Email server

US State Department Re-Opens Investigation into Hillary Clinton’s Illegal Email Server

Monday we shared a report that proved the State Department knew about Hillary Clinton’s illegal email and server. Today we learn that the US Department of State will re-open its “investigation” into the use of that illegal server.

Judicial Watch: Obama State Department Knew About Hillary’s Illegal Email Server

Judicial Watch has been relentless in its pursuit of the truth when it comes to a wide range of Obama era corruption. But one of their sterling accomplishments has been the exposure of the Clinton email scandal.


Legislators Using Private Email for Public Business – Changes Coming?

This topic is not nearly as dear to my heart as reminding elected reps they can’t block people on social media they use to communicate public business, but it is a close second. We allow elected representatives in New Hampshire to give out and use any email address as their legislator contact. Reframed, every rep … Read more

Hillary Clinton video screen grab

No Shortage Of Gas With Hillary Clinton

Scanning the networks on Monday night to see what topics were getting attention, I was unlucky enough to catch Rachel Maddow and Hillary Clinton on MSNBC sharing a good chuckle about Trump’s fourth indictment. If there were two more repulsive women in politics today, they would also be on MSNBC or CNN.

Deplorable and proud Mug

Hillary And Schiff Insult Republicans, Again

Hillary Clinton has massive cajones, and nobody should ever put a microphone in front of this woman. Not only has she insulted half of the country again, but she obviously is oblivious to the seriousness of the crimes she has committed and escaped accountability.

Breaking: Mike Pompeo – I have Hillary’s Missing Emails and We’re Releasing Them

Hillary lost 33,000 emails about yoga and wedding plans but guess what? The current Secretary of State says he found them. He has them. He will release them before November 3rd. If you like yoga, weddings, or felonious skullduggery, Trump’s Secretary Of State is Going to Make October Great Again.

Mexican President Wants Answers

Crowdstrike – Yeah, We Have No Evidence Russia Stole the DNC’s Emails

Democrats are losing collusion narratives faster than the COVID-Economy is losing jobs. The Flynn case did not just collapse it exposed epic-level malfeasance by high ranking members of the FBI. A slippery slope sliding directly toward Lord-God Barak Obama. So, is this new revelation worse?

Hillary is Still on the Hook for Mishandling Classified Information

Somewhere near the top of your list of unpunished crimes by political elites sits Hillary Clinton. The Clintons may occupy several spots. They should. One of those may be her mishandling of top-secret material through an unlicensed, unregistered, unauthorized, unsecured private server.

Hillary Shall Sit for a Deposition.

Federal Court Orders Deposition of Hillary Clinton on Emails and Benghazi

Thank you Judicial Watch. Thank you for your tireless determination in bringing Hillary to answer questions about her unsecure email server, the emails lost, and the equipment destroyed. Finally, after four years, Hillary will answer the questions from 2016 which a transparent candidate would not leave without answers.

US Dept of State

Clinton Email Server: State Department Identifies Nearly 600 Security Violations Under Clinton

Not unexpectedly, a state department review of former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private server has found problems. Nearly 600 of them.


FBI Document Dump Proves Hillary Clinton Should be In Prison

Yesterday’s document dump was revealing. Hillary’s server was illegal. Clinton deliberately stripped the classified markings. She illegally emailed that classified information. All of the emails could have been stolen (and we know they all were ). FBI and Justice knew all this and didn’t charge her.

Emails Hillary Tried to Hide Found in Obama White House

Judicial Watch has been nothing if not persistent in its dogged pursuit of evidence. Armed with freedom of information act requests (FOIA) they have uncovered proof implicating high ranking officials in our government to covering up illegal behavior. Including Obama’s White House.

Hillary Lost

Clinton Email Contractor Mentions “Hillary Cover Up Operation” in Newly Released Documents

We already know that China has every email that ever passed through Hillary Clinton’s Illegal email server. This includes what new details suggest were hundreds of classified documents.

China Hacked All of Hillary’s Emails in Real Time. I Wonder if They’ll Share?

A Chinese company operating in the United States had unlimited access to Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server and obtained copies of almost every email sent. A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails, two sources briefed on … Read more

Comey Was Using Private Email for Govt. Business While Investigating Clinton for It.

Here’s another enticing tidbit from the nothingburger IG investigation into how the DOJ and FBI investigated The Clinton Email Scandal. James Comey was using private email for government business while investigating Hillary Clinton for using private Email for Government Business. (Page 13) As we also describe in Chapter Twelve, we learned during the course of … Read more

No Need for Bitterness, Hillary

On Election Day 2016, Hillary Clinton experienced a life-changing event. She transitioned from presidential shoo-in to embittered loser. Today, she still travels the world justifying her loss and disparaging the winner. But Hillary has no reason to be bitter, for she and her husband have a special gift that no other politician has. We all … Read more

Hillary’s lies

I pity the person that got the short straw that was assigned to do this list: “I am the only candidate who ran in either the Democratic or Republican primary who said from the very beginning (that) I will not raise taxes on the middle class.” “Back in the Great Recession, when millions of jobs … Read more

Fun Questions to Ask a Hillary Voter

1. Would you hire someone who has been under FBI investigation in the past? 2. Would you hire someone who is currently under FBI investigation? 3. Would you hire someone who is currently under two FBI investigations? 4. Are you aware that authorities “now believe there is about a 99% chance that up to five … Read more

Hillary Acknowledges Govs Won’t Share Information with U.S., Guess Why?

Former Secretary Above-the-Law verifies that countries are reluctant in sharing information with the United States.  Hmmm. I wonder why.  Maybe this is a consequence of keeping an unprotected, unsecured server containing classified information in a bathroom?  From an interview on July 14, 2016,  O’Reilly factor (emphasis mine): CLINTON: … We still do not have enough … Read more

Clinton Emails on Film – Cheryl Mills’ Deposition

From Phelim McAleer at “The Films that Hillary and Her Cronies Don’t Want You to See.”  Hillary Clinton’s staff are currently giving depositions under oath about how she got away with having her illegal private email server when conducting matters of national security. The depositions are being filmed, but Hillary’s lawyers have managed to persuade the … Read more