NH Democrats Force Victim of Domestic Abuse Out of ‘Office’ While Her Democrat Abuser Stays

Steve MacDonald

Last week the alleged victim of Democrat State Sen. Jeff Woodburn (Woodburn is charged by the New Hampshire Attorney Generals Office with nine counts of domestic abuse), was driven from her post as the Coos County Democratic Committee chair “after her lawyer maintained she was given the choice of backing Woodburn’s election or resigning her post.”

Support your abuser for office or lose yours. Nice party you got there.

Regular readers are familiar with the saga and the battles between Coos County Democrats. Get caught up here. A battle for which the State Democrat Party claims to have had no knowledge, even though our readers have known about it for months.

Chairman Buckley has stated emphatically (when forced) that he and the party are behind the victim, and that sounds nice, but anyone familiar with Democrat party pressure politics can guess that this is nothing more than window dressing.

And yes, we can prove that.

Democrats are sending internal notes and emails to a Conservative Blogger at the state’s most widely-read political blog, so you can’t convince me that the Democrat State party hasn’t known about the months-long campaign to smear Woodburn’s victim and drive her out of office. 

They know.

Yes, it is nice to hear them say they have not given Woodburn any money and are not sharing his literature. But that’s not enough.

You can’t use the #MeToo political sword to impale even the slightest appearance of impropriety of others and then pretend that you have no obligation to women (especially Democrat women) to take the same steps when the accused is a sitting State Senator in your own Party.

We have more contradictions.

Buckley Email snippet

After the WMUR story broke, in which the Chairman sounds so supportive and understanding, where he says he wants to work with the victim to help her retain her position. I received this snippet of an email attributed to him, sent to the victim.

“There are not any stipulations outlined in the NHDP Constitution authorizing or forbidding a county chair to temporarily take a leave of absence from their role…if you would like to continue to serve in your role as county chair…”

Isn’t that sweet?


Buckley - No Provision

But back on August 13th Ray Buckley explains (to Ted Bosen) that according to the head of the rules committee the New Hampshire Democrat State Party Constitution does not allow the victim to step aside. There is no provision for an acting chair. There are no options.

“After we reviewed the NHDOP constitution, we agree that the constitution does not provide for the temporary stepping aside of a country chair or any position within the state party structure.

“Therefore, it is not possible …”

I guess the NHDP Constitution is a lot like the US Constitution to Chairman Buckley. Depends on the need, the moment, the priority, like when the largest press voice in the state (WMUR) exposes the ugly underbelly of your party and the systematic pressure campaign to drive a Democrat woman out of her position to protect the interests of the Democrat man accused of abusing her.

Not everyone is in on the intimidation tactics.

In early September Coos County Democrat Vice-chair, Ted Bosen resigned as a show of support for the victim in a letter to Chairman Buckley, in which he outlined the reasons. Reasons for which Buckley claimed last week neither he nor the state party was acutely aware.

“The party maintains its decision to withdraw support for the District One nominee and this is the first time we learned of the harassment and threatening comments faced by the Coos County Democratic Committee chair. 

Ted Bosen’s resignation letter says otherwise.
Ted Bosen Resignation

Buckley and the Democrat State Party’s credibility was never great, they are Democrats, but in the context of a Democrat woman who is the victim of domestic abuse at the hands of a Democrat State Senator? Really? Bosen fingers both Democrat officials and the indifference of prominent Democrat women in office or running for office who have hung Woodburn’s victim out to dry.

Right along with the State Party.

Not long after Bosen resigned in disgust, Nathan Morin, a Democrat candidate for Register of Deeds in Coos County, and a supporter of Jeff Woodburn, sent an email to Woodburn’s domestic abuse victim in an effort to “encourage” her to step aside.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 12:58 AM Nathan Morin <XXXXXX********@gmail.com> wrote:

Good evening [Victims name redacted],

I wanted to make sure you were aware that there are people calling for a vote of no confidence of your position as chair of the executive committee. 

* I also included [Name redacted] in this email because we trust him and always has good insights and sound judgement* [sic]

Normally I would say don’t resign but this is a circumstance where other Democrats want to submit you to a political lynching. They only want to humiliate you. I think we should deny them the opportunity to do so.

My thoughts are that you resign on your own terms before a meeting is called. This way you control what the narrative will be in the press. Otherwise this lynching will go beyond just the meeting. There are a few mouth pieces that would revel in seeing you subjected to such filth. 

I think drafting a press release would be a good approach. I would also send out the press release and the official notice to the executive committee all on the same day. That way you are in control of the narrative and you are the one who has taken the high ground.

Please don’t take this as me saying you are not capable of continuing as chair. Leadership doesn’t need a special title. You will continue your leadership to help steer Democrats in the right direction. And I will be there to stand with you. [redacted] will be there to stand with you. 

I can draft some language that we can review. But we need to act fast. 

I also think that this needs to stay between the three of us. Keep this locked down as tight as possible. 

Again, I have complete confidence in your ability to lead. Screw being chair. You have more flexibility in what you can say and do when you aren’t tide [sic] down by by-laws. 

I will be copying communication regarding this issue and will save it on my laptop. I suggest we delete the communication from our email accounts when we are comfortable doing so. You both will receive copies.

Warm regards,


Warm regards. How about let’s strap in and take them on? How about, I support #MeToo and #BelieveWomen and if those are our principles it is more important to stand up for every women than pander to the politics to keep the abuser in a position of power?

Not only do we get none of that we get “this is a circumstance where other Democrats want to submit you to a political lynching”.

Is there a #MeToo campaign for women driven out of positions of power by Democrat men? Maybe there should.

We’ve named a few of the folks on these pages looking for that lynching (in their own words). Clearly, there are more. So, excuse my cynicism, but I don’t think Chairman Buckley expects the Mayor of Berlin, Paul Greiner, or anyone else involved in the months-long campaign against a Democrat woman who dared to accuse a sitting Democrat State Senator of abusing her to do anything but avoid more bad press before next Tuesday.

The victim’s attorney agrees.

“As a former felony prosecutor who worked with victims of domestic violence for 16 years, and as someone who continues to work with the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, I am disgusted by the behavior of these so-called political leaders,” LaFrance said.

This has not changed their opinion about the players or the stakes. All that has changed is that they have been forced to bring it up, and at all costs must save face because next week there is an election.

An election in which an accused abuser has been left virtually untouched by anyone elected or otherwise in his own party in the hope that he wins re-election because the only thing that matters is that a Democrat wins that seat.

It has and always will be about political power for a machine that will run over anyone to get there, even Demcorat women with a ranking position in the party.

The only trial those ‘abusers’ will ever get is on November 6th.

Send a message. Vote Republican. 

H/T Union Leader, WMUR

Related: Ann Kuster’s “Woodburn” Problem: She Didn’t “Believe” His Accuser (Not Really)


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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