Did Ray ‘Fidel’ Buckley Blow It?

Just to make sure everyone knows that Ray Buckley had a hand in the creation of what appears to be one of the best Republican get out the vote and campaign motivators to come along in recent weeks, here’s his stamp of approval.  (We’re talking about the Extreme 16 Web site by the way)

(On the jump)

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Will Buckley come Out Against Horrigan?

So I wonder what Ray Buckley thinks about Tim Horrigan changing his mind?   Mr. Horrigan found himself stuck in the event horizon of Keith Halloran’s "dead Palin" remarks in early August and in a fit of malaise swore off the House and resigned his position.  While I implied that would hardly last, (and I … Read more

Just Another Load Of Bull from Buckley [updated 2.0]

The NH GOP had a convention Saturday to get all rah-rah and make decisions about the party platform.  They were hoping for at least 400 of the states 725 delegates but only 294 delegates made the event. That is not unusual but there are some who think it is in indicative of waning in enthusiasm. … Read more

Dems Robo-Call against Bill O’Brien

It looks like the NHDP is trying to harpoon Republican candidate for Speaker Bill O’Brien.  Must think he’s a threat to the tax and spend lifestyle of the left. Here is a message from Bill about this political attack to his constituents.   Dear Neighbor, This afternoon Ray Buckley, the chairman of the NH Democrat … Read more

Ray Buckley Doth Protest Too Much

Gay Activist "Fish" Stories?NHDP Chairperson Ray Buckley likes to pretend things about who we should and should not vote for.  This time around it’s the governors race, and the object of his affection is John Stephen.


If Republican Primary voters watched WMUR last night they would vote for Jack Kimball for governor because Johnny Stephen did a terrible, terrible job. Let’s hope they vote for Stephen, his vacuous platform and profound lack of even a basic understanding of issues past silly bumper sticker slogans will flop big time in November.

-From Ray’s Facebook page


Silly bumper sticker slogans?  Oh, like, "Yes we can?"  Or maybe  "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for?"  How about "Hope and Change?" Ray knows all about the "profound lack of even a basic understanding of issues."  It’s called the daily White House Press conference. Or maybe the average NHDP press release?

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Sean Mahoney Would Have Voted With Ray Buckley

The Mahoney campaign has gone all-in (and all out) on the negative campaigning.  In fact you may have gotten a piece of glossy mail from them referring to votes by Frank Guinta which Mahoney has framed in a negative way. Now I could squawk about how these are cherry picked procedural votes he is focusing … Read more

Got Hate? -The Keith Halloran edition

Keith Halloran is famous.  If for some reason you did not know this, the reason for his sudden brush with national fame (or perhaps infamy) is that candidate Keith Halloran, NH Democrat, wished Sarah Palin Dead.  In a discussion about the death of Senator Ted Stevens, Halloran–clearly a product of the Ray Buckley/Kathy Sullivan wing … Read more


samir shabazz
samir shabazz

If we were to do a documentary on the New Hampshire Democrat Party we could call it Shabazz!


It’s a story about a bunch of mostly pasty white liberal crackers in a left wing political party and their fun dysfunctional family-like foibles as they endlessly play the race, hate, and bigot cards for political gain while calling any objection to their polices a smear campaign. But one day, while funneling out of state gay-activist money through in-state PACs (and into their own greedy little hands) they are confronted with actual hate and racism from someone associated with their own party named Shabazz. They institute an immediate media blackout, making sure there is no commentary to be found anywhere from any of them on a matter of actual hate and racism.

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We’ll Have A Gay Old Time

It should be common knowledge that Governor Lynch attended a secret gay-donor confab in Chicago back in May.  But no one was supposed to know.  I got wind of it when I received an article from the Washington Blade questioning the secrecy. (A repost of that blog can be found here)  Only two months later, it is finally showing up locally at the Keene Sentinel.

Of course the Sentinel seemed more concerned with the group and our governor’s evolution on the issue; his shift from what they call ambivalence to outward embrace of gay marriage.  But why not report this meaningful embrace back in May when it happened?  It seems like he could have used a lift after that beating he took from the National Organization for Marriage.  Was it too secret an embrace?  So secret that the no one wanted it known?  Was Governor Lynch afraid to come out of the gay donor closet?

He was, and for good reason.

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Ray’s Gay ATM

 Ray must think people are stupid.  Well of course he does.  Just days after he worked hard to get Carol Shea Porter and Paul Hodes selected to receive out of state gay lobby money;  just days after a June 23rdfiling showed a prominent Gay millionaire funneling money into the NHDP through HRC New Hampshire; not long … Read more

Ayotte’s New Fan Page On Facebook

There’s a new facebook page up with the unoriginal goal of making Kelly Ayotte look goofy.  It’s called Kelly Ayatch.  The page features a rather unflattering picture of Kelly Ayotte with an angry look.  And Kelly’s favorite television show…Rachel Maddow.  And this may come as a surprise but several of the four Kelly Ayatch friends, like Barack Obama.  The page’s first friend … Read more

Elect Equality

Ray has apparently been asking the local democrat population to cast their votes for Paul and Carol and I say knock yourself out, as long as you are OK with taking more out of state money from major unions that use intimidation to stifle free speech (wow that sounds familiar), and beat up innocnet black men who disagree with them. I think that makes the SEIU a bunch of hate mongering racists, but I’ll have to check my Race Pimps and Grievance-Mongers to American English Dictionary (Fifth Column….I mean edition) to be certain.

Show Me The Money

The New Hampshire Democrat party is excited about all the female candidates they are fielding. Ray Buckley would like you to think that this is some kind of equal opportunity thing, or that he thinks his party gets an electoral advantage of some kind but it’s really all about money.

One Hell Of A Wild Ride

There is always speculation about the state of the economy and plenty of people–mostly middle left–have looked at the goat entrails and pronounced a recovery underway if for no other reason than that they want to.   More than a few folks disagree, and it is fair to say that to some small degree the  opinion is … Read more

Did Ray Buckley Lie?

Do Ray Buckley and the New Hampshire Democrat Party Lie?  See for yourself.  Here is an excerpt from an NHDP press release that quotes Mr. Buckley directly. SB1459, which is before the state senate this afternoon, would hold foreign entities accountable for spending money intended to influence the outcome of domestic political campaigns. … "There … Read more

Looking Out For Our Interests?

On the morning of the New Hampshire Democrat Convention Ray Buckley took the opportunity to send out a press release on the recently passed vote on what is being called ‘Wall Street Reform.’ "The vote in the United States Senate to close debate on Wall Street reform is a critical step in once and for … Read more

NOM de Guerre

If Ray is really all that worried about out of state money [Lynch-Lied Ads from the national organization for Marriage (NOM)] he can start with his own candidates.  Carol Shea-Porter gets a huge chunk of her cash from congressional PACs, national unions, and special interests like Emily’s List, whose only “interest” in her is her … Read more

What No False Outrage?

Just a few days ago Kathy Sullivan set the standard by which comments of a potentially racist nature must be judged by people associated with those who make them.  She said they…  …should denounce this racist crap immediately,”.. “True patriots don’t countenance racism, and if you don’t denounce it, you are countenancing it. They should … Read more

Liberal Pride

The New Hampshire Liberal Pride (NHLP)  group lead by Ray Buckley and Kathy Sullivan, sometimes referred to by its front name The New Hampshire Democrat Party-an organization funded by prominent left wing donors from all over the country–have not yet taken to burning giant cardboard tea-cups on peoples lawns but that could begin any day now.  … Read more

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