Raymond Buckley on ‘Assault Weapons’

Making eye contact with adults while dressed as a clown is risky. —Doug Coupland  Awesome. You just cannot make this stuff up. A hat-tip goes to the Union Leader’s Tim Buckland for getting this quote from State Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley. When asked, “What is an assualt weapon, Ray said: “It’s generally a gun that’s more … Read more

“Remember When Ray Buckley Handed Craig Benson a Person of the Year Award”

Bipartisanship: When a Democrat lets a Republican do something no Democrat would ever do in Return. Candidate for NH-GOP Chairman Jennifer Horn is slated to hand (now ex) Governor John Lynch the Salvation Army’s Person of the Year Award in February.  If she is elected to the position she will be giving the award–to a … Read more

Data Point – A tidbit from the Presidential race – if it means anything at all

FWIW: The Corner: But wait, just in case this wasn’t bad enough, here’s a look at Obama’s vote margin in some key states as of this afternoon (these figures will change a bit as those straggling precincts report in): Virginia: 107,339          Ohio: 100,763           Florida: 47,493          Colorado: 111,094 Nevada: 66,379          Total: 433,068 So for less than … Read more

Minnesota Democrats Bullying a Candidate for Practicing Gay Sex?

MN Democrat Party Bullying Rep to drop out  of race for having gay sexHere’s a real winner from Minnesota.  State party Democrats are trying to convince Legislator Kerry Gauthier not to run for re-election in his reliably Democrat district.  Gauthier, 56, had consensual oral sex with a 17 year old boy at a rest stop in Duluth back in July.   (The age of consent for such matter appears to be 16 in Minnesota.)   Gauthier, also a Democrat, has caught local party leadership with their pants down–they want him to drop out of his race as soon as possible.

Their point seems to be that this is inappropriate conduct for two males above the age of consent, and that it is a distraction. But I though the Democrat Party line was that consensual sex between any two consenting “adults” was a right (and their own damn business)…no matter what kind of sex it was?  So what the hell just happened?

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 2)

Back in 2000, as many as 1700 UNH students illegally registered to vote in Durham, New Hampshire, and very likely voted here illegally as well.   We know this because in 2001 more than a few UNH students requested that they be removed from the voter checklist in writing, using uncharacteristically similar wording, as if prompted to do so by someone in New Hampshire who did not want to prosecute them, so they could “properly register in their own home towns.”  (Copies of these written requests are on file with the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, signed by each of the students who submitted them.)

So here we have admitted evidence of vote fraud in one college town in one year, but not prosecuted.   Just like Governor Lynch’s so-called awesome (and impossibly low) High School drop out rate, if you want to make something go away without actually doing anything about it, you ignore it, hide it, re-define it, or simply find enough people who might benefit from it to make it legal.

And while stuffing local ballot boxes with the votes of out of state residents was not new, making it legal made it easier for Democrats to continue to get the votes while reducing significant neck strain from state officials and Democrat party hacks having to look the other way.

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 1)

More than a few folks are probably wondering why I keep talking about vote fraud and photo ID.  TEA Party Republicans more or less plugged up the domicile loophole that invited out of state influence in our local New Hampshire elections, and even passed a voter ID requirement.  So where’s the fire?

Democrats are still lying about the issue, and if permitted any kind of majority in state government will do everything in their power to reverse the protections we’ve managed to gain.  So it is essential that we reveal the half-truths and outright lies they will continue to peddle all the way to November and beyond.

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2012 NH Elections – random thoughts on NH Senate District 4

OK, this is going to end up being a VERY busy summer season doing and talking politics here in NH.  Some of the events will be full blown posts, and some will just be a couple of thoughts.   NH Senate District 4 is open – no incumbents.  Republican Phyllis Woods (former NH State Rep and RNC Committeewoman)  and Democrat David Watters (UNH Professor and NH State Rep).  So, what’s going on?  Well, Ray Buckley is burning off his fingertips on Twitter – showing his real personality.

  • Right out of the box, Ray “Hitler should have bombed them” Buckley, NHDP Chair, immediately started in with the ad hominen attacks (I keep looking – there has GOT to be some sub-sub clause in there that causes the Dems to immediately have to resort to such – no other ideas or clues as to what to do, I guess); on Twitter:

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Governor Martin O’Malley Rallies NH Democrats…

Remember when New Hampshire Governor John Lynch slithered off in secret to  Tim Gill’s secret Gay-millionaire-democrat-donor confab known as Political OutGiving?  He wasn’t fundraising, so he said, but ended up with around $100,000.00 in contributions from the attendees (He got the rest of his 2010 campaign cash from Unions and his own bank account).  Well the only other Governor at that same event was Maryland’s Martin O’Malley.

Governor O’Malley probably wasn’t there to “fund-raise” either but given that he was reportedly on the fence about Gay Marriage, and the Gay lobby was pushing hard for a Gay Marriage bill in Maryland, and Governor John Lynch–who was against Gay Marriage before he was bought off by outside money and intimidated by the state party to be for it–the presence of this Democrat couple at the secret Chicago Millionaire Gay donor-confab seemed hardly serendipitous.

Nor does this seem coincidental–the choice of Governor Martin O’Malley to speak to the New Hampshire State Democrat Party convention last Saturday.

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Let’s Dance – NH Democrats & Moral Authority

It was a tough call.  You know, where do you start a series of posts pointing out that the New Hampshire Democrat Party is morally bankrupt and incapable of passing judgement on anyone or anything without looking like the hypocrats they are?  If you are in New Hampshire, you start at the bottom, which also … Read more

So what did Union Leader’s Ted Seifer wish to accomplish with this line?

Filling a vacancy on any Supreme Court–be it the US Supremes or the NH Supremes–is a big deal, so it is no surprise that people are talking and reporting on it (as we have here, here, and here).  So did the Union Leader;  Ted Seifer interviewed Tim, asking him about the NHLRF‘s position on Gov. John Lynch’s nominee for the NH Supreme Court, Jim Basssett.   Having gotten the link from a friend I decided to read the piece and this caught my eye:

Condon, its current chairman, is a Grafton attorney who has been active in the Free State movement.

Factually true, but what does the Free State Project connection have to do with the NH Constitutional basis that forms the basis for the NHLRF activities?

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Ray Buckley’s Punchlines on Voter ID

This morning’s Union Leader features State Democratic Chairman Raymond Buckley calling for “bipartisan support” for prosecuting those who used the names of dead Granite Staters to receive ballots during the presidential primary.

Not at all surprising. In fact, many have wondered how long it would be before we heard from “Buckles the Clown” regarding the ongoing saga of Democratic advocacy of Vote Fraud in the Granite State.  Just another punchline from “Buckles.” Seriously. When has Raybo ever done anything for a higher bipartisan purpose?

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NH Dems Endorse Obama Tax Increase

As reported in the Union Leader Ray Buckley and the State Democrat party would like people to call members of congress and encourage them to support Mr. Obama’s tax on investors and job creators so Democrats can fund public sector union jobs and keep the dues-donations rolling in.  They also support the push to defer millions in social security revenues on to the shoulders of our children, though Buckley words it differently.

The plan would cut the payroll tax that 30,000 New Hampshire small businesses pay, provide tax relief for families, funding for police, firefighters and teachers, school building improvements and transportation projects in the state.

This entire effort is another organized scam to fund unions and Democrat campaigns, in the run up to November 2012, at taxpayer expense.  The payroll tax cut is a useless gesture, not a cut but a deferment, so what we have is more of the same catastrophic economic policy that has kept us in a recession and on the brink of collapse for three years now.

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“Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” Bo Bennett 


In a letter to French Scientist Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in November of 1789, Benjamin Franklin quipped those ever long-enduring and famous words, “[B]ut in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes … ” It would appear Franklin had not contemplated the certainty of blow-hard political hacks and self-aggrandizing opportunists.

Upon Seeing the Union Leader Headline Tuesday, “Gov. Lynch will leave office very popular, and for good reason“, and who the author was,  predictable is the litany and diatribe that follows. And, with the whole and complete certainty of death and taxes, the “Shrill Kathy” hath delivered. In the 779-word bloviation, the “Shrill Kathy” delivered a mere 199 words extolling Lynch’s virtues and reserved the remaining 580 words for her usual and expected attack on Republicans, checkered with a contrast and comparison-like tone…Make no mistake about it…Lynch’s announcement, as with most other political events, is a mere pretext for her visera.

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Ray Buckley and his faux Mea Culpa

“Hypocrisy is great fodder for comedy.” ~Mo Rocca  The New Hampshire Democratic Party agreed to pony up  a $5,000 fine upon a finding of the Attorney General that the Democrats violated state law regarding its delivery of pre-recorded political message to 394 homes, presumably Republican, in House Speaker Bill O’Brien’s district on the eve of … Read more

Throwing Fellow Democrats Under The Bus

“Why do Republicans want to turn New Hampshire into Mississippi?–Ray Buckley, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair  In the Union Leader today, Democratic Chair Ray Buckley opined for State House Bureau Chief Tom Fahey, in a story entitled, “As promised, Lynch vetoes right-to-work”  And as usual, Ray had me scratching my head and chuckling.  In Defense … Read more

NH Democrats New Talking Point: Subservience To The Crown

New Hampshire democrats are exposing their own hypocrisy again. Doesn’t take much, but this time it is over HCR 19 which reaffirms our states sovereign duty to nullify actions by the general government in defense of its residents.

Not So Secret “Secret” Group

The Sullivan 501(4)c, as yet unnamed, we are still talking to powerful people in DC, boy-oh-boy you’re gonna be sorry you messed with us, non-profit has not made any recent news but that is no reason not to discuss it anyway. And we should discuss it because it looks like we know who here secret donors are going to be.

A Word From The Chairman Of New Hampshire’s Super Minority Party

Over on Facebook last week the Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat party wished we had this law on the books.

British Election Overturned Because of "False Statements"

The Independent reports that former British immigration minister Phil Woolas "lost his seat as an MP today after an election court ruled that he knowingly made false statements about an opponent in May’s general election."

Bloomberg notes Woolas was guilty of "an illegal practice" by making statements "he had no reasonable grounds for believing were true and did not believe were true."

"It is the first time in 99 years that an election has been overturned as a result of a candidate making false statements. Woolas told reporters he is applying for a judicial review of the decision."

Why?  Mr. Buckley claims that if we had this law…

"Hardly a Republican would hold office in New Hampshire if we had this law here…"


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Ray Buckley’s Norman Rockwell

This morning’s Union leader has the Lasky snatch and grab photo on the front page. Elliot Lasky, (Husband of State Senator Bette Lasky) stands mid stride, stolen campaign property in hand.

Ray Buckley And His Extremist Friends…

Vote For Jim Forsythe!Paid for by The New Hampshire Democratic State Committee and Ray Buckley, Chair, is an ad in the New Hampshire Sunday News.  Don’t feel bad if you missed it.  It’s an 1/8th of a page affair that  tries to scare people.  They, the democrats, have to resort to this because of the frightening reality that is their actual agenda, which people are preparing to reject in the mid terms.

The ad is directed at Jim Forsythe, candidate for State Senate.  It claims that Jim will Slash the minimum wage, take away women’s rights, eliminate social security, eliminate medicare and shut down public education, as if the democrats have not already corrupted these ideas or doomed these failed institutions already, and that a State Senator from New Hampshire, any state Senator, could actually do any of these things anyway.

Each of the five attacks come with a foot note directing you to one of two internet resources, the Republican Liberty Caucus Statement of Principles, or an interview in Fosters Daily Democrat.

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