo Report on Biden Crime Family

The Hunter Biden laptop story tried to be at the center of the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. 

gagged free speech woman Photo by cottonbro studio pexels photoa-woman-in-white-coat-with-gagged-mouth-7670371

The Restrict Act is The Internet Iron Curtain

Convenient events have transpired while your government advances speech-stifling legislation. The Teixeira leak arrives as The Restrict Act, a law peddled as addressing the security concerns surrounding TikTok, advances to undermine your first amendment rights.

top Secret

Classified Documents Found in Ashley Biden’s Shower*

“Investigators” (doing business as Biden’s Lawyers) continue searching for misplaced Obama-Era classified documents ferreted away by his former Vice President. And if they are being honest, they could be anywhere.

Garland Fishing Expedition - Royalty Free

Garland Is Fishing in the Wrong Spot.

Hate is a destructive emotion that can rob us of our compassion, our dignity, and even our common sense. For six years now, Democrats have been consumed with an overpowering hatred of the man who left public office nearly two years ago.