Scandal-Ridden Terry McAuliffe Ties His Corrupt Little Horse to Molly Kelly’s Wagon

Long-time Clinton insider Terry McAuliffe wants you to vote for Democrat Molly Kelly for Governor. Quick Question. Does Molly care at all about the long series of McAuliffe-Clinton Scandals linking him to the Communist Chinese and large sums of money? McAuliffe is inseparable from the Clintons and all their scandals not the least of which is that … Read more

Congressional Democrats Suddenly Don’t Want “Collusion” Documents Declassified

Democrats have been demanding transparency. When the recent FISA application was released with redactions at least a few of them are said to have claimed that there were more damning details under those redactions. I guess that’s true. When Mr. Trump approved the declassification of some of those documents last week, Congressional Democrats lined up to … Read more

Deep State: “It’s like they think the law doesn’t apply to them.”

Glenn Reynolds, proprietor at Instapundit, built his reputation, influence, and ranking as a news aggregator in doing zillions of links with just a sentence or two describing what it’s for or commenting on the content at the link.  Seldom, VERY seldom, does he do a looong abstract from the piece he’s linking to.  Given the … Read more

Big Fat Shaub

I think, looking at all the document-hiding the FBI has done lately, the two most important things they are desperately and clumsily trying to hide are: 1.     How the embedded progressive elites within the FBI interact with and feed fake stories to selected news media. 2.     And how this part of the “Deep State” protects … Read more

Politicization and Criminal Collusion By the FBI

Joseph E. Digenova, a former US Attorney, Independent Counsel, and Special Counsel of the US House of Representatives, was featured in Imprimis (Hillsdale College) in February. The transcript, titled “The politicization of the FBI” shared detailed evidence of political corruption and collusion between high ranking members of the FBI and DOJ, the Democrat Party, the … Read more

The Real Collusion Story

Strap yourselves in ladies and gentleman. National Review has a story that is as massive in length as it is in importance.  A long, detailed look at Obama, Democrats, and the Clinton Campaign, their activities, and the effort to smear Trump too, for lack of a better term, to keep themselves from getting caught and … Read more

Yes, America can still be saved

On December 25th, the New York Times published an editorial by liberal columnist, Paul Krugman. It was entitled “America Is Not Yet Lost,” and it was a message wrapped in hope, but filled with hate. Still fuming about the 2016 election and its aftermath, Krugman ranted that Donald Trump has proven himself unfit for office … Read more

Just how has the Uranium One scandal been “debunked”?

Mention the words, “Uranium One,” and many Americans shrug their shoulders, either blissfully unaware of the controversy or convinced that it’s a Republican ploy targeting Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Others see a major scandal with far greater impact than Watergate. They see the covert sale of 20 percent of our uranium deposits to a … Read more

It’s Time The Revolving Clinton Door Stopped At Prison

I have a tip for Special Prosecutor Robert “Harvard” Muller. That is if he wants to investigate collusion, real collusion. That would be the multi-level scam to hide US State Department documents. The scam is an old one and near and dear to the Clinton Crime Family. Here is how it works.

Ain’t That Tweet – Trump vs. Creepstate

It appears Donald trump wants in on the latest media narrative, the one with no evidence, the one the media has been pumping for all its worth about Russians stealing the election from Hillary. And all he had to do was toss a couple words into a tweet. Timing is everything in comedy and politics. … Read more

We Didn’t Forget Ya Bryan

Oh yea, then there is this guy! We almost forgot about Bryan Pagliano in all the excitement about the Russians stuffing ballot boxes. Bryan refused to talk to the Feds about that closet full of super secret server stuff only an expert would understand. Since Bryan Pagliano, a former campaign hack turned email expert, has … Read more

Donna Brazile, DNC Chair: OH! CRY for us, we’re VICTIMS!

I just got through watching the interview that Martha Radditz did with the Liar (“I didn’t give questions to Hillary”) still known as the DNC Chair Donna Brazile.  If one ever thought that the Democrats want to make victims out of everyone, you gotta either read the transcript from ABC (after the jump)or watch this … Read more

Political Kabuki theater – Democrat style

Shot – Latin American election observers cheered by FEC Dem Election observers from Latin America in the U.S. to monitor Tuesday’s presidential election are getting the royal treatment from Washington officials, including a top Democrat on the Federal Election Commission.  Members of Voto Transparente tweeted a picture of over two dozen members sitting next to FEC … Read more

Clinton Directed Her Maid To Print Out Classified Materials

I saw this in the latest Podesta Emails the other day. How Hillary repeatedly directed her maid to print, and handle classified documents with a clearance. Mark Steyn does it more justice than I ever could. Well, you can’t expect Hillary to stroll to the photocopier herself, can you? Mrs Clinton regrets she’s unable to print … Read more

Nothing Quite Like a Cooperative Weiner

Breaking now on #FNS per @BretBaier — Anthony Weiner is said to be cooperating with the FBI investigation. — Fox News Sunday (@FoxNewsSunday) October 30, 2016 (ZeroHedge) As reported earlier this morning by Fox News’ Bret Baier, disgraced former Democratic congressman and the latest cause of headache for the Clinton campaign, Anthony Weiner, is said to … Read more

Nothing says “Democrats are the Party of Government” as the phrase “Follow the Fed employee political contributions”

And in this case, follow the money coming from Federal employees and going to which Presidential candidate?  A report from The Hill (reformatted, emphasis mine): Government workers shun Trump, give big money to Clinton “Government employees are, on balance, more moderate or more liberal as opposed to the general population,” Schultz said. “Not across the board, … Read more

Clinton Foundation: We May Have Misled the IRS

And the headline says, “Clinton Foundation Internal Audit…” An internal audit commissioned by the Clinton Foundation in 2011 revealed that the Clinton’s family charity may have misled the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when it claimed, under penalty of perjury, that it was enforcing a policy against conflicts of interest. First of all, wouldn’t be nice … Read more

Twitter now banning James O’Keefe

The Left cannot tolerate dissent or opposition.  There can be no debate – only silencings. They say they want tolerance – and then show up with a flamethrower. So, right after Google / YouTube decided to block Prager U’s videos (H/T: Steve), we now have friend of the ‘Grok James O’Keefe letting us know that … Read more

Reminder to All Republicans: You Don’t Need to Apologize for Anything or Anyone, Ever.

As Trump being Trump trumps Hillary being Hillary. As we traverse a media landscape where destroying the lives of women who have accused your husband of rape is less concerning than just badmouthing them. Republicans need only remember that US Sen. Jeanne Shaheen has already given you and Donald Trump out, assuming you want one. … Read more

Hypocrisy: Hassan says Trump hurts Ayotte. Has amnesia about vile Clinton history

Yesterday the Seacoast online reported that Maggie Hassan believes she knows why Senator Kelly Ayotte’s poll numbers have dropped. Hassan believes it is because of Ayotte’s support for Donald Trump. Ayotte said from the beginning of the election season that she would support the Republican nominee.