Health care nurses doctors walking away Original Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

The Future of Obama Care and America

The insurance company CEO reflected on how Obamacare had delivered everything his industry could have hoped for. The new massive bureaucracy had strengthened his industry’s monopoly on private healthcare dollars.

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Red guard reading Maos red book

Blue Hampshire … Where The “Conservatives” Sound Just Like The Communists (aka NH-Democrats)

I previously posted about a “conservative” State Rep who believes that the same NH-Democrats who support late-term abortion, grooming, DEI, CRT, oppose parental rights, etc. etc. etc. are “good people”: NO. Communists (aka New Hampshire Democrats) Are Not “Good People.” Well … HE’S BACK … at NH-NeverTump Journal, that is … shilling for Obamacare … more … Read more

Tim Lang for State Senate logo

The Conservative Case For Drag Shows

Well … not quite yet … but that’s clearly where “conservatism” in New Hampshire is headed … because “conservatism” in New Hampshire, to paraphrase The Princess Bride, does not mean what you think it means. I have been posting lately about how New Hampshire’s “fiscal conservatives” rail against commuter rail, while at the same time … Read more

Dirty Dan Feltes

Dan Feltes is Trapped in a Political Box Canyon of His Own Making

Remember back when Ted Cruz was persona non grata among his fellow Republican Senators because he had convinced House Republicans to defund Obamacare, which led to a government shutdown … how his critics kept saying that Cruz had led Republicans into a political “box canyon”? Well … I don’t know if that really was so … Read more

Governor Chris Co-opt

So … on March 2nd: And two days later: I get it. New Hampshire is NOT a “Red State.” It’s not even a “Purple State.” It’s a Blue State, and in order for someone calling himself a Republican to be elected to statewide office, he or she is going to have to break with the … Read more

Senator “Jeb” (Yet Again) Unleashes his Inner-Democrat

This: Net metering is a euphemism for forcing electricity providers to purchase excess electricity generated by Solar at the retail rate (not the lower rate that it would cost the electricity provider to produce the electricity itself). Solar … and other so-called “renewable” energy … are NOT alternatives to fossil fuels. At this point in … Read more

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