Blue Hampshire … Where The “Conservatives” Sound Just Like The Communists (aka NH-Democrats)

I previously posted about a “conservative” State Rep who believes that the same NH-Democrats who support late-term abortion, grooming, DEI, CRT, oppose parental rights, etc. etc. etc. are “good people”: NO. Communists (aka New Hampshire Democrats) Are Not “Good People.” Well … HE’S BACK … at NH-NeverTump Journal, that is … shilling for Obamacare … more specifically, gaslighting us by claiming that Obamacare Medicaid Expansion is “conservative”:

According to this State Rep, Obamacare has lowered the costs of healthcare:

From a healthcare standpoint, the program’s results speak for themselves: The number of uninsured patients seeking emergency room care reduced by 63 percent; uninsured inpatient admission reduced by 57 percent; and uninsured outpatient admissions reduced by 41 percent. For New Hampshire hospitals, the cost of uncompensated care attributable to the uninsured has dropped dramatically from $173 million in 2014 to $69 million in 2021.

This drop in uncompensated care is important because uncompensated care gets folded into rates paid by insurers for services provided by hospitals, making it a hidden tax on private insurers and a cost for businesses and individuals with private insurance.

Apparently, this State Rep believes, or wants voters to believe, that “the cost of uncompensated care attributable to the uninsured [that] has dropped dramatically” just happened magically; money just fell out of the sky into the coffers of hospitals; it didn’t cost you or me anything. BULLSH*T.

Obamacare Medicaid Expansion simply shifted the cost of providing healthcare to certain uninsured from hospitals to working and middle class people. Somebody has to pay for the providing health insurance to the uninsured … and that someone is the federal government … which means that working and middle class people are primarily footing the bill.

This is how Democrats talk …it’s FREE MONEY; what could go wrong?!?! Maybe runaway inflation and skyrocketing debt.

ADDITIONALLY, paying for the healthcare of able-bodied people who are able to work is now “conservative”? SERIOUSLY? This is corporatism … forcing working and middle class people to pad the bottom-lines of the hospitals … NOT CONSERVATISM.


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