Democrat Chairman Calls GOP Mentally Ill, Press Yawns

This: Paranoia is a symptom of various mental illness, such as psychosis. So we have the Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party calling the other party mentally ill. And the reaction of the New Hampshire press? Essentially, a yawn. But can you imagine the reaction if the Chairman of the New Hampshire GOP called … Read more

Once again, Republicans refuse to stand up for…..Republicans

You can be sure that if this was on the other foot, that it was a Republican that had won with “uncertain” residency credentials, NH Dem Party Chair would be threatening to bomb the Hague NH State Senate chambers. But once again, we see limpness of elected Republican spines in the face of confrontation (reformatted, emphasis mine):

There’s no chance Republican senators will challenge the credentials of newly elected Democrat Jon Morgan, according to Sen. Chuck Morse, R-Salem, who will serve as Republican minority leader when the Senate reconvenes for the new year. As far as Republicans are concerned, the matter was settled when Morgan’s opponent, Republican incumbent Bill Gannon of Sandown, withdrew his complaint to the Ballot Law Commission just before its Monday meeting, Morse said. Gannon’s challenge, based on constitutional residency requirements, conjured memories among some longtime political observers of a case involving Gov. Sununu — not the incumbent, but his father, Gov. John H. Sununu, who served from 1983 to 1989.

I really don’t care about the Papa Smurf historical anecdote except for one thing he has common with Trump: he fights.  Chuck Morse comes out looking like a beta male in this.

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NH Democrats Force Victim of Domestic Abuse Out of ‘Office’ While Her Democrat Abuser Stays

Last week the alleged victim of Democrat State Sen. Jeff Woodburn (Woodburn is charged by the New Hampshire Attorney Generals Office with nine counts of domestic abuse), was driven from her post as the Coos County Democratic Committee chair “after her lawyer maintained she was given the choice of backing Woodburn’s election or resigning her post.” Support … Read more

Scandal-Ridden Terry McAuliffe Ties His Corrupt Little Horse to Molly Kelly’s Wagon

Long-time Clinton insider Terry McAuliffe wants you to vote for Democrat Molly Kelly for Governor. Quick Question. Does Molly care at all about the long series of McAuliffe-Clinton Scandals linking him to the Communist Chinese and large sums of money? McAuliffe is inseparable from the Clintons and all their scandals not the least of which is that … Read more

Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley’s Failed Virtue Signaling Pretends it has Moral Authority

Corey Lewandowski will be featured at an upcoming Steve Negron fundraiser. This was, apparently, too much for Democrat State Party Chair Ray Buckley: “It shows how far the Republican party has fallen that Corey Lewandowski is considered one of their big-ticket headliners. Steve Negron should cancel this fundraiser and denounce Lewandowski’s heinous comments and every … Read more

Ann Kuster

Politics Before People: Democrat Ann Kuster Won’t Defend Her Own Constituents

The Editors, Congresswoman Ann Kuster doesn’t vote bipartisan. She doesn’t legislate that way either. She can’t even be bothered to defend “bipartisan.” Even when they are her own constituents. People like rural undeclared voters. Ann Kuster’s district is full of them. But when it was reported last Fall that a pro-Trump group was looking to reach … Read more

“North Country Democrats” Choose Politics Over People on Woodburn Assault

We’ve talked about Jeff Woodburn’s domestic assault charges. We have covered the differing responses from the Democrat Party and the faithful. The Public responses.

Behind the scenes, at least up in the North County, the victim is not viewed kindly. Politics, it appears, comes before people and these individuals are not waiting to blame the victim of Jeff Woodburn’s alleged assault if Democrats lose a State Senate Seat.

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Jeff Woodburn Political Theater – Shows Daily Until November

Jeff woodburn

Embattled alleged domestic abuser Jeff ‘The Bruiser’ Woodburn is refusing to resign from office. The New Hampshire state senator decided that the charges against him are far too insignificant to warrant abandoning his office.

Let me guess. He’s going to let the voters decide.

Any number of voices, especially those on the left, are not keen on that idea.

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If NH State Senate Minority Leader Jeff Woodburn Has Any Firearms, Will he Turn Them in – NOW?

Red Fag LawsIf New Hampshire State Senate Minority Leader Jeff Woodburn has any firearms, will he turn them in NOW? He is, after all, he’s in favor of “Red Flag” laws which empower the State to take firearms away from those deemed to be a danger to others or themselves (or both).

C’mon Jeff, show the courage of your convictions; if you got’em, turn ’em in as a show of faith because “dangerous people” should no longer be “entitled” to Due Process.  You’re supposedly a “Leader.” But are you a leader out in front or a “leader from behind” like Obama self-described?  C’mon, Jeff, resoundingly smash that old phrase “Fine for thee but not for me!” to smithereens?

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Dem Party Chair Asks NH Sen. Jeff Woodburn To Resign Over Charges of Assault

Jeff woodburn

The Democrat party has been talking up a good game about their chances this fall, but I’m beginning to suspect they’re not that great. New Hampshire State Party Chair Ray Buckley has wasted no time in the wake of accusations of sexual assault in asking Sen. Jeff Woodburn to quit. Now.

CONCORD – The state Democratic Party called on their highest ranking member at the State House to resign immediately in the wake of criminal charges related to “sexual assault and sexual harassment,” according to the Chairman Ray Buckley. 

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It always amazes me how fast

WMUR Ray Buckley Jeanie Forrester

From Steve’s post:

Kevin Landrigan also reports some appreciative praise from Ray Buckley.

“I wish Jeanie well. Only someone who has served as state party chair can appreciate the challenges and sacrifices one makes to do the job,” Buckley said.

It is utterly amazing to me how fast someone can become Mother Teresa-like from just being the Devil Incarnate when a Republican resigns.  It seems that the Democrats start to pine for those who have left a Republican position or the political stage (e.g., both Bushes, Romney, even Nixon (to a degree)) and hold them up as “models” to be followed because the latest Republican resident of a given position has now assumed the hateful form with horns, tail, and a pitchfork demeanor. Or that guy with the funny mustache as is now being bandied about because the Democrats love using little children as political pawns.

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NH Dems Blame Koch Brothers for Sununu Refusing To Advance Undercover Tax Scheme

NH Dems Whine - Blame Koch Brothers

I think it’s kind of cute that the NH Democrats continue to pretend this had anything to do with offering Family Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) to New Hampshire Families. Or that Governor Sununu would accept “FMLI” in any form the legislature coughed up.

Here governor, sign this thing that happens to have family medical leave insurance in the name or else we’ll call you names and blame the Koch Brothers.

He didn’t so that’s what they did.

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New Hampshire Democrats Doth Protest Too Much

Kimberly Morin joins me to discuss the New Hampshire Democrat Party getting their jimmies rustled over NH House Rep Victoria Sullivan Tweeting a Hitler quote that should have had them applauding seeing as it’s exactly the sort of thing they support. You can find more listening options for this episode on the original blog post … Read more

Absentee Ballots, Domicile, and Elections, Oh My!

The State Democrat Party filed an election law complaint with the AG that begs some questions about Democrats, Absentee Ballots, and domicile.

Hey, Harrell, your kettle is black

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on October 29, 2010.

Maybe the NH Dem Party needs to “man up” too – whatsa matter Harrell, don’t have the stones to at least send your silly Presser to us as well?

So, if you want to complain about Steve, are you going to also complain about YOUR Party’s candidate in CA? From ABC News (no friend of conservatives):

California Attorney General Jerry Brown, the state’s Democratic candidate for governor, left a phone message in early September for a union official whose endorsement he was seeking, but apparently forgot to hang up — because a lively discussion between him and some staffers afterward is caught on tape. And either Brown or a staffer — there is some dispute — uses the word “whore” to describe his Republican rival Meg Whitman.

So, you’re calling Steve out for simply following the lead of one of your Party’s biggest and most well known names?  Where was your condemnation then, eh hotshot?  Trust me, we can dig up more on “hate filled” Dems all day long – we have in the past and we can do it again.

You want it to stop?  Then start condemning anyone – and stop being such a flaming hypocrite.

And lest we forget, what was it you said about NH Democrat Chair Ray Buckley when he famously said that Hitler should have bombed The Hague?

Oh yeah – nothing…..

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You know, we are SUCH pains in the neck for poor Harrell (heh!)

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on November 1, 2010. Yup, poor Harrell Kirstein, Press Secretary for the NH … Read more

Friday Humor – Gee, will the NH Democrat Party approve of this one?

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on….October 15, 2010

They didn’t like last week’s joke; so, how about another aircraft hitting the ground joke!

Brace  yourself before looking at the below image.  A pilot at low level has no control over his aircraft. It narrowly misses a crowd gathered for the air show  and slams into four buildings. One can only imagine the horror of the occupants inside those buildings:

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REAL Hateful, Offensive speech….Part 2

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on October 10, 2010.

Remember, my punch line was “you know how that sumbitch lies”.  Others called for actual deaths (and yes, I forgot all about Nick Lavasseur) in my previous post.  I also failed to post up what the Google turned up…

How about question:

“How about this trip to the Hague?”

How about the answer:

“Hitler should have bombed it”

  • Was it a conservative that said it?  Er, no.
  • Was it a TEA Party supporter?  Er, no.
  • Was it a Republican?  Hardly
  • How about someone that holds a public office that is a Republican?  Nope
  • How about a Democrat? Yer gettin’ warm
  • How about a highly placed NH Democrat Party official?  If you said yes, you’re pretty good playing 21 questions (or recognizing the obvious)!
  • Is it a NH Democrat Party official?  Yup
  • Has he ever been called out on it by the NH Democrat Party?

Oof – to my knowledge, only by Paul Hodes.  Seems that the rest of them totally embrace him (eeewww!)

  • Has he ever apologized for his words?

Not to my knowledge, nor of Google.

Video after the jump (Not Safe For Work.  Or children.  Or sensitive ears.  Lewd behavior / speech warning).

Again, Ray Buckley, NH Democrat Chair, is, oh, so ever casual, in stating that Hitler should have initiated an action that could have killed thousands of innocent lives in the Hague during World War II.  That’s no joke.

And no, this is not an infraction of Godwin’s Law – Frankly, Ray Buckley did himself.  Also, frankly, it doesn’t even have to do with The Hague or Hitler.  It IS, however, a demonstration of a very callous attitude exhibited by the head of the NH Democrat Party toward innocents.  That’s no joke.

And the NH Democrats, knowing of the video at the time, still elected this person Chair, prioritizing results over ethics.  It shows the hypocrisy exhibited by NH Democrat Press Secretay Harrell Kirstein too.  Hey, Harrell?  What is the official statement by the Democrats on this hate speech?

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Gifts That Keep On Taking…

Democrat Inspired Gifts That Keep On Taking


UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally Posted on December 15, 2012. – Skip



by Steve MacDonald

I don’t typically blog a lot on weekends. It’s family time, and the house and yard and other matters take priority, but this popped into my head early this morning and has been begging to be blogged.

Gifts inspired by Democrats. Yeah, I know, the possibilities are endless. Like the Hillary Clinton anti-sniper vest, or Bill Clinton’s guide to fidelity and Marriage, which comes with a special limited edition “humidor.”

Don’t leave out the locals. Every girl wants her very own Maggie Hassan Emily’s List Approved Bivalved Speculum (order now and get a Planned Parenthood Gift Certificate for a limited time). And don’t forget the Ray Buckley commemorative map of the Hague, complete with Hitler mustache.

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Guest post by Andrew Hemingway

Following Departure of Partisan Attorney General Delaney, Hemingway Calls on Governor Hassan to Appoint Independent-Minded Successor

Contact:  Andrew Hemingway

Today, Attorney General Michael Delaney announced he will not be seeking re-nomination as the head of New Hampshire’s Justice Department. This comes after a term when he used the job to push a liberal political agenda and spent too much time fighting the people’s elected representatives. Andrew Hemingway issued the following statement on Attorney General Delaney’s departure “ From his attempts to go behind the backs of the legislature to spend money to his refusal to stand up against the government takeover of healthcare, Michael Delaney has done well by the liberal base in our state.”

“As Attorney General, Michael Delaney engaged in partisan politics on numerous occasions and was repeatedly criticized for it by legislative leaders. Instead of working with the legislature to ensure bills were constitutional, Delaney went behind their backs and tried to spend money on speculative partisan lawsuits and ignored the wished of New Hampshire’s elected legislators [1]. He refused to join 28 other states in the lawsuit against Obamacare, even after multiple bills passing the legislature asking him to do so.”

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