Mueller Plus Nadler Equals Zero

BS by any other name smells just the same

The charge that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election was a lie. The president’s description of it as a “witch hunt” was accurate. Despite the fact the Mueller Special Counsel Report found no actionable evidence; after working for two years, spending $50 million dollars and handpicking an all Democrat team of investigators. House Democrats are not letting the results of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report keep them from further attacks on the Office of the Presidency and Donald Trump the individual.

What does commonsense tell us?

We were not privy to any confidential intelligence so how do we know the narrative was a lie? We use common sense. The collusion charge and Trump is an agent of the KGB charge seem absurd on its face. Think about it; Trump has been harder on Russia than Obama ever was. He supported Ukraine’s anti-Russian government, fought Syria’s pro-Russian government, and confronted Iran’s pro-Russian regime.

Another reason we should never have believed the Russian collusion charge was that the charge came from the Left. The Left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, truth is a conservative value; it has never been a value of the Left. On the Left the ends justify the means; first, last and always. They will say absolutely anything. People on the Left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it.

Further, the collusion hoax should have been suspect because it made sense that it was part of an effort to divert attention from real crimes such as: American intelligence, police and justice agencies being used to spy on a presidential candidate for the first time in American history; getting Clinton off the hook for her illegal use of a private server while secretary of state; her use of that office to enrich herself and her husband; and her destruction of the evidence once her hidden emails were subpoenaed.

What does partisan politics get us?

Yet after all that has gone on, Democrat partisan and House Judiciary Chairman Nadler is determined to waste more tax payer money. He wants to further weaken our government by moving forward with investigations of obstruction of justice, abuses of power, corruption, and to defend the rule of law. It is unclear at this time whether there will be four separate probes or one monster effort. Nadler insists his probe or probes is/are not a rehash of the Mueller report. From his actions it is unclear the Congressman understands what the rule of law even is…

Nadler’s assertion stretches the bounds of credibility given the Mueller probe brought only indictments of individuals for non-Russia collusion related matters such as obstruction and failure to report. This means the Mueller probe has already wandered through areas of the law that include the matters collateral to the investigation of the charges. If the special counsel had evidence he would have brought forward indictments. He was not shy about doing so.

Nadler describes his own snipe hunt as having a broader mandate. There is no telling what that means to him. A plain interpretation of his political speak says he means; we are going to use tax dollars to generate opposition research, using executive branch agencies, to harm American organizations and American citizens. It seems likely the Congressman will now dispatch a new round of infiltrators to manufacture further governmental malfeasance.

What do we know about the source?

Congressman Nadler’s political party is responsible for generating the opposition research paper that started the Russia collusion narrative. It was they who hired a law firm to create a false narrative in Britain. They hired a former foreign agent so that the false story could be brought back to the US skirting Executive Order 1226. The false story was then leaked to the media who failed to vet it properly. Bothe the false story and the reports of the false story as corroboration were then sold to a secret FISA court as the basis for Mueller’s operation.

The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 US Presidential Election. The base charge is not proven. That’s according to Attorney General Barr’s letter to Congress. One would hope Mr. Nadler would have read the letter, but perhaps not given his course of action.

The AG’s letter also says the Mueller report “leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as ‘difficult issues’ of law and fact concerning whether the President’s actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’”

Assuming good faith on Mr. Nadler’s part, and those would be facts not in evidence; he wants to put the AG under oath to determine how Barr decided not to pursue an obstruction case against Trump. That, at this point, is simply a bridge too far. It is creation of a partisan political attack. The action is undertaken in creation of media narrative. This is furtherance of aggressive partisanship. It is fostering yet greater division for political gain. Mr. Nadler et al is pandering to his socialist base.

Nadler issued a statement co-authored with fellow Democrats House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings that criticized Barr for not charging Trump. That the AG performed the duties of his office is not at issue. That he acted promptly is not at issue. What does seem to be at issue is whether the AG can be made a puppet of the DNC. The three highly partisan Democrats maligned Barr’s impartiality without examining their own.

These gentlemen knew or should have known, because their party supported passage of the law which prohibits release of the Special Counsel report, that their position is legally not defensible and is logically deficient. It is only useful in partisan politics. One would only accept their position if they are a partisan on the Left.


So, while it is true that the only information the Congress and the American people have received regarding this investigation is the Attorney General’s letter; it is also true that the a letter from the AG is what the law allows… because the Democrats supported passage of a law that blocks the release of the Special Counsel Report. The applicable phrase is “hoist in your own petard”.